
World Power and Arrangements

After sending five hundred Sword Slave Imprints to explore the Demonic Beast Small World, Su Yang chose to return to Huangshan City.

The Demonic Beast Small World was indeed weaker than the Evil Spirit Grand World, but it was not a place where he could act recklessly.

He needed to enhance his own strength before considering further exploration.

Unfortunately, these Sword Slave Imprints, while completely obedient to him, were rather mechanical and could only perform basic commands.

They would move forward when told to, and answer when asked.

Using them for resource plunder or as subordinates was insufficient.

At most, they were good for scouting.

Next, Su Yang planned to thoroughly rectify the entire world, completing his top priority mission—justice!

He had consulted with the Heavenly Path Consciousness on the matter of accelerating cultivation.

It could be achieved without depleting the world's origin.