
My Spark

May's P.O.V.

White laced dress. Check! Black heels. Check! Light make-up. Check! My small dull pink purse. Check! And lastly, my phone and my keys. I'm ready to go! My name's May. I'm in a really good mood today. Even though I'm alone on New Years Eve again, for the 26th time in my life. I know, I know. There's plenty of fish in the sea, but you don't understand. I'm a freaking fish in a bowl. You see, god was distracted when he was placing me down. He placed me in a fish bowl instead of the sea. Sad, isn't it? Anyway, jokes aside, my point is that I'm a single pringle, and I've been one for 26 years. Not even one relationship.

Okie dokie! It's time to go. I'm going to walk there since it's literally a block away. I'm thinking about what I should put as a New Years resolution. It's probably going to be "get a reliable boyfriend" again. Before I knew it, I arrived. I rechecked the address because last time I went into the wrong restaurant. I stepped in and a little bell rung. Woah! The restaurant was so pretty. There were colorful lights around the room and a bright chandelier in the middle of the room. White curtains draped from one side of the room to the middle. It was unexpectedly prettier than last time. I went to a table near the entrance. I took my white coat off and placed it behind the chair.

I looked at the crowd to see how many people were here. I spotted this guy. I don't know why or how but he just caught my attention, like out of no where. He was tall, broad shoulders, and slim, but muscular at the same time. He had a pale skin tone and blue eyes. He wore a casual suit and shiny black shoes. His brown hair was curly at the ends. He was on fleek. It felt like I saw him before, several times actually. I couldn't recall when, though.

I went to get a cup of water. There he was. He was talking to some other colleagues. Then he turned toward me. He just stood there, which confused me. He looked right at me, and with his visual up close it hit me. I saw him here for the past 3 years, at this same party. What a shame that I didn't notice him earlier.

He said, "Hey, you look really pretty tonight," but he didn't say that mischievously or anything. He sounded sincere. When I heard his voice my heart melted. He had this gentle and mature voice. It was soothing and relaxing, it kept me at ease.

I replied, "Hey, and thanks. You look rather stylish as well". I smiled nervously.

I took my cup of water and walked to my seat sheepishly. He watched me leave. My bestie, which is also my colleague walked in, the moment I sat down. Her name is Jennie but I call her Jen. I waved at her and she smiled and waved back. I motioned for her to come over. She put her stuff down and went to get a cup of water. I told her about the handsome and cute guy I met earlier. We giggled as we spoke quietly.

"Alright guys time to eat. I want to say thank you to everyone for this past years' effort and hard work. Have fun today everyone. No regrets!" our CEO encouraged.

After dinner since it was only 10 P.M. we all went out to different small bars, splitting ourselves up. I got put with "him" and of course Jen! We gossiped all the way there, spilling secrets and whatnot. When we arrived I got put across Mr. Anonymous and next to Jen.

Now it was time to begin the game of 'shots'. The 'shots' is an annual game in which we play the game of truth, whilst drinking soju; a type of alcohol that is very affecting. The person who is next to or across you is allowed to ask you a question. The more drunk you get the more truthful you are. And the last person standing wins or the most sober one. I love this game. Same as every year, I sit next to my bestie and she asks me questions, although every year she always asks,"How does it feel like to be single for 26 years without even one relationship?" And I always complain and then get drunk.

This time she asked the same thing and I guess I was really really really drunk because Jen took a video of me, and I said, "Oh! How lonely it is to not have even had one kiss in my entire life! Not one romantic gesture from anyone! Why does no one like me?! Oh I'm such a hopeless romantic," I whined. I was literally crying. It was so embarrassing it! I fell asleep shortly after that. Then a mysterious figure woke me up. He was that guy from earlier. My face flushed red and I smiled with my teeth showing. He looked at me endearing and gave off a warm romantic vibe. He said, "Wake up! Don't you want to countdown and see the fireworks?"

"What's the point? No one's going to kiss me at midnight anyways," I replied.

"You never know. Today may be your lucky day. Someone will kiss you, " he said confidently.

I got up, still half asleep and went outside with him. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! I counted as loud as I could even when I was still half asleep. Boom! Pop! Crack! The noise of the fireworks awakened me a little. I turned around to go inside, but someone grabbed my hand. He pulled me in and hugged me quickly, before he gently placed his lips on mine. His flowery, feminine scent smelt good. His warm lips and breath felt nice as well. The way he held my waist, with his arms around my tiny body felt so comfortable and romantic. He looked fine but his touch was nervous. I felt his smile on my lips. We slowly took our lips of each other.

"You got your first kiss. Are you happy now?" he said proudly.

He smirked at me and shivers went down my spine. My face was red, a little because I was drunk, but mostly because I just realized that this handsome stranger just kissed me on my lips out of no where! Fascinating I thought.

"Urmmm...uhhh. S-s-orry," I stuttered.

I immediately ran away, a little wobbly since the alcohol still hadn't worn off. I saw Jen and ran to her.

"JEN! I have to tell you something REALLY important!" I yelled.

"Woah! Slow down there May, or you'll fall. What do you want to tell me?" she said.

"Lets's talk somewhere quieter," I said a little loud since the fireworks were still popping in the sky.

"Ahhhh...what do you want? Let me enjoy New Years lady. Tell me the tea quickly as you can," she whined.

"Okay...soooo....umm. Haha...uh so," I hesitated.

"Cut. To. The. Chase," she said stern and whiny.

I looked up at the night sky and then as quick as I could possibly say anything I squealed, "I kissed a total stranger at midnight. And I don't know who he is, but I've seen him around at the New Years Eve party for a couple of years now, maybe 3. What do I doooo? I ran after kissing him. Well...actually he kissed me first."

I thought her reaction be a little protective but I got something totally different. She exclaimed, "Awwwww. You've grown so much. Look at you kissing men. I'm so proud of you, haha. Anyways, hmmmm. First, get to know him first. So go back and get his number. Go on, run before he leaves," she commanded me.

I ran all the way back because Jen is really scary. I always listen to her 'cause I'm not trying to die yet. I gasped for some air when I got back. They weren't outside anymore so I figured they were inside, which they were. I walked in and the door made a bell noise and everyone stared at me. I quietly sat down trying not to stare in his direction. Ahhhh I couldn't help it! I slightly looked up to catch a glimpse of him and I caught him staring at me so I quickly looked down, with my face red again.

When some people got really drunk we decided that some of us would take them home since most of us are friends with each other. I went outside last, after cleaning up. I looked if anyone was still here. Then I spotted him! I wanted to go the other way but my heart and body told me to go to him. He looked at me as if he had to say something.

"Hey. Sorry about earlier. I was a bit drunk," he nervously apologized, which made me feel better.

"It's cool beans. I was drunk too so I can't blame you," I answered.

He was so cute and shy but tall and masculine. His ears and face were all red. Sooo cuuute, I thought! > <

"My name's March," he said.

"My name's May. It's nice to meet you March," I smiled.

"Likewise," he chuckled.

"Can I have your number?" I asked hopefully.

"YES!! Urmm..I mean I was going to ask you anyways," he gushed, which took me my surprise.

We exchanged our numbers peacefully. We walked together until our taxi's got here. What a wonderful New Years. > <

Owwww! My head hurt a lot the next day from the hangover. I took a shower and put on a bright yellow top tucked in my white jeans with a pair of white sneakers. It was cool outside but not windy, so I wore a brown cotton coat. I normally go to the cafe down the block because they have the BEST hangover soup ever. It was so sunny with a clear sky. I looked up, squinting my eyes and then I bumped into someone. We both said, "Sorry!" at the same time before we even saw each other's faces. It was March! "Hey!" we both said in unison again. Both of our faces lit up. We walked to the cafe together.

"How's you head from the hangover?" I asked.

"Terrible! How are you?"

"Just as bad! That's why I'm going to the cafe. They have the best hangover soup!" I exclaimed.

We arrived really quickly so I asked him, "Are you getting the soup too?"

"Yup, I'll get it. You should catch a table."

"Oh okay. Sure. I'll be sure to pay you later then."

"Nah it's okay. It's my treat."

I sat at a table for two at the right corner in front of the register. I stared out the window.

"Are you done?" he asked me.

"Yup. Thank you for the food."

"No problem."

We got up and left the cafe saying thank you to them. I spotted a girl toddler with her mommy. She burst all my uwus. She was so adorable that I couldn't help but talk to her. Somewhere in my conversation I told her that she was so cute and I heard March whisper under his breath, "Not cuter than you".

I blushed so hard that the girl asked if I was sick because I was all red. How embarrassing. Later I told him that he was cuter than me and then I ran home. He called out "I like you" really loud and I said it back, blushing the whole time like an idiot.

March's P.O.V

I always saw this girl at my office's New Years Eve party for 3 years. She was really beautiful and cute. She had burnt brown short hair and light brown eyes. A petite nose and height. She always smelt like flowers. At the New Year Eve parties I watched her having fun and she always brought a smile to my face. I wanted to talk to her but I never had the guts to. I guess my heart took over my mind because that day I kissed her on the lips. I blushed and she blushed, apologized and then ran away. I smiled at her. That same day she asked for my number and of course I said yes, maybe a bit too excited.

The next day I bumped into her by accident because I was daydreaming about when I kissed her. She looked really adorable but I didn't tell her that. I walked with her to the cafe down the block and bought us soup for the hangover. When we came out I looked at her having so much fun adoring a little girl with her mommy. May said that the girl was cute so I smiled and said that she was cuter, and i meant it. The girl asked her if she was sick because her face was red, which signaled me that she was blushing. How cute.

After we said bye to the little girl we started walking down the block, in the opposite direction of the way we came. She looked at me so I stopped if she wanted to say something. She said that I was cuter than her, which caught me off guard and is most definitely a lie. She took off running and so I thought it was now or never. My heart was racing. I mean what if she didn't like me back. I didn't have time to think about that right now though. So I yelled "I like you" before ran even further. To my surprise she said it back, it wasn't loud but I still heard it. From there we started our journey of love.

My Light is the original name of this story that I published on Wattpad! :)

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