
I Am Who I Am

6th layer, Inner ring

We finally made it. We were in the inner ring of the sixth layer. The City of Gold. The trip was fast and without much worry. Atlas had anchored the boat on the river bank and pointed me in the direction of the palace.

“It’s a bit far from here, but if you keep heading North and over that Rusted Iron Wall, you should see it. The Golden Palace of the Vagetha the Golden Conqueror.”

He pointed in the direction of a large wall that reached at least a kilometre high. The wall was covered in rust and possessed massive openings that spewed out hot molten magma from it. This magma had formed several streams around the wall spreading off into different directions, but none ever touching the river of souls. There were golden statues, just a little bit shorter than the wall, placed in a position that made them seem like they were keeping the walls from falling down.
