
My System Is The Strongest Summon

Jordan was just an average teenager working odd jobs to make ends meet and support his family. He was racially discriminated against because his mother was a foreigner. Jordan had just turned 18 this year and was looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony which he considered the event that would turn his life around and help him to carve out a comfortable living for himself and his family, putting a stop to the racial taunts he and his family received. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. Jordan is now determined more than ever to grow stronger. And his new aspirations? Survive and Conquer! Hello to all readers, this is my first time writing a story/novel and so I hope that you guys will give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always appreciated!

Mysterio2250 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


[DUCK!!!] The system screamed as it brought Jordan out of his panic as he leaped forward falling flat onto his stomach and rolling a few feet further.

Mere moments after Jordan leaped from his position, a massive vine tendril swept forward slamming into his last position. Jordan jumped to his feet and began running forward again as he spoke to the system internally.

'I'll focus on running, you just tell me where to dodge' Jordan said as the system responded with a grunt.



Dodge left

Dodge right

Jordan panted as he kept running and dodging, surprised that he had not yet run out of stamina. The system seemed to understand what he was thinking as suddenly voiced out [As I said before, your fusion with me improved your physique but you're still weak. Don't let it get to your head.]

Jordan just kept running as he once again felt embarrassed as the system's voice sounded like an older woman reprimanding a child. Suddenly in the peripheral of Jordan's vision, he saw an abnormally shaped rocked with the tip buried in the ground. It looked like a katana covered in cement…if a katana had no handle or guard that is.

Jordan made a B-line to his right and grabbed the rock and pulled it out before continuing on his way. 'Won't hurt to have something to defend myself just in case the need arises.' Jordan thought internally.

Almost immediately as if he had jinxed himself a vine twice the size of all the others suddenly rose from the roots of a tree directly in Jordan's path. Jordan screamed out loud "I've got to freaking cursed".

As Jordan looked ahead, he did not like his chances of survival. "Well if I'm gonna die, then I'll die glory. COME AT ME THEN!!! " Jordan shouted out at the top of his lungs.

Jordan was surrounded on all sides, he had no room to go around nor could he retreat. He decided to stand his ground here and now. He was prepared to die. 'Mom, Sasha, Aran…I'll see you guys again sooner. It wasn't fair for you guys to leave me behind anyway.' Jordan thought as a slight smile appeared on his face.

He had nothing to lose. Jordan dug his right foot into the ground as he dashed forward with all the strength his body could muster. In the presence of the giant vine-tendril, all the other vines stopped attacking and remained in place, closing off all routes of escape…not that Jordan was planning to run away now anyway.

Jordan arrived in front of the giant vine tendril and threw himself back as he slid under the monstrosity while stabbing the rock upward into its fleshy-like body and dragging it along with him.

As he passed under the petal-like lips drops of the thick green acid-like substance fell from its mouth onto his left lower thigh. Jordan immediately felt immense pain as the substance burned away his skin and deep into his flesh.

Jordan gritted his teeth as he pushed through the pain and continued dragging the rock which surprisingly cut deep into its flesh. The creature screeched an ear-piercing screech as it began to thrash about.

Jordan pulled the rock out as he came to a stop and rolled over to his right and jumped to his feet as he clutched his head from the sound of the screech. Jordan groaned in pain a bit as the deep hole burned into his thigh spurted with blood.

Jumping back a bit, he tore a part of his shirt and tied it tightly around his leg. Just as he looked up, he saw a massive vine slamming toward his position. The vine covered everything in Jordan's sight and he would not be quick enough to reach and tree for cover.

Jordan held the rock in front of his body as the tree slammed into him with the power of a wrecking ball. At that moment Jordan felt pain unlike anything he had ever felt in his entire life.

Jordan felt as though every bone in his body had broken. He flew for about 50 meters tumbling and rolling before coming to a stop with the katana-like rock still within his grasp.

The giant vine tendril approached his limp and battered body. A tear slid down Jordan's face as he stared at the sky unable to move his body, and experiencing severe pain as he bled from every orifice.

The vine-like creature arrived above Jordan's body as it bled blueish blood from the wound that Jordan had given it. Its petals open up as its teeth were exposed and the acidic substance dripped and burned Jordan in several places on his body.

He gritted his teeth and smiled as he voiced out "Mother, I'll be home soon". The plant slammed forward and swallowed Jordan whole as he closed his eyes ready to embrace death.

And then…its mouth closed shut.