
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Suspicion and fear


The time was around half past 8. Students were already flocking their way into the campus to attend their morning classes which usually starts by 9.

Most of the students were excited as to how the new day would pan out for them. They discussed where to have lunch and who to bully in the dump yards and restrooms. The couples were planning their day out together and were looking joyous except for one couple.

The girl had thick brown hair which she had put in a ponytail reaching just below her shoulders and had matching brown eyes. The guy beside her had blond hair and was looking handsome.

But both of them seemed to be in some sort of sticky situation evident from their expression. They were none other than Julie and Tyler.

Since Julie got up in the morning, the first person that came to her mind was not Tyler but Adam!!

She was worried that the things which her mother suspected last night might come true. She didn't want to loose him. She was extremely restless from the morning and urged Tyler to pick her up earlier than the usual from her house. Tyler was bit surprised because most of the days he was the one who would give her the heads up for picking her up for the school. Julie was like a sloth in her morning routines.

All along the journey to the school, Tyler tried to have some convo and acted coquettishly to which Julie was either not answering or answered in single words nonchalantly.

This made Tyler even more worried. "Baby, what's up with you today?" he asked once they alighted their car and headed towards campus.

"hmm...nothing .. I just feel a bit off today." Julie said looking around as if she was searching for someone.

Tyler took notice of this and knew what she had in mind. 'This Adam....I'm going to make him pay for making her think about him.' he decided in his mind. He said with comforting smile "Baby don't worry about that loser. He will be back. He will not have the strength to oppose us or have the will power to do anything rash."

Julie did not respond and had a gloomy and disturbed expression.

Once they reached their class, they were surprised to see that Adam's place was empty. They knew that Adam was one among the students who would come early.

'I hope nothing bad happened to him. Probably he slept long. He will be here before the first period.' Julie tried to console herself and went to the back bench to sit near Tyler.

The bell rang announcing the start of the first class. It was a biology class. A 28 year old woman entered the class. She was stunning to put it in a single word. She had a black hair which was tied in top bun. She had good figure accentuated by her tight fitting blue shirt and navy blue skirt. She had spotless and clear white toned skin.

Every boy started drooling from the corner of the mouth once they saw her enter. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if I say that most of the boys get up early and attend the first period without fail just to see her.

Her name was Jessica Long. She was married into long family, one of the lower upper class family in kimo city.

But this fact didn't deter the students from drooling on the sight of her.

Jessica ascended the stairs and stood behind the podium and had her look around the class. She frowned a little when she found that Adam's seat was empty. She noticed it because Adam showed interest only in her subject and always would be early to her classes.

She then called out the names for attendance.

Julie was so engrossed in her thoughts that Tyler had to shake her out of her trans to make her answer her attendance.

'Julie...calm down..Adam will be here soon....he will be just late..' she thought in an attempt to calm herself down.

But that didn't last long as the bell dand again indicating the end of the class. It stretched for about 2 hours. But the students did not complain anything. For some they did not pay attention to her class and were oogling her. And others were seriously engrossed in the class as she was an excellent teacher who would explain the concept clearly.

Julie immediately got up and excused herself to go to the restroom. Once she was in one of the cubicles, she took out her phone and called Adam.

[The number you tried to call is currently out of reach. Please try again later or leave a voice message. beep] then the call went to the voice message.

Julie started suspecting that something bad had happened to Adam as she feared. She spoke into her phone "Adam...where are you? Why didn't you attend the class? I'm sorry for hurting you. But please don't do anything rash. Please. I don't want anything to happen to you." she said with a voice filled with concern and remorse.


Lissie got up from her bed and felt a strange feeling on her forehead. She felt her forehead by her placing her hand on it. She felt somewhat heavy in her head.

She quickly called the maid. Once the maid entered, she asked " Is Adam back?" She knew that Adam was a stubborn person. But she still hoped that she could see her brother.

"No. Not yet miss Lissie." the maid answered politely bowing her head.

Lissie then gestured to the maid to make her sit in the wheelchair which the maid did obediently.

Then Lissie went to her father's room.

In his room, Stuart was putting on his black business coat when he heard a knock at the door. "come in" he said.

Lissie entered pushing the wheelchair into the room. After seeing Lissie, Stuart dashed towards her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and asked "What is it dear? You came to me this early".

Stuart always had a soft spot for Lissie. She reminded him of Linda.

"Dad, please call Adam back to our home dad. He's just a young and adament boy. Please don't be harsh to him. He has already went through a lot in the past year " she said with pleading tone.

Stuart had a disturbed expression. He also knew that he was wrong last night. He did that in a fit of rage in that heat of the moment.

"Okay Lissie let me call him now." saying that he took out his phone and called Adam. But he was only responded by the mechanical female voice that told him that the number was out of reach and directed him towards voice message.

Stuart started getting a little worried. After repeated calls he knew that something was wrong. Suddenly the door burst open and Elisa in her morning dress entered the room in a state of panic.

"Stuart the dagger...the dagger..." she said gasping for air.

"Elisa what is it?" Stuart asked started feel anxious.

"My favourite dagger. It's gone. I had kept in the cabinet. But now it's not there." she stated as he she started to calm down.

"What?" Stuart asked I'm confusion. He was concerned as it was one of the daggers which was passed on from his family. It was special to him. That's why they kept that separate in the cabinet where no one could take it from.

Elisa usually used it occasionally as she likes the style of its make.

Stuart started to think about something when a terrifying thought struck him. He quickly made his way towards the locker and opened it immediately.

"Oh shit....No..No this can't happen." he cursed loudly after he saw that the box in which he kept the mansion key was empty.

He knew what had happened and where exactly is Adam. But his fear was that...

Will he be alive by the time he went there in search of him?