
The Reaper makes a deal with the Fenrir

"Arcana possession?" Fenrir frowned inwardly as he muttered under his breath, "How many Arcana spirits does this kid have?"

The Reaper possessed Azzy quickly took out an SP recovery card to recover the latter's soul energy. 

As Azzy's soul energy was recovering at a rapid pace, the Reaper spoke as he resummoned the death scythe, "What are you waiting for, puppy?"

"You dare…" Fenrir was enraged upon being called that way. He charged forward at his maximum speed.

Raydon was stiffened on the spot as the wolf was coming straight at him. He wanted to unleash his shadow form but he couldn't.

Just when the Fenrir was just a couple of feet away from Raydon, the wolf suddenly stopped its movements and was frozen like a statue. Except for its eyes and mouth, the wolf couldn't move anything else.

Of course, Fenrir wasn't the only one who froze on the spot. The other four wolves and all the students including Raydon were also in the same situation.
