
My unfortunate love

Maya a simple, idealistic girl who wants to live life to the fullest but cannot. Life changes for her when she met Jason. The son of a wealthy family. Join her on her journey with Jason and challenges

Arinze_Daniel_6452 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


Maya could feel her body become warm, she could feel she's found her happiness as she looked at the person beside her and smiled and walked into her guest house. She slam the door with her back resting on the door and bit her lip. She realized her smile and checked if her mom is sleeping. She looked at Pile and saw she slept. She feel on the bed next to her mom and slept eagerly to see the next day.

She walked around the school, she walked around in stairs continuously, what, she said in disbelief. She tried for the last time getting down the stairs and saw a certain person. Jason, she said startled. What are you doing, we haven't started class, he said. what are you doing, Maya asked. I was looking for Eric, you what are you doing, he said tilting his head. uhm, nothing, just... uhm, stretching..... you know, my leg, she said trying to form a sentence. Jason looked at her with his eye lids closed little.

Strech your leg properly,he said unbelief and walked past her but she stopped him with a question,what you did yesterday, did you mean it, she said in a calm, hopeful tone that could make anyone say what she wants.

what happened yesterday, don't take it to heart,I just wanted to apologise to you,he said and the bell rang,see ya, and stop packing your hairhe said and ran down the stairs. she touched the hair she packed as a ponytail and pulled it down.

She was on her chair and couldn't believe what she heard and didn't know why his words affected her, I was a fool, she said and chuckled.

Jason looked at her from behind and thought inward,did she think i meant what I say, he had a confused look

The teacher was done with the lesson and wanted to add a few more, can you all bring out your textbook.

Maya looked for hers but couldn't find it, Jason could be able to sense her distress, the students all had they textbook on they table except Maya. The teacher noticed her table was empty table.

Maya where's yours,the teacher asked, Maya looked at her distressed and tried remembering where she kept it but had to find an excuse. I left it at home, sorry ma, she said quite unpleasing. The teacher looked at her and sighed,I have no choice but to ask you if we stand up, said the teacher.

Maya looked at the class embarrassed but couldn't do anything, she stood up but found out the texbook on her table. She turned to look at the kind person and turned out to be Jason.

I will stand instead of her, said Jason. The teacher looked dumfolded but came out of her trance,am sorry,I just can't, she said trying to reason with the lad. why,... you don't punish me....why,he asked adamant for a response.

The teacher answered quietly but spoke up, I just can't, your mom, she answered. if I don't stand she won't stand, he said. The teacher had no choice and nodded. Jason looked at Maya and winked at her with a smile and walked to his seat. Maya touched her chest and sighed in relief.

Cassy looked at the whole incident and felt like strangling her.. She clenched her tight hard and felt the pain.

Cassy looked at Maya with envy as she talked to Nancy but kept her cool. She saw her friend Anna walking towards her her. Anna sat down with Cassy and saw her friend looking at Maya with envy.

Why are you looking at her, she asked. I just hate her, Anna, can you please tell me why Jason likes her, what does she have i don't have, am prettier than her, richer than her, Cassy said stressed out. what makes you think he likes her, well,you can get rid of her if you can find her weakness, said Anna without knowing when the words came out, she was a little distracted looked at her nails.

yes,why didn't I think of that, youwill host a party and this party will be her farewell, she said evily. Yeah,I guess but what will a party do, she asked. you will be having a party,you invite everyone both rich and poor, you don't have a problem with Maya and she will foolishly accept she shouted as loud as she could. The students at the cafeteria mumured to themselves. Maya didn't mind about the party and continued eating her food.

She saw Jason with Eric again,why is he with him,I guess there's best friend, she said within her mind.

Jason who was busy talking to Eric but when he saw Maya he left his friend. Are you going to the party,he asked. Am not sure, I might work tonight, she said. ok, am not going also, he said. why, she asked. I don't like parties, he said. Maya nodded and all of a sudden Cassy came

hi, Jason, she said with a flirty tone. great,he said uninterested. are you going to my party, she said smiling. no,he said straight forward. Cassy smile turned into a frown, please, she pleaded continuously which made Jason agreed. ok,he said. great,I will but he left her standing alone with Maya. Cassy turned and looked at her. you think you've win but no,his mine, she said. I don't care, Maya said firmly. just shut up, said Cassy rudely and catwalked out of her sight.

Cassy was standing in her locker with a boy as her age and discussed something important. Do what I say, she said quietly so no one will hear. yes,I know what to do, he said confidently. After you do the job i will pay you but here is 100 dollars for working, she said giving him the money which he smiled and collected and left before anyone asks questions. Maya,you will leave empire high,no matter what, what i planned now, from your behavior,you can't handle it, she said and smiled mischievously.

Nancy sat very close to Maya to talk to her while the teacher taught. are you going to the party, Nancy asked quietly and looked at the teacher and then Maya. maybe,if I have to work, she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent anyone from noticing her talking but it all failed. The teacher noticed her and told her to stand up with Nancy. Jason wasn't in this class to save her. She and Nancy stood up till the end of the lesson which was the end of school for the day.

Nancy walked out of school and to be stopped by Cassy. Nancy stop, she said but Nancy ignored her and continued walking, she ran and stopped Nancy by holding her hand .

Aren't I talking to you, Cassy said offended. I don't want to talk to you, she said. I don't even want to talk to you but I personally invite you and Maya, she said nicely. Nancy looked at her surprised. don't look at me like that, she said and walked away.

Maya was at home, she looked at her phone continuously and Pile noticed the tension in her daughter and asked. what happened, you don't have a part time job today.

yes, mom. she moved closer to her mom and folded her legs and held them. I want to go to a party, she said. Why, you are too young, Pile said worried. it's a teen party, she said confidently. you are seventeen, Pile said worried more. yes but think by eighteen,am done with high school and be in college now, she said.

Pile thought about what her daughter said and agreed. ok, but do you have a nice dress, Pile stood up and opened her suitcase and brought out a gown. it was green gown and big and had a long lace sleeve and a deep green neck. I wore this on your father and I first date, she said remembering the time and lost in her own world.

No,I can't wear that,I have something in mind, she said. Pile looked at the dress and wondered why her daughter doesn't like it. what's wrong with this, she asked.

everything, it's too big, most people don't wear this only people of 80's that wear this, she stood up and pointed at the dress. she walked to her suit case and dipped her hand into it and brought out a dress.

this is what am saying, she said. but, it's revealing, pile said. no, it's just short, she said defending the dress. ok,I have to work, madam and I will not be back until tomorrow so I have to prepare everything, she said disappointed. where are you going, you can't leave me here, Maya said panicking. don't panick,we are just going for a work conference, she needs me because she's sleeping in an hotel and doesn't like the workers because she doesn't know them, Pile said trying to calm her daughter

Maya walked out and saw Jason standing around the water fountain, she carried a bucket filled with clothes. She walked to him but he didn't see her. Jason, she called and he noticed her. what are you doing, she asked.

Nothing just looking at the sun, he said and looked at the sun.

how can he look at the sun when I can't even do it

how, have tried looking at the sun but I fail, she said disappointed in herself.

your eyes too small, he said mockingly. Maya opened her mouth and gasped.

what,I will show you my hand is quite strong. she took a cloth and started hitting Jason. he streched his hand with the attempt to cover his face. He pulled the cloth unintentionally pulled her closer.

There kept looking at each other until Jason moved away. do what you came here for, he said rudely and walked inside.

such a confusing person,he helps me and then treat me like a nobody, hmm

she moved her head and bit her lips and did what she wanted to do.

Jason was in his room, he looked disturbed. a pillow was on his lap. what's happening to me,I can't love her, have never fall in love, he said with a tensed voice. His phone beemed because of an alarm. time to get ready,I can't believe am doing this.

Maya wore her dress and looked at the mirror, she didn't apply make up just a perfect quality of lipstick and left her hair. She walked out of the guest house which led to the large sitting room.

Jason got down from the stairs and looked at his out fit. he wore a white top and a jean jacket with jeans and white sneakers. he heard the door knob and saw Maya dressed in a red dress with a tiny sleeve. the dress hugged her upper body but stopped at her waist and flowed almost to her knee and had a chain which held the dress and her back which was exposed.

He looked at her dumfolded. he looked at her from head till toe and saw her exposed hand and back.

Hi, she said which stopped his trance. you look beautiful,he said but didn't mean it completely. thanks, she said and blush. he didn't notice her smile. let's go,he said.

She looked at him confused and asked,are we going together.

Yes,he grabbed her hand and took her to the car.

They arrived at the party,it was dark but had different disco lights. She walked into the hall and saw people dancing while some at the counter drinking reckless. this made her uncomfortable and Jason noticed her.

he bent down a little and whispered to her ear,see why I hate party,he stood up straight and looked at her with a smile and Maya smiled back at him.

Everyone noticed them and smiled while some where jealous. He saw Eric sitting on the counter chair and waved at him. come,he held her hand and they became more surprised.

He brought her to Eric. I have something important to tell you, said Jason and he looked at Maya and smiled and he walked away with him.

Maya looked around and Anna walked to her. hi, Anna said smiling. hi, Maya said. it's great to see you, Anna smiled as possible. thanks, she said

Jason and Eric saw Maya talking to Anna. hi Anna, said Eric. hi, she answered. can you play some romantic music, Eric said. ok, said Anna and she walked to the DJ and the music turned to a romantic one. dance with me, Jason said and streched his hand. Maya tried resisting but could not and accepted his hand. Eric saw Nancy and pulled her to dance with him.

Jason held Maya waist and she smiled and looked at his hands on her waist.

are we doing this

She wrapped her hand on his shoulder and then began to dance. after dancing. Jason left her waist. you are a good dancer,he complement her. Maya just smiled.

I will be in the restroom, Maya said and left. Cassy who've been seeing everything gave the boy a signal to go.

Maya washed her face and looked at the mirror and smiled. she heard the door closed and looked to see a boy. sorry this a girl restroom, she reminded him.

I ... know, the boy said laughing cunningly and continued walking towards her. Maya moved back continuously but he grabbed her waist. you are pretty,he said but Maya stomped on his feet and he left her and attended on his feet. Maya ran to open the door but he held her.

he pushed her to the wall,you will pay for that,he said, .

Jason started to get worried, what's taking her so long,he asked Eric. I don't know,you know girls they take a lot of time,he said. what do you mean, said Nancy who started arguing with him.

I will look for her, he said and walked to the restroom,he saw many restroom and opened them.

He stopped and pushed her making her hit her head, he continued kissing her neck and smiled her face, she tried pushing him but it was faultless.

Maya, Jason called which alerted the guy. have lock the doors,he said and continued kissing her neck.

He opened the right one but it was lock, Maya,he shouted. the guy covered her mouth but she bit it and shouted Jason. she was pushed on the floor and she screamed. Jason started hitting the door with his leg until it was opened. he saw Maya on the floor. he looked at the guy and kicked him. how dare you,he held the guy head.

Maya started crying and called Jason silently. the guy kicked Jason and ran away but to be stopped by Eric. take him to jail,he tried hurting Maya,he shouted angrily. Eric took the guy away. he helped Maya and hugged her. he stroked her hair but she fainted.

Maya,he shouted and carried her. the people watched him and some asked questions but he didn't listen to them and left. Cassy stomped her foot on the floor,gah, she shouted.

he took her to the main house and kept her in the guest room. nothing will happen,he said. he sat on a chair and held her hand until he slept.

Maya woke up and felt her hand was warm, she opened her eyes quickly and saw Jason sitting on a chair and holding her hand. she held her head and it hurt. what happened yesterday, she asked but remembered how the guy tried rapping her and Jason helped her. she looked at him with admiration. she moved closer to him and looked at him. his hair was messy but he looked cute.

Jason woke up and saw her looking at him, are you okay,he asked. yes, she answered. he looked at his hand and saw it hand with Maya and seprated them. I have to go,he said and stood up. Maya stopped him, Jason, she called. thank you, she said.

No,need,I won't let anything happen to you,he said and looked at her and left.

Soon,he came down and saw her dressed. we are going somewhere,he said. where, she asked curiously. our mom will be back in the evening and you won't have a part time job, he said

How do you know I won't have a part time job, she asked with her eyes popped out. I know, meet me in the car,he said and walked away.

She entered the car and he stopped at a restaurant. she looked around and knew this wasn't the type of restaurant she eats at.

are we on a date.

Jason looked at her and knew what she taught and smiled,we are not on a date.

are does he know what am thinking

let's go,he streched his hand and opened the door. They sat at a fancy chair and she looked around surprised. a waiter soon came and asked what they wanted. he ordered some food she hasn't even heard before. what do you like,he asked her.

She looked at the menu and didn't know what to chose,I will try anything, she said. bring two of the dishes i called out,he said and the waiter left.

He soon brought the food. Maya looked at the food and licked her mouth. She looked at the curtlery but ingorned it and wanted to use her hand but she saw Jason using the curtlery. she stopped herself but couldn't eat properly.

Jason noticed her. ear how you want,he said. she looked around and he knew she looked at the people. don't care about what they say, ok,I will join you,he used his hands and ate, she knew he didn't like the way he ate but found it adorable and also ate.

She started eating hungrily and he stopped eating and looked at her. she noticed him and coughed. He stopped looking at her and asked. do you like what you wore, he asked. she looked at him and smiled. yes, she said. say the truth,I hate three things, betrayal, lying and breaking of trust. I mean it, she tried convicing him.

I can't tell you I wore that cloth because of you

eat fast,we are going somewhere else,he said.

After they were done eating. he took her to the theatre

she looked surprised and at the same time confused.

We are here, so you know, watch movies,he said and she nodded. what do you want to watch,he asked.

Romance, she said. he looked annoyed but smiled. I can change it, she said but he smiled. it's okay, let's go but first buy some popcorn, he said and held her hand.

They bought the popcorn and entered the theatre. The movie started. Jason started looking bored but saw Maya smile and also smiled.

Half of the movie as been watched. why do you like romance,he asked and took a bite of his popcorn.

hmm, she chewed the popcorn. I like it because I believe in romance and love, so I can continue encouraging myself I will find my love but am so ugly that no one can like me, she said becoming sad.

your not ugly,he said reassuring her.

What makes you say that, you want me to just smile, she said

no,i mean it,you are beautiful,he said.

Why do you say so, she asked and looked at the screen.

Because I like you,he said and she looked at his hazel eyes.

what,you are just kidding, she said

no,I like you, he said and they both stared at each other

To Maya,it felt like a dream come through but she thought could it last forever.