
My Villainous Wife

She was dubbed as the Villainess in the female lead and the male lead's love story. Like every typical romance stories, there is always an evil stepmother, unfeeling father. And the scheming "stepsister" who will always tries to destroy the innocent female lead's life and steal the handsome male lead. What if the evil stepsister was actually misunderstood? What becomes of her when everyone thinks she was nothing but a villain in everyone's eyes? Yan Xiaoran became the target of everyone's ire and labeled as the 'evil sister'. Her own mother was unloving and greedy. Her stepfather was power-hungry and her fiancé wants her dead for good. But where's her love story? Will the evil sister finally have her long-awaited love story? And why is she being targeted by this mysterious guy? ...... Excerpt: With his hand around her, he said, "From the moment we met, I became certain of one thing." She stared at him and tugged the fingers creeping under her skirt, "W-what is it" "Other than me, there's no man who's allowed to marry you." He smiled devilishly and licked his lips before saying, "And the only girl who's able to marry me is you. ... Note: This novel is an ORIGINAL story by (Poisonlily)

Poisonlily · สมัยใหม่
201 Chs

Can't Disobey

Lu Si's world crumbled after Alexander's words entered her ears. The delusions she had and dreams that she would become the mistress of this mansion and the woman who will be loved and stay beside him all fell beneath her feet like those broken pieces of glass.

As if she was standing at the edge of a cliff, she shivered.

The tears that she used to make people pity her and believe her lies when she schemed others turned to real ones and her nose was also crying. With her hair flying in every direction and her make-up ruined, Lu Si's acting became more genuine.

"Master Alexander! Please forgive me! I didn't do it intentionally so please don't let me stay outside!" She bawled and tried to crawl her way to him so she could hold on his thigh.

However, Alexander's murderous gaze made her stop from reaching her hand out. Being stared down like he was about to strangle and butcher her right there and then if her fingertips touched him, Lu Si knew that she had made a great mistake.

"I… I really didn't mean it, master Alexander. Please don't make me stay outside. It's raining heavily and cold, I'll get sick if I even stay for an hour outside."

"So?" Was Alexander's short reply to Lu Si's reasonings.

Lu Si swallowed.

"I didn't ask for your sentiments on my command nor did I ask for your opinion. You made a blunder and disturbed such a peaceful night. How will you pay for it?"

Lu Si wanted to say that she will do anything for as long as he forgives her, but Alexander held his hand up to stop her from speaking.

"On second thought, I don't need you to do anything or repay me. I have enough money and I don't a stupid and delusional person working under me," He looked at the Yan Xiaoran and smiled doting at her, "What about you, Love? What do you think is best for her? Should I fire her or should I let her stay out the door the entire night?"

Yan Xiaoran blinked at his ruthlessness. She didn't know what Alexander was capable of or if he could really do what he had just said but one thing was for sure… She did like the way he called her 'Love'.

The more she stayed with him and hear his shameless words of love coming out of his mouth, Yan Xiaoran's heartstrings were quickly and effectively strung by the man who was staring at her like she was his whole world.

Yan Xiaoran didn't rush to answer him, but Lu Si was starting to get to see some hope. Her eyes slightly brightened at the thought that Yan Xiaoran was a naive and a countryside chick her master picked up somewhere thus, the possibility of her forgiving Lu Si was high.

The servants inside the mansion who saw Yan Xiaoran didn't know her background and only knew that their master was smitten towards her. That's why they thought that she was of someone from a poor family who was similar to Cinderella and was only picked up by Alexander from the street.

The hope and sneer that flashed in Lu Si's eyes didn't escape Yan Xiaoran who was the most sensitive to this type of white lotus act or 'the pitiful female-lead syndrome who married the prince in the end'.

Zhao Shuxin knew her acts and got what she wanted by playing like Lu Si. She drove Yan Xiaoran to be scorned and humiliated by many.

Her tiniest desire to forgive the maid vanish like thin air as soon as she saw Lu Si's delusions. But on second thought, Yan Xiaoran didn't want people to take advantage of her remaining kindness that was still inside of her.

"That is a nice suggestion." She beamed at him and like a temptress, her smile was beautiful and dazzling as ever, "But don't you think that's a light sentence?"

Alexander held his breath when he caught her smile. His heart was pierced by the little cupids flying around him.

"Oh? What do you suggest to do with her then?" Alexander asked with interest.

Yan Xiaoran slightly tilted her head and tapped her soft lips as if she was deep in thought on what was the best thing to do to Lu Si. As her finger touched her soft and red lips, her actions were all being watched by Alexander.

"Why don't we hang her up in the rooftop naked?" She suddenly said after she was done thinking. Her face brightened up and was cheerful.

Once her words landed, collective gasps could be heard from the servants around them. Even the old butler who has served Alexander's deceased parents stared at her wide-eyed at her viciousness.

Alexander's suggestions were definitely not as lenient as she had told them since firing Lu Si and letting her stay outside the door while it was raining was enough to make a person think twice to go against Alexander.

Firing her meant that Lu Si will never find a job again since she will be automatically blacklisted and even if Lu Si was to stay outside the whole night, there won't be a possibility of her returning to her post and work again.

However, Yan Xiaoran's suggestion was enough to make everyone in the dining hall to go silent and wish they could crawl somewhere where she can't find them.

By hanging Lu Si outside and naked even, who knew if she were to die from hypothermia or killed after being struck by lightning.

Alexander also couldn't believe that she would go as far as suggesting that. However, he was also proud of her and wanted to go and do what Yan Xiaoran suggested.

Thinking that since it was what his woman wanted then, he surely can't disobey and fail.