
Chapter One The beginning.

This is a story of a Young Man name Vans Getigan.

The thing the he really wants to achieve in his life is a good and very peaceful happy ordinary Lifestyle . No disturbance in his daily activity of a so called Lazyness, that's all what he wanted and that didn't happened .

Your asking "Why?", well im gonna tell you why .

Because it's started when he was a young boy, a young boy who is only 6 yrs old. When he was playing with his three childhood friends.

When the time that they are playing a "Hide and seek" , that time Vans hide in a hole that looks like a cave that you can even stand inside of it. He thought that this is a very safe place and a good spot where he can hide, but little that he know it was that time that his peaceful life will change everything.

When Vans enter that hole it was very dark inside of it . but he see a light at the far end of the cave, a very very small light that floating in mid-air . He wasn't sure if he wants to go to that small light that shining in this small and dark hole like a cave that he is hiding at.

But curiousity wins at the end of it , so Vans curiosity lead him to walk towards it . When he started approaching that small light he could see that thing is not just a small light but it was a very Beautiful shining white feather.

So Vans thought at that time *what in the world of echechebureche is this thing doing in here ?*, "what is this thing? i know this is a feather but how is this thing floating in mid-air without air coming from below of it?" he said in a small voice.

Even what kind of thinking Vans possible thought he cannot comprehend what kind of miracle to how that shining white feather float in mid-air and how can it shine ao beautiful.

So Vans approach it with a small steps , he was afraid that something horrible might happen to him if he do something that unordinary to that thing.

And when he finally 1 meter at the white feather he slowly stretch his hands to it . His doing it in a very slow and careful stretching, so that even if he only touch the tip of it with his fingers he might not do something to him that will harm his life .

Vans almost reach the white feather when suddenly he heard his childhood friend calling for his name so he was so scared that he thought that something happend, but it was just his friends that are calling for him and they are worried about him when they still can't find him, so he hurriedly run towards the exit of the hole and he already forgotten the white feather .

But little that he know that he touch it with the tip of his middle finger when he was suddenly called by his friends. The white feather blink slow at first but every blink of that white feather its going faster and faster until the Shining White Feather disappeared just like a bubble that when you pop it , its gonna disappear just like nothings There.


Same day 18:15pm .

Vans always go home before 18:30 pm in the evening . Because his mother and father always going home at exactly at 18:30 pm from work .

The name of Vans father is Mike Getigan and the mother of Vans is Amely Getigan. Mike is a Salesman from a small company where the paid is a minimum of 1$ per hour. In the other hand Amely is a Food Street Vendor where she sells some Breakfast, lunch and dinner to the passing people going to work or they just passed by. The earning of a days in selling food is 30$ a day worth of hard work, you can say that their family financial is just at the right amount so they can paid for the school tuition of Vans and for their needs in a daily life.

Vans take a shower for 10 mins and he dress up for 3 mins and he go at the front door of their house so he can always greet his parent when they are coming home . He always do this so that he can express his father and mother that they are finally at home.

And when the time is 18:30, there was a sound of opening door and when the door opened fully he See's his father and mother standing right at each other chatting happily.

So when they see Vans standing at the door and smiling there like a cute kitten who wants some love from his parents. So his mother Amely and father Mike look at each other then look at to Vans and they smile at the same time. His father or Mike was the first one to greet Vans , " Vans good evening !", then next is his mother Amely said next to him "Good evening my little angel" and she kiss Vans in the cheeks and then smiled at him .

When Vans gonna greet his parents he feel a pain coming from his right hand, he didn't know why it was aching but he only felt one thing and then he thought at that time that its hurts like his right arm is in hell ..


He screamed like theres no tommorow , Mike and mother Amely almost scared to death when they see their own one and only son screamed so loud that even they're neighbors has been alert of the screams..

Vans thought at that time what was happening, Why his right hand aching so much that he wish his hand to cut it off so that no more pain to feel and only loss of losing an arm .

His father and mother don't know what to do, so they first calm down but there still a a bit of panic so they called the nearest hospital in they're town where they're living at.


In a few minute of screaming of Vans they heard a loud siren across they're house and hurriedly open the door and carried the screaming Vans on the Ambulance and the nurse's on the inside carry their on doings to help Vans relieve from his aching right arm but to no avail.

His mother and father got on in and the ambulance drive fast to the hospital where it belongs and along with it you will hear the siren of the ambulance.


Inside the hospital

The hospital name is St. EMS, Vans is in one of the Emergency rooms where the doctors can cure Vans , but its been 2 hours has been Vans inside the room but you can still hear his screaming voice in pain outside the room.

His mother and father are praying to God to help Vans to relieve so that they can relax their pained heart of seeing their son being like torture in a gruesome way.

After about 4hrs the parents of Vans slightly relieve when they didn't hear anymore Scream coming from Vans room and another 1hr passed when the doctors and nurses came out of the Emergency room where Vans is.

When the parents of Vans see's this, they hurriedly came in front of one of the doctors and then ask "How's our Son?" "Is he alright" "did his condition stabilize? Because we never heard a scream for an hour where our son is" etc.

The doctor only said at that time , "Please mr. and mrs.Getigan your son is at the safe hands for the time being".

The parents of Vans, shock in horror when they heard the words "for the time being" they can't even breath when they hear that . The feeling at that time is as if the time is not moving and a total silence , you can maybe even heard the sound of a pin if you drop it at the floor .

The mother of Vans Amely is shaking, not out of anger but out of sadness and pain. The father of Vans at that time is not shaking but his face is becoming paler and paler out of worried as if their thinking or predicting that something gonna happen to their only son.

But when they saw that the doctor wants to talk some more information or you can say condition of what Vans are, they both tremble in fright that they thought at the same time *is my/our son's really that have a worst condition ...* but before they can even finished they're thoughts the doctor slightly smiled at them saying " I know what your thoughts Mr and Mrs. Getigan im a doctor and i have been many patients that had been handling for the past decade, but i can promise you that this next sentence of that i will speak to you two will help you feel relieved."

"So Doc .." the first to speak is the father of Vans but before the Mike finished what he wanted to say the doctor said again " My name is Doctor Ariel , you can call Doc. Riel ."

Mike nod first the continue, "So Doc. Riel so what is the condition of our son's right now what will happen to him?" the mother of Vans Amely nodded and said "Yes Doc. Riel what will happen to my little angel?"

Doctor Ariel first nod and then said "Mr. and Mrs. Getigan the condition of your son is at the safe for the time being or can say his Life is stable for now, but" the doctor pause for a second before continuing saying "but his right arm is not gonna move or fmaybe you can disable for his entire life and he is still unconscious by the way".

Both Amely and Mike tremble and tears coming out of their eyes again. They can't believe that their 6yrs old son have a disabled arm. *His only at the young age and this is what happened?* they both thought. So Mike ask a question "So Doc. Riel what time and day will our son gonna wake up?"

Doctor Ariel said to them in a positive way "maybe later ? tommorow ? or the next week. Its still Vans decision if he can woke up early or later. But be ready when he wakes up and tell him what will he face in his future and his condition is. I think that's all for now Mr. and Mrs. Getigan . I'll take my leave first"

Both parents of Vans lower their heads and say "Thank you Doc!" and raise their heads at the same time too and look at the doctor who slowly disappearing silhouette in the hallway of the hospital.

The parents of Vans look at it other and cry again in the arm of each other ..

Little did they know that inside of the room where Vans is , his right arm is shining in a beautiful white aura where as if you see a miracle being bestowed by the God Creator himself.

The light shining in the right arm of Vans slowy dimming in each every second until its gone, just like nothing happen inside the room and it came back into a peaceful room again like it use to be and the only sound you will hear is the breathing of Vans and the sound of the computer where you can see the heart beat of Vans in the screen.



HeavenlyMallescreators' thoughts