
Moments in the past

It was his first day at his new job as an assistant. Mr. Reagan Flick was 21 at that time, all dressed up for work and was ready to impress his new boss, Mr. Hiromi Takeuchi, the CEO of Bliss Entertainment.

Reagan was born in America but immigrated to Japan when he was 4. There, he had learned to speak the language and became fascinated with the culture.

He had aced the interview and personally chosen by Hiromi himself to be his new assistant. He stepped into the industry, greeted by the employees as he walked by. Once he had come to the top floor, he casually walked towards the large doors that led to the President's office.

When he had knocked and entered, he instantly sees a man sitting on his comfortable looking chair. He had an intimidating look on his face with the desk was full of paperwork. "Good morning, Mr. Hiromi."

"Mr. Flick, I assumed? Having help around here is useful. Your working station is over here near mine. Hurry and place all of your belongings in place and I shall state all the rules that you should abide."

With haste, Reagan went to his desk and placed his briefcase on top. He turned to Hiromi, giving him a nod that he is ready to listen. With his signal, Hiromi gave a stern look.

"First, I dislike disloyalty. If I find you being unfaithful to me, then you shall be punished depending on your mistake. If worse comes to be, I have no choice but to fire you."

"Second, everything I order should be acted upon in an instant. I don't want late reports I want immediate results,"

"Third, you will only obey my commands and no one else's, unless I give them the authority to have power over you."

"Fourth, my rules are absolute. Once I have said it, I will not break my word. Never doubt my decisions or judge it, if you have a problem then tell me personally."

Reagan nod, 'These precepts are reasonable.'

"Lastly," Hiromi lend out his hand, giving a warm and gentle smile, "I want my assistant to be my ally. At times of rough, consider me as your friend."

Reagan stretched out his hand to hold Hiromi's firmly. They shook hands for a few seconds before letting go. "Your first task shall commence, I need you to help me organize these documents in one stack and rearrange some files. I also want you to sort out some portfolios of new artists that you feel are beneficial to be in our industry. Can I trust you with that?"

"I won't let you down, President."

Reagan started to immerse himself to his assignment. In just a few hours, he had already met the requirements that Hiromi had instructed him to. Impressed, Hiromi gave him a casual pat on the back, "You're an amazing person."

The words Hiromi said flustered the assistant, "Keep up the good work."

"Yes, sir."

Hours turned to days that turned into weeks, Reagan had worked so efficiently until he had met all of the expectations that Hiromi had wanted. It was all warm and welcoming, Hiromi's smile and soft and gentle voice that Reagan would long for every day.

It's as if he needs to see Hiromi happy every time that he didn't know why he felt this strong emotion towards his boss. Last time he checked, he was interested in women only, but to this superior man, he was helpless. Could it be that he had fallen in love with the same gender as him?

Once in a while, a female actress would come to flirt with the President and Reagan would feel disgusted. Hiromi would immediately cast her out and ban her, making Reagan feel delighted. Both would also spend nights together at work for some projects, and Hiromi would fall asleep mid-way. When he wakes up, he sees Reagan all finished and would applaud him.

The more Hiromi would compliment his hard work, the more he wanted to do tasks and because of that Reagan would work overnight to finish a project that was due next week in just one night. This sleep deprivation caused him to collapse the next day while organizing Hiromi's desk.

Luckily, Hiromi had been there, immediately calling for help. Reagan got admitted into the hospital for three days and was given five days of rest after he had left the hospital. Hiromi would regularly send someone to Reagan's house to deliver nutritious meals and would check on him.

Reagan would think that Hiromi was caring for him excessively and his feelings for him grew. "Get better soon don't overwork yourself next time." Messages like those would be sent by Hiromi late at night to Reagan.

Late at night, why would he send messages like that? It's like Hiromi cared for Reagan as a lover and not as an assistant. Furthermore, he should be asleep at that time. Did Reagan's absence as an assistant piled too many works to Hiromi?

Thinking about it, Reagan would feel guilty of not taking care of it. If he had given concern to his health, he could have avoided the President's exhaustion. 'The boss could have looked for someone else to help him,' Reagan thought as he lied down on his bed, 'Why didn't he?'

He asked questions like these, and all of them concluding to the answer: Did Hiromi wanted Reagan to be the only one helping him?

Come to think of it, Reagan was known in the industry to be the first assistant that President Takeuchi had hired. Was he just irreplaceable?

The next day was when he had to return to work. Employees smiled and greeted him, asked him if he was doing fine. Reagan would nod and respond to them with a brief, "Yes and thanks for your concern."

The industry had new faces and new voices. "Have you heard? a new artist has signed in who had been in a few famous films."

"The ratings of our current TV series is astounding! I expect it to become a huge hit."

A few conversations here and there yet Reagan kept walking forward. He went up in the lift, arriving at the floor where the office was. Opening the doors, he shows a gentle smile. "President, Good Morning-"

At the front of the desk, Hiromi was standing in front of a young female, his right hand cupping her left cheek. The atmosphere was a bit flirtatious and intense. Reagan felt like his heart shattered in an instant.

Hiromi pulled back his hand and cleared his throat, "Reagan, this is Hana Young, our newly signed actress."

The woman turns to Reagan with a pleasant smile etched on her face. "Nice to meet you."

For four years, Reagan had despised the woman. Until now he had hated her more. 'Hana Young you fiend. you'll see hell before you even die.'