
My Power Is Absolute!

This is a story that follows a middle aged man reincarnated into a Universal Vampire after losing his life on his way to work. Follow the journey of Zayne Destiny as he rises through the masses and conquers everything within his path for his power is absolute! [Disclaimer: For those who are looking for a slow paced and balanced story please do not read!!! This story is going to be facepaced and filled with incredibly large amounts of broken power!!!] [I just wanted to make an extremely broken main character tbh{>

Drais · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2: Terrifying Might

The being overlooked the mass destruction ongoing as its hands were clasped together in a sagely manner behind its back.

Upon closely looking towards this being one would observe that the moment it released this powerful ability its eyes which were previously overlooking the chaos were now looking straight in front of it.

It was as though this being was reading through something as its eyes scanned unknown information side to side even though nothing lay before its eyes.

Or so it would seem.

'It's been a few months since I've reincarnated. Reborn as something inhumane upon a foreign, barren planet, I chose to venture out after achieving Order 15 of the SageKing rank. *Sigh* If it wasn't for this system I honestly wouldn't have a clue on what to do or where the hell to even go.'

The thoughts of this powerful creature seemed all too familiar. As though, a certain man whose life had been taken not too long ago was the one dwelling within the body of this creature.

And indeed it was.


Zayne Destiny

20 years old

Universal Vampire [Young Fledgling]

SageKing [15th Order]

Unknown [Uncountable Units]

Mass Devour[SS], Blood King's Domain[SR], Blood King's Effect[SSR], Absolute Control[A+], Terror of The Vampire King[A++], Mountainous Aura[B+], Universal Bloodbath[SSR+]

A being born of the Universal Vampire race. These beings are the purest and highest form of royalty within the race of Vampires and are seen as the Kings of their race. Unfortunately there were only a handful of his, Zayne Destiny's species left in existence. This species of Vampires have been hunted for over ten eons by the residents of this very Hallow Galaxy due to their existences defying the very nature of the Galaxy and its means of cultivation. Blessed by the Rivers of Destiny, this little fledgling is, however, destined to walk a different path as the Rivers of Destiny do not wish to bring harm upon this fledgling Universal Vampire. As a Fledgling, Zayne Destiny has yet to tap into his racial abilities as once evolution has been achieved, the true power of this little Universal Vampire would reach even greater bounds as his limits would be unknown! Your path has been stirred off a road of doom and destruction that would have soon led to your demise. The Apocrypha Overseer wishes you the best of luck upon your journeys. Grow strong enough to hopefully ensure the survival of your species, Zayne Destiny.



'My skills seem amazing yet why does it not satisfy me? Once I devour this world I should be able to ascend past the 15th Order and become a SageMonarch. *Sigh* Targeting worlds such as this does leave a sour taste in my mouth but what more can I do? The requirements strictly say Low-level worlds. Hm.'

Zayne shook his head bitterly. Within the few weeks he'd been around within this entirely new life he had learned of many things.

Such things were of course his System and that his quick advances through power was due to both his incredible Race and the System.

The System allowed him to raise his power after consuming a certain amount of low-level worlds whereas his immense potential and talent allowed for a speedy, unfair advancement through the ranks of power.

Within a day alone he was able to devour more than 50 worlds! Just by this speed alone he could usurp the glory and honor of many geniuses that so brazenly claim to have insane advancements through power!

Of course at first it was never this easy nor was it this speedy but after countless worlds fell to him it became easier and easier with time and of course it'll continue to get easier.

Zayne batted his beautiful ruby red irises around as he observed the ongoing calamity he caused.

As the massive blood red vortex continued to spin behind him releasing an incredible suction force, the blood, bones and pasted meat of the humans below him were constantly being sucked in like endless dust particles being sucked into a vacuum cleaner.

Zayne chuckled slightly. This life, although cruel and ruthless, was by far better than his boring miserable one. Such power which he now held was a wondrous feeling that he had never felt before.

[Author: Tbh his mindset frightens me]

Glancing at his fair hands he clenched his fists slowly as he felt the power course through his veins. He did not know why he had been given a second chance nor did he have any clues why he had been given such good fortune.

All he knew was that he found himself within this body a few weeks ago slumbering within a desolate, dying planet.

After he had woken up the first thing he had seen was the panel screen to the system that read, which he knew belonged to the so-called Apocrypha Overseer.

Allow us to take a trip down memory lane momentarily as It started after his death.

There, he felt his consciousness shake into a boundless light as he then would quickly come to find himself within the body of this being.

He had woken up and glanced around his surroundings.

Noticing the land around him that was nothing but a desolate graveyard of nothingness, Zayne flew into a panicked state as his humanity of his previous life showed its mortal bearings as it was still engraved into his being at that moment.

But it was then that the bloodline oppression of his new race kicked in and eased his mind like a comforting lullaby. It was truly a blissful feeling.

After retrieving his mind and fully taking in the sights around him, he finally noticed the panel screen at the front of him.

Zayne, at that moment, felt the need to take in exaggerated amounts of air, charging up a stressful sigh, so powerfully depressing that even those born of joy would have bags appear beneath their eyes.

After releasing that breath of air, his heart no longer in turmoil he glanced at the panel screen thoughtfully as he then began to read its contents.

It was then that he had finally become acquainted with the Apocrypha System. It came to him as a guide but also expressed its intentions to help him grow. It explained to him its functions which included: which held boundless knowledge and information merely at the click of his tongue.

Then there was which was an entire branch on its own that allowed for him to use his Vampiric powers that lay within the Art of Devouring, at an abnormal rate in order to attain higher power. We saw one of its applications earlier.

And finally we have

This would obviously allow for his path towards power to basically become unhindered.

His evolutions would undoubtedly be more powerful than the norm as he could tell that this feature would allow for him to achieve far greater evolutions than what his race naturally offered and at a perfected state at that!

And so he learned of these features of the Apocrypha System and used them to quickly understand the new life in which he lived and to ascend as quickly as he had done.

He had utilized and firstly asked about the current location he was in. It came up as

He nodded as the information answered everything the question offered to be asked. But there was still something that caught his eye. It was the part where it said 'Mortal Region'.

This had become a concern for Zayne at that moment as he hoped that he wasn't spot on to what it truly meant. But how could he truly know the answer to his suspicions?

Of course there was one assured way currently available to him.

He asked the the question in which he had in mind. And this was its response.

<Yes Master Zayne, you are indeed within a region of the Hallow Galaxy that was occupied with countless mortals. There no underlying meanings to information given by Zayne. Please refrain from having such thoughts in future as it may lead unnecessary stress>

The voice of the Apocrypha System gave its answer with a dab of advice as Zayne could only shake his head disappointingly. He then asked, why?

It was then that Zayne's eyes would widen at the response.

Zayne didn't ask any more questions on this topic as he simply brushed it off as the system doing what it needed to do for his sake.

Moving onto another topic which had crossed his mind, Zayne then asked about the power scaling of the system. To this, it simply answered that it had followed the same power scaling everyone of the Hallow Galaxy followed, excluding the Mortal Region of course.

But he still didn't hear what he wished to hear as he felt like he hadn't been as specific this time. So he asked for it to display the ranks within the power scaling system and it did.

There was firstly the Mana Rank Series that consisted of the Mana Conjurer rank, Mana Adjudicator rank, Mana King rank and finally the Mana Monarch rank.

Each rank consisted of 15 Orders that were basically minor ranks that acted as a ladder which one was forced to climb in order to achieve higher power.

Next up was the Saintly Rank Series.

This rank consisted of the Saintly Being rank, Saintly King rank, Saintly Monarch rank and Saintly Apocryphal Sage rank.

Next up was the current rank he had attained.

The Sage Rank Series.

There was the Sage King rank, SageMonarch rank and finally the Sage Apostle rank. There were of course higher ranks but that's of course more explaining for another time.

With every rank a being had the opportunity of achieving the Three Cycle Series.

This was basically the process of a being attaining the peak of their rank series and then being baptized in the essence of his or her own Mana and the three most powerful ranks of the individual series.

For example, to become a Saintly Being, one must attain the peak of the Mana Rank Series and allow the very essence of Mana and the three most powerful ranks of the Mana Rank Series to deconstruct their Mana Core and reconstruct it into a Saintly Core.

This would then mark the achievement of a successful Baptism of Power.

This process continued with all Rank Series until its finale where it could not be obtained any further. The only way one could achieve another Baptism of Power through a different means, would be for them to evolve their bloodline and elevate their race.

A Perfected Baptism of Power allows a being to receive a 75% boost to all parameters and an immense expansion in mana reserves.

A Semi Perfected Baptism of Power only gave a 50% increase in all parameters and a minor increase in mana reserves.

And finally, an Abolished Baptism of Power would only grant an increase of 25% in all parameters but no increases in mana reserves.

Currently, Zayne holds a record of two successful Perfected Baptisms of Power, meaning he had a stacked amount of 150% boosts to all parameters with his mana reserves being wider and even vaster than large rivers.

It was merely a matter of his talent being immensely high and with the inclusion of the system that made it possible for him to achieve such perfected states with even more ease.

[Recount Completed]

To all this, Zayne couldn't help but wonder why him?

After all, how could he not? He was nothing but an average man in his past life, undeserving of much as he lived miserable and conceited amongst his peers.

Yet, even with such a past life he had now been reincarnated with a golden spoon in his mouth. A golden spoon of fortune which had been fed to him as though he was the a Child Of Destiny or something.

A cliche reincarnation start-up of an average human into an immensely powerful creature. Zayne felt it to be typical.

Yet no matter how typical it seemed he wasn't dissatisfied in the least. He never felt like he belonged among his peers anyways.

Though he felt like his wish was merely granted to him in another form, he would choose to honor this opportunity and use it to his utmost ability.

Coming out of his thoughts slowly, Zayne observed that the unending tide of chaos had been still ongoing all this time. Finding this reality to be somewhat, tiring, Zayne's eyes suddenly turned sharp.

At this moment his devilishly handsome face rose as his chin was seen staring down at these mortal as though their very lives were as insignificant to him as ants.

Zayne decided that it was taking too long as he was truthfully eager to ascend into the ranks of a SageMonarch.

Thus he left the [Mass Devour] skill active as his body beamed forth towards another direction, appearing on the southern side of the Dejea City.

There, he proceeded to spawn in another massive blackhole stained in a blood red color.

The people within this region of the city had no chances of even reacting at that moment as the terror of Zayne and his ability, [Mass Devourer] descended in a matter of seconds. Chaos beginning as an apocalyptic scene played out.

Zayne nodded slightly to this development as his body flashed out once again. This time appearing at the eastern part of the city, applying the same method here as the screams of citizens resounded in an eerie unison.

And so it continued like this as it started from city to city, to then, Kingdom to Kingdom and finally Empire to Empire. This continued on for a few more moments before Zayne decided to have a bit more fun and start Continent jumping!

It did not take long though as the fun soon came to an end.

As he appeared within the upper atmosphere of the World merely bordering the boundary seperating the contents of the World from the horrors of space, Zayne glanced at the multiple dots of red all over this World as within seconds the entire Planet started to unravel!

It resembled a scene straight out of a movie as the unraveling of the planet was truly a horrifying scene to glimpse upon.

Yet for Zayne, it was merely another insignificant world. He did not know it as he always seemed to believe he was a cold and nonchalant person but the truth was that this entirely new race was the reason for him being so nonchalant and calm at a sight like this.

At even a sight of mutilating human beings.

It was more or less something like his bloodline influencing him as a Higher Existence to Mortals and Beings it considered lesser than itself, therefore numbing his emotions entirely when it came to even the slaughter of children.

A monster he was indeed.

Well he thought of himself a charming one at least.

[Author: Ah.. What have I created..]

Finally, the unraveling of the world slowed, announcing its end as a few seconds after, a 'small' yet thick Planetary Core remained. What was originally three thousand miles in sheer size alone was now reduced to no less than one hundred miles.

A tragic fate indeed.

Zayne smiled curtly as his hands reached out and his mouth slowly started to expand.

His jaws cracked as they grew and elongated. His teeth grew jagged as his entire head grew past the current size of the world's core.

A horrifying scene to witness as his eyes no longer held its purely white sclera.

Being fully stained black with his pupils and irises both tainted with a bloody red, Zayne swallowed the world core in one, single gulp as finally he received a prompt from the system.

Zayne smiled happily as he saw the continuous prompts of the system. Just a few weeks ago he was a mere Mana King and now he was a powerful SageMonarch!

Eager to experiment with his newfound strength, Zayne's body blurred as his figure shot forward with unrestrained fervor.

His sights set on the uninhabited Planets of the Region of Mortals!

Meanwhile, as Zayne had plans to test his might, beyond the boundaries of this secluded region that was filled with nothing but mortal worlds, a being residing within a magisterial hall was seen sitting suspended within the air.

This being looked as though he was an undying immortal whom had lived for countless years. His aura alone releasing massive waves of a regal emperor.

He was draped in a full set of white robes, embroidered with fine, neat golden designs sewed on perfectly to look as though the images were alive.

Both his arms and legs were hidden beneath a wondrous clean sheet of neatly sewed white cloths giving him a look of undeniable dignity and might.

Truly, his figure was impeccable as his sleek black hair floated softly within the space of the hall he floated in. His bronze skin glowed with an golden light of majesty signifying that this being was truly a powerful one.


Please do leave your feedback so I can know where to improve upon!

Draiscreators' thoughts