


Hello my name is Sam Grimm. I am a member of the Blood Moon pack, the strongest pack in the whole world located in Bryson City, North Carolina. Blood Moons alpha, my dad, owns 25 acres of the land. Our pack isn't small but isn't large either. The largest pack being 250 werewolves, the smallest pack housing 98. Our pack is populated with 108 strong and proud members. We may be the strongest pack but not the strongest just in strength, we have incredible healers, warriors, and committee members. The committee comprises the alpha, the luna, the beta, the third, and the top 3 warriors. Well after the alpha, beta, and third.

I stare up at the ceiling, lying in bed after a horrible nap. Wait, I jolt out of bed sitting on the edge. "Its the last day of school!" I yell raising both my hands in the air.

I run to the bathroom hopping into the shower. After a quick shower, I dry off and throw on my favorite outfit. I stand in front of the mirror looking at myself. I may be short but I have a beautiful and defined hourglass figure with long, curly, dark brown hair that falls a little under my shoulders. My skin is a smooth caramel color, complementing my dark blue eyes. I run downstairs seeing mom and dad. "Sammy are you okay? I heard you screaming" My mother said is a worried tone. I give her a sweet smile."Yes, mother, I was just happy this morning." I chuckle at my mothers' worry. She smiles back at me and before she can speak I look at the clock and notice the time "I'm going to be late!" I run towards the garage "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yell back at them as they wave their hands in return. I walk through the backdoor in the garage and start walking toward the direction of the town.

I arrive at school and walk into the building I've seen far too many times. I open my locker throwing and grabbing different books. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I whip around to see Sasha, the daughter of the best tracker in the Blood Moon pack.

"Oh hi Sasha, you scared me?" I say allowing a bright smile to arise.

Sasha gasp "Are you getting weak on me, young alpha" She disguises her voice in a worried tone and puts emphasis on the words young alpha. I look at her, putting on an angry face to scare her. I would normally yell at a pack member for doing this, but I give four permission to say things, the list includes Sahsa. Sasha whimpers cowering and averting eye contact to show respect. I burst out laughing "I'm kidding Sasha" I continue to laugh.

"That's not fair!" She says crossing her arms and stomping her feet like a toddler. I laugh even more at her words and actions. "It is very fair considering what you said" I say my laughter dying down. She giggles finally done pouting "I guess your right," she looks at me looking worries "on to the real reason I came to talk with you"

I look at her confused and worried. She looks at me for a few moments "I'm leaving school early for training" She moans obviously not wanting to, but since she chose to be a tracker like her father she has to attend training for a few hours every day. I look at her once more realizing what she actually just said "wait!" I say placing my hands on her shoulder "You're not walking home with us?"

Sasha just nods and walks off "Bye!" she yells at me. "Bye" I reply through my breath.

The school day ends and I meet my friend, Xavier, outside in front of the school. Xavier is a very handsome man always in a playful mood. Girls practically fall to his feet for his wild brown hair and muscular stature. I'm like ant a to him as he towers over me at 6'5, as I am 5'3.

We walk along on the sidewalk, I on the left him on the right. We walk for a little as he talks and I just nod tuning him out. He pauses while I continue walking, he hurries and catches up. "I am the best in the school" he proclaims pridefully. I answer with a nod and a quiet "yup".

He smiles at me "I am amazing" he looks over at me with puppy dog eyes. I repeat the nod still walking forward lost in thought. "I am beautiful" he again looks over, but not with puppy dog eyes but with a devilish smirk. I instantly regret what I say "Your the worst. You know that right?" I say stopping and placing both hands on my hips. "Yup" He mimics me from earlier. I sigh jogging till I catch up to him. We walk a couple of blocks, not really talking but Xaiver seems to be very giddy. He turns and walks across the street. I stand there confused. "Ummm, the packhouse is that way," I say pointing forwards, where we were supposed to go. "I know but were kinda early, so I wanna go do something real quick" He says running across the street pulling me with him. After a lit bit of running and walking, we reach a house with loud music and yelling in the backyard.

"A Party" I stare him down with my arms crossed. He doesn't seem to hear me because he hides us at the side of the house behind a couple of barrels before we could see or say anything a small group of people walks towards us. Xavier, being as overprotective as he is pushing us down to hide us. The group yells some things at each other till next thing I know some girl walks and stand next to the barrels, and suddenly stops and stares at us. Shes Asian with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Xavier jumps up quickly and pulls me up as well. As I stand up I hear a long ripping sound, I look down to see my shirt ripped in half, exposing my bra.

I look over to where I heard yelling and see one man about 6' with long brown hair a little under his shoulders. The other is a guy almost as tall as Xavier with black hair and golden eyes. His muscles bludge through his white t-shirt, he made me want to go all fan girl on him, but I didn't as to not be weird. Xavier blushes a bright red after a few seconds and jumps in front of me, blocking everyone's view of my torn shirt. He gives the two guys a death stare accompanied by a low but fierce growl.

I take the jacket off of Xavier, put it on and zip it up. "Stand down Xaiver" I look at him, I don't use my alpha voice as I know he was just helping. He looks at me and sees I zipped up his jacket, so he moves over. I look over to the girl and then the two men "I'm sorry for coming unannounced, my friends here would like to apologize as well" I look towards Xavier and narrow my eyes telling him with no words to apologize as well. He hurries and positions himself "Y-Yes of course! I am very sorry."

The man with black hair speaks up "Who are you two!" He says in a demanding voice. He has power oozing out of his every pour, obviously an alpha who thinks we were unknown members of his pack. I stare at him "No need" I look at him also emitting a little of my alpha energy. He lets out a growl thinking I'm challenging him. I burst out laughing

"Don't worry alpha..?" I pause expecting his name. "Caspian" He replies, his voice deep, husky, and beautiful. "Alpha Caspian, I am not here on any threatening business, actually no business at all. I was dragged here by Xavier, my future third" I say pointing at Xaiver with a perfect smile at the end. I hate smiling so much but it shows respect and no ill-intent.

"Future third?" He questions me confused "And why have I never seen you before."

"Ah to answer both questions at once, I am alpha Aiden's daughter Sam, and again Xavier is my future third" after hearing this he walks up to suddenly showing more respect.

"I understand fully and am sorry for earlier, how about joining us?" He asked his voice becoming deeper. A shiver ran down my back as he got closer, but I brushed the feeling aside and accepted his request.
