
My Original World Is Not Normal As I Expected (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Former hero Shin Takeru manages to return back to his home world after 300 years. There he finds out that his world was not as normal as he expected. While trying to getting used to his new reality is when his new adventure begins. Will he survive? Only time will tell. All Honkai Impact characters belong to Mihoyo and its related subsidiaries. My OCs come from my ass though. *I was bored and this idea kept on being stuck in my brain so I've decided to write the story to get it out of my system. Feel free to diss for my bad grammar since I have not written any kind of stories for years and English ain't my first language.

Ackber_san · วิดีโอเกม
19 Chs

Chapter 4: Cooking with valkyries

7.30 PM, St. Freya Academy's student dormitory:

After asking the other students on the location of where the trio lived, I went to their dorm room's door before knocking the door a few times to alert them. A few seconds later, the door opens showing Raiden Mei who is still wearing a cooking apron trying to greet me.

"Ah, it's Takeru-san, please come in. I'm sorry but the foods are still being prepared right now. You can just sit with the others at the table while I'm finishing the touch ups." Mei explained the current situation to me.

"Right, sorry for intruding you guys tonight. Am I coming here too early?"

"Ah, no you're just in time but since Kiana-chan suggested to us to prepare more food as a celebration for our recovery it took more time to prepare all the food."

"OOIII Takeru~ Come sit with us over here~" Kiana shouted from the table.

"Right, I'll just sit over there with Kiana-chan, is that okay for you Raiden-san?" I asked her permission.

"Feel free to do so, Takeru-san."

Moving towards the dining table, I finally noticed that apart from Kiana and Bronya, there are even Himeko and Theresa joining for dinner. Huh, do they lived together with the trio too?

"Oh, fancy seeing you guys being here too. You guys lived together with Kiana-chan too?"

"Oooohhh Takeru~ They had invited you to join us on tonight's dinner too? Come over here, have some beer~" Himeko greeted and invited me to join her in drinking beer. Looks like she's drunk already huh?

"Good evening Takeru-kun. No, only Himeko lived together with them. I'm just coming by the dorm to have some dinner." Theresa answered my questions earlier.

"Takeru, wait till you eat Mei-senpai's food! They are really really tasty you know!" Kiana added more info for our incoming dinner. Huh, are they really tasted that good? Kinda excited to eat them to be honest.

"Subject Kiana tells the truth. The Bronya confirms that Mei nee-sama's cooking is worth to die for." Bronya told me her opinion on Mei's food.

"Well, if you guys are saying things like that I'm kinda excited already to try her food." Waku~ Waku~

"Everyone~! The foods done already~ Please help me putting them on the table." Mei asked for our help from the kitchen.

All of us except Himeko then helped on putting the food on the table. Damn, there's tons of them, is this fine? Who's gonna eat all of them?...Well, we do have Kiana-chan to save the day. Plus I also can't wait to start eating too, it should be delicious if we based on the heavenly aroma wafting from the dishes.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's eat shall we!" Kiana voiced her enthusiasm.

"Wait Kiana-chan! We need to say our graces first!" Theresa stopped her from eating immediately.

"Right! Forgot about that! Tehe~ Well, itadakimasuu!" Kiana said her graces first, and then jumpstarting on devouring the food. Damn, that's way too fast.


30 minutes later:

Around 30 minutes later, we finished our dinner and starting to wash the dishes, well except for Kiana and Himeko of course. Kiana is Kiana, and Himeko was too drunk to do anything at all. Damn, it's been a long time since I had eaten that much, the food's delicious I tell ya. As we are finish on washing the dishes, we went back to the table to drink some after-meal tea and spending our time on chatting, waiting for the food to settle down in our stomach. Well, only they are drinking tea, Himeko and I drank some beer though.

"Thanks for the food Raiden-san. The girls are right, your cooking is indeed wonderful. You'll be a good wife for someone in the future." I praised Mei for her culinary skills.

"Please don't praise me too much Takeru-san, I was just cooking by following the cook book's recipe." Mei blushed heavily due to her embarrassment of being praised. Huh, someone's a shy girl. Well, better this than being angry all the time while turning into the 3rd Herrscher mode.

"Hey! Don't you start trying to flirt on Mei-senpai, she's mine!" Looks like someone's a territorial person huh? Don't worry Kiana-chan, I won't steal her from you, she's way too young for me even though she's a beauty. If I ever want to flirt someone, I'll flirt with Himeko since she's fulfilled my requirements to a T. Whether I'm successful or not depends on my wooing skills though.

"I'm just praising her skills Kiana-chan. Currently I have no interest on getting a girlfriend which is way younger than me." I preferred more on the mature ones after all, they tended to radiate that sexy aura all over their body.

"Subject Takeru is correct, Idiotka. Praising Mei nee-sama's cooking skill is an expected outcome after trying her food once." Bronya backed me up. Thanks fam~

"Hmph! I'm not interested to listen to anything you've said, midget." Kiana dissed her. You sure that's gonna be okay Kiana-chan? Bronya-chan has a mean mouth although her deadpan expression would suggest otherwise.

"Once an idiot, always an idiot. Looks like the Bronya can't expect for subject Kiana to mature up in the near future." Ooohhh~ Nice roast there Bronya-chan.

"WHAT! YOU WANNA HAVE A FIGHT?! I'LL GIVE YOU ONE BRONYA!" Uh oh, seems like a cat fight will begin soon. Well I'm always up for a good show, especially after dinner. Now, who should I cheer for? The Bronya kid seems to have some good potential.

"Wait! Stop fighting girls!...Oh yeah Takeru-kun, how about you tell us more about yourself? The girls are well acquainted already and we still didn't know much about you." Theresa tries to defuse the situation by changing the topic.

"Right! Apart from being a former convenience shop's cashier and the current janitor for St. Freya Academy, I still don't know much about you. Introduce yourself, Takeru!" Kiana quickly focused on the current topic. Nice save there, Theresa-chan.

"The Bronya is also interested in learning more about you, subject Takeru." Huh, you too Bronya-chan? I'm not that an interesting person to know about, you know?

"It'll be great if you can tell us more about you, Takeru-kun. You did try to save us in Nagazora after all." Mei-chan, you too huh?

"…You sure you guys wanna hear about it? I mean I'm just a normal person you know. I don't have any kind of interesting stories to tell ya at all."

"Hah, stop lying! There's not even a single thing that is normal about you, just tell them already~" Himeko picked a nice time to intrude in our conversation. Ain't you already way too drunk to focus on us Himeko?

"…Alright, whatever. I'll tell ya all about me. The names Shin Takeru, 20 years old. I used to study at Nagazora City's Public Highshool but dropped halfway due to unforeseen circumstances. Former Homuson's cashier, now working as your academy's janitor. Hobbies include reading manga, watching animes, playing interesting games and tinkering with tools to fill my free time. Currently single and looking for some interested suitors. That's all. Got any more questions left to ask me, girls?" I gave them a quick summary.




"…Right! Aunt Himeko told us that you know how to fight Takeru. Where did you learn about it?" Kiana asked me some sensitive questions.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you about that during our interrogation session. Care to tell us more, Ta-ke-ru~?" Himeko joined the inquisition. Gulp~ Bullshit MK.3 no deban daze~

"…You've read my report right? I met a wondering martial arts master in the Africa's mountainside while I was trying to run away from the diamond cartels. He agreed to train me for a few months before moving on towards his next destination." Please buy my bluff Himeko.

"…You're just gonna blame all the things happened to you on Africa huh?" she ain't convinced.

"Tsamina mina, eh eh~ Waka waka eh eh~ Tsamina mina zangalewa~ This time for Africa~" I sang some lyrics from a popular song related to Africa a while back.

"Yeah, just keep on doing that stupid shit. I'll found more about you sooner or later." She ain't impressed on my jokes.

"The Bronya want to ask some questions regarding of subject Takeru's hobby of playing games. Does subject Takeru ever played Homu Gale Online?" The Bronya ask me her question. Nice distraction there Bronya-chan, I'll buy you some games when I've got my salary later.

"Yeah, I've played it recently. You played Homu Gale Online too, Bronya-chan?"

"Affirmative, the Bronya's main ID in the game is Bunny19C. May the Bronya inquired on subject Takeru's ID so that we can be friends?" Aaaahh~ I don't wanna tell her my ID since my nickname ain't that good…Wait a minute, Bunny19C? Ain't she's the kid that soloed the raid boss all by herself?

"The heck?! You're that Bunny19C kid?! You've got some mad skills I tell ya, we have played together before…Uh, about my ID, can I not tell you about it?"

"Please, the Bronya insist. The Bronya didn't manage to find a lot of friends that played the same game as the Bronya." She pleaded me. Damn, I can't turn you down when you're that earnest can I?


"…" she kept staring at me using her deadpan eyes.

"…" Okay, I'll give up. Might as well bite the bullet.

"…Slayer69xXx…" I mumbled to her using a low voice.

"The Bronya apologizes, subject Takeru. She did not heard your answer, please repeat once more."

"…It's xXxPussySlayer69xXx okay?! Satisfied?" I shouted my ID's nickname towards her.






Geez~ Their stares hurts. I mean, is it wrong to use anything as my game ID? Ain't no one's gonna judge me in the internet.

"Ewww~ Gross." Himeko voiced her opinion.

"…Whatever floats your boat Takeru-kun. But please don't approach any students after this okay?" Theresa warned me. Oof that's hurts, Theresa-chan.

"…Well, as long as you're happy, Takeru-kun?" Awww~ You're too kind Mei-chan.

"The Bronya managed to record subject Takeru's ID properly. The Bronya will send a friend invitation later on." Huh, looks like Bronya-chan don't give a fuck. See girls, that's the true gamer mentality, ain't like you filthy casuals.

"Y-YOU! STAY AWAY FROM MEI-SENPAI! HENTAI!" Kiana proceed to drag Mei as far away as possible from me. Don't be scared, I ain't gonna bite ya.

[Sigh~ This is why I've told you before that you're not good in initiating a conversation with girls, master.] Vee cut-in on our talks, thus alerting everyone on the unknown's voice.

"What?! Where did that voice come from?!" Kiana shouted while looking left and right, trying to see for any intruders barging on the room.

"…The voice seems to come from Takeru-kun's direction. Care to explain us more Takeru-kun?" Theresa voiced her deduction. Way the go Vee, now I need to bullshit more things to them. Why can't you just be a good girl and keep being silent as usual?

"…Hey guys, meet Vee. She's my companion that I've found while working in the mines. Oi Vee! Introduce yourself will ya?!" I told them about Vee while showing the pendant worn around my neck.

[Good evening mistresses, my name is Vee, or better known as Artificial Intelligence Version V. It is a pleasure for me to finally meet the mistresses, please take care of me in the future.] Vee introduces herself.

"I'm Kiana Kaslana! Nice to meet you Vee!"

"Nice to meet you too Vee-san. I'm Raiden Mei."

"The Bronya's name is Bronya Zaychik. A pleasure to meet you, Subject Vee."

"Hai, hai~ Murata Himeko here~"

"I'm Theresa Apocalypse, nice to meet you Vee. Say, was what Takeru-kun explained to us before is true? That he found you in the mines?" Oh lawd them questions comin'.

[Affirmative, master did found me during his diamond mining endeavors.] Vee backed me up.

"Hmmm~ Care to explain more about yourself, Vee? Were you some sort of artifact originated from the ancient civilization's era?" Huh, this world got an ancient civilization too? Gotta record this in my brain for reference later.

[I'm sorry Theresa-sama, I'm not so sure about that. All that I knew was when I woke up from my slumber is my name and the instruction inside my terminal ordering me to serve the first person who'd found me in any sort of way possible. Apart from that, I do not have any past memories whatsoever so I apologize if I was not able to help you more, Theresa-sama.] Nice bluff there Vee, let us see if she's gonna buy it.

"…Hmmm, is that so? Say Takeru-kun, can you let us examine Vee for a little bit? It might help us in combating the Honkai outbreak in the future." She asked me for a permission to experiment on Vee.

"WHAT?! NOOO~!!! Please don't separate me from Vee! She's the only one I've got left in this world! By hook and crook she gonna stay by me!" I voiced my displeasure by trying to act on becoming a sad boi.

[It's okay master, please don't be worry about me, I'll be fine for some checkings. Theresa-sama, please be gentle with me.] Vee sacrified herself.

"VEEEE NOOO~! Don't leave meee~! Theresa-sama, please have mercy!"

"…Aunt Theresa! How could you do such a thing?! Are you really going to separate them?! I won't let you!" Kiana shouted in righteousness. Thanks Kiana-chan, I'll treat you some food later.

"Isn't it too cruel for us to do this Principal Theresa? Look, Takeru-san is already crying." Mei-chan added her opinion too.

"The Bronya pleaded for subject Takeru's plight too Principal Theresa. Please reconsider your action."

"…Alright, alright! I will stop, okay? Geez~ I'm not trying to bully him that much, I was just trying to do my job after all." Theresa grumbled and agreed to stop taking Vee away from me. Fuh~ saved.

"This lowly servant thanks Theresa-sama for her generosity and kindness!" I thank her while bowing 90 degrees towards her.

"Okay, stop that. Just remember to do your job properly, okay?"

"Hai! Theresa-sama!" Wheew~ Looks like we evaded the calamity.

From there on our conversation went back to being normal as usual. Not gonna lie, it's kinda fun hanging out with them. I hope this peaceful situation will last for a long time. If there is an unknown danger lurking around trying to cause some sort of trouble in the future I'll try my best to solve them, believe it!

Ackber-san's here.

You've already read what Bronya said in the author's note in the previous chapter, I'm brain-dead right now from trying to form all her sentences. So sorry guys, there's no omake in this and previous chapter, my jokes juices already out.

So how you guys feel on the interactions between Takeru and the main casts? Was it good? If so I'll be thankful. Right, that's all for now. I'll explain more on my current circumstances in the next chapter.

Ackber-san's out.

Ackber_sancreators' thoughts