
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Jane's Decision

<p>JANE'S HOME<br/>beep beep...beep beep...beep beep<br/>Jane woke up at the sound of alarm. The alarm was set earlier than the usual time of 6 am. Today was one of the most important days of her life. She woke up with a beautiful smile on her face. <br/>After stretching out her arms, she got down from her bed. She quickly went to the restroom where she brushed her teeth and stripped her clothes ready to take a shower. She was never proud of her body in the past. To be particular, she never cared. But today was different. She was happy that she was in very good shape. A figure that would make many women envy her at first sight.<br/>After taking a quick shower, she stepped out of her bathroom in her bathrobe. She quickly went to her wardrobe where she chose her jogging outfit. A white T sweat shirt which she knew would be a tight fit and black tracks.<br/>She threw the outfit to the bed before she sat before the dresser for her makeup.<br/>She decided not to overdo it as it would spoil the flow and mood. She just applied light makeup. She completed her look by applying lip gloss which accentuated her plump lip.<br/>She stood from the dresser and changed into her outfit. She stood before the dresser mirror posing. " I think this should do." she muttered to herself. She was more than satisfied with her look.<br/>She then plugged out her phone from the charger and picked up her wired earphone<br/>She got down from her room on the first floor before going to the kitchen. Her mother was making tea. She was in her late 40s but was beautiful. She had a pleasant smile on her face.<br/>"Mom I'm going for a jog. Do you need anything?" Jane asked as she stuffed some sliced apple in her mouth.<br/>"I need nothing dear. At least for now. Just be careful." her mother said turning to look at her daughter. She was surprised by her happy expression and the makeup on her face.<br/>She raised an eyebrow and asked "Dear, are you going to see someone during your jog?" <br/>"Wha..What? Nothing like that mom. Why would you think like that?" Jane said trying to be as normal as possible.<br/>'How did she find out? Is my makeup too obvious? Shit '<br/>"Jane, you can't fool this old mother of yours. The blush on your face says everything. Tell me. Are you going to meet my future son in law?" her mother asked.<br/>Jane stood guilty as her face gave her away. "Don't be so sure mom. I just saw him the day before yesterday. We don't know about each other completely yet."<br/>"Jane, I have seen you for many years. You are one of those girls who would take their decision according to your heart. I'm sure that man of yours would be good. You are even ready to doll yourself up for him. Look at you."<br/>Jane blushed hard. " Mom, don't bully me. I just want to present myself well. That's it." <br/>"It's alright baby. Finally there is someone who makes you do these things. I'm happy Jane." her mother said. She was happy because she had been trying to match her up with potential suitors in the past. But she rejected all of them by sighting various reasons.<br/>"Alright. If nothing else, I will get going mom. Love you." Jane said turning around to leave.<br/>"So when will I get to see him?" her mother asked.<br/>"Mom. First I need to get to know about him. Then I will introduce him to you. I promise." Jane said. She then left the house.<br/>The time was around quarter past six when she started her jog. She was hearing her favourite playlist which consisted of many romantic numbers. She was excited.<br/>After about 20 minutes of jogging, she reached the lake. She unplugged her earphones and looked around searching.<br/>When she saw a familiar figure sitting in the bench near the lake, her face brightened with a smile. <br/>She quickly reached him with long strides. When she was before him, she called out *Adam."<br/>Adam looked up and was stunned by the beauty standing before him. Her already beautiful face was accentuated by the light makeup. Her lips with the gloss was very tempting. Her fine shape looked more alluring in her tight fit clothes. He was tempted.<br/>[Resisting temptation. Concentration +1]<br/>"Hey. Hi Jane. So... what..what did you decide?" he asked unable to control his anxiety. <br/>Jane's expression turned sad immediately and she said in low voice " Adam , I think we should not start this. You and me will not work."<br/>Adam's heart stopped for microsecond. He was not ready for this answer. He thought he would make Jane his girlfriend until now. Now the things had taken 180 degree turn.<br/>"Jane. You can take more time to think. I will wait for you." he said after standing up and moving opposite to her.<br/>"No Adam. This is my decision. We are at two extremes of the spectrum. We can't be together. I'm sorry if I had hurt you. Thank you for the good time yesterday." she said in a sad tone.<br/>"Jane. We have talked about this. I don't care about our status gap or the age gap. I just like to be with you that's it. Please." he said in a pleading tone.<br/>"Sorry Adam. Don't push me." she said.<br/>Adam knew that pushing her anymore will degrade his image in her mind. So he decided to accept the fate. "If that's your decision, then I will accept it. I had a good time with you Jane. So, it's goodbye then, I guess." he said with a sad smile before turning around to leave.<br/>"Pfft...Hahahahaha....Adam you are easy to fool than me. Look at your face. Hahahahaha." Jane burst out laughing.<br/>"Why are laughing. I thought...." then only Adam came to realisation. Jane had been toying with him this entire time.<br/>" So will you...go out with me?" he asked to confirm his guess.<br/>"Of course silly. It was just a punishment for scarring the crap out of me yesterday. So don't ever play with me like that again. I'm warning you silly." she said pouting proudly.<br/>[successfully asking out a girl. seduction +1 ; charm +1]<br/>"Ha..wow. Don't you think that it was a bit exaggerated. I really thought you were breaking up with me." he said relieved by the fact that it was all a trick.<br/>"What are you going to do about that? huh? Are you going to hit me? Do you have the heart to hit me?" she said with her puppy eyes.<br/>' Damn she is adorable. I want her in my life.'<br/>"I will not hit you ever. But I will do one thing to you. Pretty often." he said with a mischievous smile.<br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>