

When Mark is left in a dungeon to act as a sacrifice,he was suddenly teleported out of the dungeon.He gains a new system with an overpowered stat. Can he become powerful or will he be killed before he can achieve anything

Apocalyptic_Writer · แอคชั่น
5 Chs


On January 1st 2024 the first portal appeared in New York City.The government quickly secured the area.Some believed it was the work of aliens and others believed that it was the work of god.

But one thing was for sure,it was going to change the course of humanity as they knew it.

After 29 days of running experiments and testing theories,the government finally found out that the portal led to some kind of cave.

After 30 days something terrible happened,monsters started to pour out of the portal.Killing anything it laid eyes on.The goverment tried to contain and kill the monsters,but they failed miserably.They were killing the monsters at first but when bigger monsters came out not even rpg's could kill them.That day over 4 million New Yorkers died, soldiers included.

After that day more portals started to appear around the world,and within 30 days monsters started to come out and rampage the streets.

When the Russian government being the first to kill all the monsters that came out of the portal, a voice rung out all across the world.

[Your world has been destructive since the day you were created.I have given you many chances to correct your wrong doings but you have failed me many times,but today you showed me that you still have the power to fight for your lives.I am giving you the power to be strong and the weak will perish.I bestow a guide with you to tell you everything.Remeber I'm always watching you.]

After the voice disappeared a second more robotic voice could be heard with also a blue digital board appearing infront of every human.

[System Guide Actived.

This is your system guide.It contains all the information you need to know about the new changes of the world.

PORTALS:Portal are randomly generated spacial gateway.This gateway leads to dungeon that are filled with monsters.the dungeons can only have a certain amount of people inside at the same time.Dungeons are placed in different rank categories based on their color.

GREEN-F rank

ORANGE- E rank



BLUE-B rank

RED-A rank

WHITE-S rank

MONSTERS:The monsters can only be found in the dungeons.There are different types of monsters, for example insect,lizard,fish or bird type monsters.In order to let the monsters not to come out,the dungeon must be cleared within 30 days,which means you must kill all the monsters.Different monsters pose different threats to you.Based on the color of their names and health bar which are both located above their heads dictates which level of threat they are to you.In order to clear the dungeon the boss monster must be killed.The boss monster is always 50% more stronger than the other monsters located in the dungeon.The monsters are also placed in a rank category

Threat Level Indicator:

GREEN:easy to handle

YELLOW:difficult to handle

RED:Very dangerous to handle

GREEN-F rank-lv 1 to 25

ORANGE- E rank-lv 26 to 50

YELLOW-D rank-lv 51 to 75

PURPLE-C rank-lv 76 to 100

BLUE-B rank-lv 101 to 125

RED-A rank-lv 126 to 125

WHITE-S rank-lv 126 to 150

LEVEL-The level you are determines what rank you are in,the same goes for monsters.To gain level you must slay monsters.When you slay monster you will gain experience poionts(exp).

When you gain a certain of exp you will level up and gain 2 additional stat points (sp) to each stat and gain 4 free dispensable stat points.

The amount of exp needed will double with each level gaine

A monsters level is always fixed and it cannot gain a level no matter what.

STATS BOARD-Your status board contains your basic information.Mainly your name and stats.

Stats are the amount of strength,speed,

resistance etc you have.To see it you just have to think about it or just say it out loud.You can see others Status Board but only there name,rank,level and the the amount of Health Points(hp) they currently have.

This is how one looks:

Name:-This tells your name

Age:- This tells your age

Hp:-This tells how man Health Points you have,once it reaches 0 you die.The closer you are to 0 the weaker you are.Gain 20 more hp with each level gained

Rank:-this tells you what rank you are currently at

Exp:-this tells how many experience points you currently have till your next level up

Level:is-this tells you what level you are currently at

Strength:is-this tells how physically strong you are

Speed:-this tells how fast you are physically and how fast you are in your attacks

Resistance:-this tells you your resistance to illness,poison,attack damage and it also reduces the amount of health points you lose

Stamina:-this tells the amount of energy you have to perform different task

Intelligence:-this tells how well you can understand things and how fast you brain works

Mana:-this tells how many mana points(mp) you have,mana is like the energy source for skills.It takes 1 minute to recover back 10 mp

Element:- this tells which elements you can control and master.The elements are fire,water,earth,wind,light and dark.

Stat Point:- this tells how many dispensable sp you have.It can be added to any stat

Skills:- this tells you the skills you have and tells what the mp cost is and the cooldown of the skill.You can level them up by constantly using them.Monsters also possess skills.

DROPS:When monsters are slain they will drop a core,skill book or even a peice of equipment.

Cores are the monsters energy source,like how you use mana to power your skills,they use their core to power their skills.Cores can be used to build various types of weapons and items.Skill books are dropped from monsters,it can be learnt to get the skill that is in the book.The monster it dropped from will posses that skill.

You will immediately know everything you need to know about the skill.Equipments are armor or weapons it drops from monsters.It can offer a boost to any stat.The mana cores,skill books and equipment follow the same ranking category as the portals.With F rank being the lowest rank and S rank being the highest rank.

THE SYSTEM:the guide that has been bestowed on humans to guide them through the knew world.You may ask it anything and it will give you a honest reply.With each rank you gain the ability to ask more questions.The questions must involve the changes of the world in someway and it will not answer any questions that your doesn't have access to.

There will be knew things added when the time is right.To see this again just ask the system to show you it]

When the message was over chaos broke out.

The world changed on that day with people rushing to get to the portals and the government also sendin soldiers to block the people from entering the dungeons.

People also started to enter the restricted areas that the escaped monsters were rampaging to get a head start.

After 1 year and a half over 1 billion people were killed.From being c×cky and entering high rank dungeons,for being too weak to handle the monsters in the dungeon and even being killed by greedy humans who wanted the exp for themselves.These were the main reason for so much death.

In this world the strong rule and the weak get preyed upon by the strong.If you want to have a life you must be at a high level.

That was the beginning of the new world now let's move on to the real story.

Check out my other novel,MY LUCK IS NOW BETTER

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