
My Otherworldly System

"I shall Conqueror all these plains to become stronger" Andrew Sheman thinks aloud as he stands atop a hill. Earth is hit with otherworldly energy giving people superhuman abilities and powers; animals and plants start to mutate into horrendous creatures. Years after we find Andrew Sheman, a small and weak high schooler who is forced to fight mutated creature. During one of his missions, he ends up dying, but through a miracle, a powerful system awakens in him giving him the power of gods and demons.

Dlxr · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


"H-H-Ho-how" The nurse looked puzzled and scare

"How....are you awake" The nurse ran up to Andrew pushing the small cart away.

When the nurse ran up to Andrew, a screen popped up saying:


Name: Jessica

Sex: Female

Age: 21

Race: Human

Status: Healthy

Occupation: Nurse

Andrew was really confused as the Jessica, the nurse, didn't seem to notice the light blue screen in front of Andrew and went straight through it. When Andrew ask the nurse if she saw the screen, she just look at him with a puzzled face and said no before asking if he was seeing things. Not wanting to be labeled as crazy or weirds, he quickly replied no and asked what had happened to him.

"You were found lying in the forest half dead with scratches and claw marks. They assumed you was attacked by a type of Markie and brought you back to the fortress to be treated and healed at the hospital." The nurse explained with a calm tone before standing up and walking back to the cart that had been pushed to the side.

She grabbed a roll of white cloth of the cart, " Now stay still so i can change your bandages"

This was the first time Andrew had actually looked at himself. As he looked down his body he noticed blood soaked bandages covering his body.

<signifies thoughts/thinking>

<what the hell, how am I still alive with all this>

<I should be dead or did that Markie leave me alive on purpose>

"o.....ello....HELLO" The nurse had to yell to get Andrew attention as he was so deep in thought.

"H-Huh" Andrew instinctively put his arms at his side.

"You can relax sweetie, you not at the army base right now." The nurse said giggling a little. "I just need you to raise your arm so I can replace your bandages."

Andrew blushed from embarrassment and did as he was told.

As the nurse changed Andrew's bandages, he still thought of how he survived and what the panels that he seemed to only be able to see.

After a while, the nurse finished replacing Andrew's bandage, "There all done, since you seem to be almost healed, you should be able to leave soon." And with that, the nurse left Andrew's room pushing the small cart.

Later in the day, the same nurse that changed his bandaged came in, "Well it seems that you are good and healthy enough to go. But be careful, don't go around doing anything crazy" After that, she left Andrew in the room to prepare.

When Andrew left the hospital, he was faced with many different panels, and lots of information about the people around him. It seemed like there was no end to the information.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" Andrew screamed, it felt like his mind was going to explode. He fell on his knees and held his head as the headache of information continued. To those around him, it seemed like he was crazy.


[Skill opportunity]

Would you like to create the [Inspect] Skill

[Yes] [No]

Without thinking, Andrew said yes hoping the pain would end, and when he agreed, the pain started to subside.

[Inspect] Skill Created

Congratulations on your first skill achieved


10 Power Points have been given

Thanks for reading my writing, I hope find it entertaining or interesting. If you have any sugesstions, comment it and let me know.

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