
My Naruto Storm Game Reincarnated With Me As My Cheat

Before everything, I want to warn that I don't speak english and I am using Deepl and correcting by my self, that's why chapthes may be late some times. Naruto world doesn't belongs to me and the image is made by an AI. ------ A boy was reincarnated into the Naruto anime. Every thing was okay, he had a family, cookies, love, attention and yet, he lost every thing. Now when trying to survive, the power of making a choice and become strong has arrived, he is determinated to survive in this world, but: — Hey, there is something wrong about this world. Am I really in Naruto?

Librarian_Heroen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

New Habitat (1)

The gym room was pleasant, nothing extravagant, but its simplicity gave it a sense of belonging. In fact, there was no shortage of personality in this room. There were three beds and desks on each side. 

The left side, for example, had its bed neat and tidy, with folded blankets and sheets still smooth, its desk adjacent to the wall in front of the bed was spotless, with books and materials systematically organized. 

Now, on the other hand, there was the right-hand side, where the bed was completely creased, with the blanket spilling out and the sheet wrinkled, his desk was just as chaotic as his bed, with a damp towel over the sliding chair and materials everywhere. A beautiful example of congruent theming from start to finish, from chaotic to clean.

There was also the middle of the room, but his bed had not yet been vacated and his desk was in complete disuse. Still sitting on the bed was a small boy, who looked as fragile as a malnourished child could look. 

His long dark brown hair, which looked lighter than it really was because of the sun coming in through the window to his left, was disheveled, but there was no sign of embarrassment, along with his alabaster-white skin, which, despite being malnourished, looked soft and flawless. 

He was Michiaki, who had just woken up in an unfamiliar room. Still groggy from sleep, he frowned and tried to recall the events of yesterday. It all started when I woke up in the forest and decided to take the test to enter the ninja school, he thought, connecting the dots, so... I'm in the school room now? Did I pass?

His gaze passed around the room, noticing the extra beds and their divergent themes. Looks like I have roommates. He didn't know what to think about that at the moment, so he looked at the clock attached to the wall above the middle desk. It was exactly seven twenty-three in the morning.

Michiaki looked up at the window and ended up having to bring his hand up to his face in an attempt to shield his eyes from the light, he glanced briefly at his pale hand before looking up at the window again.

— System! — he called out softly.


[Selected Characters: 2/3]

[Incorporations: Affinities of Naruto Uzumaki and Descent of Hashirama Senju].

[In the process of being recalibrated - 50%](Loading...)

A holographic picture appeared with a sliding animation from top to bottom until it fell in front of Michiaki while shielding his eyes from the sunlight that was reflected by the picture. Something he was very grateful for.

It's pretty quick, actually. Five more days and I'll complete my team, he thought as he stretched before freezing for a moment.

As if he had pressed a button in his brain, a flood of memories suddenly flashed through his head, and that's when he realized how he had ended up here. He remembered eating fruit that measured his chakra and having tested his affinities before losing consciousness.

He then dispelled the system window and slid out of the blanket. Michiaki looked at his bed, which was up to his waist. Not as messy as his colleague on the right, but still a far cry from his systematic colleague on the left; it was normal. Which was just as well, since he wasn't in the mood for chores at the moment, so he decided to leave it as it was. 

That's when he realized that his clothes had been changed; at the moment he was wearing long-sleeved baby blue pajamas with white details and pants in the same color. The material was good, very good, at least it felt that way to Michiaki. He ran his hand over the fabric and rubbed the edges of his pajamas a little before looking at the desks.

He walked in a slightly furtive manner to the middle desk as the wood beneath his feet creaked with his footsteps; on it was a note: "Wait in the bedroom, we'll be back soon!"

Letting out a snort, he put the paper back on the desk and opened the drawers to check what was inside; they were all empty, which didn't impress him. 

He then looked at his colleagues' desks, one of which was a complete mess, allowing Michiaki to make some assumptions about the owner's personality. He then turned to the desk furthest to the left. That was a reflection of a systematic personality and perhaps even some level of OCD. Michiaki hoped that its owner wasn't as rigid as he seemed, but he didn't focus on this. His focus was on the books on the table. 

He hesitated for a moment and looked at the only wooden door in the room, which probably led to the corridor, for a brief moment before approaching the table to look at the books. One of them was stacked on top of three others, its title: The basis for a more stable lightning. 

The other was open on the table, page twenty-three, describing information about herbs with many illustrations and, judging by the many colored markings that ran from the beginning to the end pages, I could guess that it wasn't the first time this book had been read, nor would it be the last. The others, however, were free of markings, indicating that they were still untouched.

Michiaki didn't take long before wisely moving away from other people's belongings, he didn't want to be misunderstood, after all. All right, new surroundings, new people... It'll all work out, won't it?

Michiaki let out a sigh and put his hands on his waist as he arched his back and looked up at the white ceiling. I guess I can only wait for them here then, he thought. Feeling just as nervous as the time he met his virtual friend at the mall.

He then walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge, where the sun didn't reach. That guy was a lot more open than I thought, he thought, remembering yesterday. He was... different from the other ninjas. 

Michiaki paused for a moment.

I shouldn't let my guard down around them, even though he's friendlier, he's still a ninja. Someone who had already killed, probably tortured and even done worse, he remembered from his blank expression as he stood at the gate. He wears a mask, just like everyone else.

He shook his head. He didn't want to think about it anymore, he didn't want to imagine the atrocities that guard had carried out or how much of who he had talked to was real. As long as he kept that in mind and avoided getting too close, everything would be fine. 

Shifting his focus, he thought about the test he had taken, and frankly, he found it too lenient. Sure, he'd had his chakra measured and affinities revealed, it was effective and objective. There was no denying that. But it was still much less than he imagined, he practically just ate some fruit, held a piece of paper and went to sleep. 

Ah, if only all future tests could be like this, he thought. But he knew they wouldn't be. It was fine not to test taijutsu or chakra control, after all, what could a six-year-old do? But from now on, being taught taijutsu, ninjutsu and so on. He knew that things would begin in earnest.

It was strange for Michiaki, he had lived in this world for six years, but it seemed that his journey was finally about to begin. He looked at his white hand, it wasn't as it should be, as he remembered. It was as if he had been reborn; once again.

And for that, he could be grateful to the system. He had no illusions, he wasn't special. Not by himself. These kinds of thoughts could be dangerous in the long run, but Michiaki knew better. He wasn't born to be a ninja, biologically and mentally. 

In his past life he wasn't one of the most centered people, you know. It was hard for Michiaki to put into words, but in his past life, he always wanted to do something big, something for himself. Something he could put all his energy into and be happy doing forever. 

But still, I didn't do anything. Not because I didn't want to, he thought, but because... it's hard to put into words, but maybe I waited too long. 

Michiaki let out another sigh, a longer one this time. He lay down so that his back was pressed against the soft blanket and his legs were off the bed. He would have stayed in this position for longer if it hadn't been for the sunlight that was blinding him. He turned to his left and crawled onto the pillow, before turning and looking out of the window.

The window was wide and had two gray curtains attached to each side; because it was so high up, he could only peer through it from above the bed. Through the window, he could see a glimpse of a tree with green branches that were shaking languidly on the right-hand side. Behind the tree, there was a large empty lawn that extended to a white wall that obstructed his view.

He didn't see the sky, but he could bet it was clear. It was as hot as it had been yesterday, so just briefly exposing himself to the sun made Michiaki start to perspire. 

Understanding that there was nothing useful to see beyond the window and that it would be too risky to go through his colleagues' belongings, he decided to lie down horizontally on the edge of the bed, so that he could avoid the sun, and wait until his hopefully future friends returned. 

He might not have been very hungry in the forest, but that didn't erase all his "training", he might not have had dinner last night, but so what? Three meals a day was a luxury that beggars like him couldn't afford.

Time passed, not much, at most another minute or two while Michiaki rested his vision, until he heard knocking noises coming from the door. He sat up while leaning on his right hand and twisting his spine to look at the door with a certain nervousness.

— I'm telling you, Jin, why do we need to knock to get into our own room? — he heard the high-pitched voice ask from behind the door.

— He might be awake and we don't want to scare him — he heard the other voice, almost as high-pitched as the first, reply placidly.

The door opened slowly and with a continuous creak as the owners of the previously muffled voices now stared at him. They were two children, probably the same age as him, taller and stockier than him.

Michiaki hesitated for a moment.

— Hello, my name is Michiaki Miyamoto — he said as he waved and tried to put on a friendly smile —, I think I'm your new roommate, so I hope we can get along!

— That's great! It's good that you're awake, my name is Mitai, it's a pleasure! — he said with a bubbly tone and a smiling expression. 

As Mitai walked towards him, Michiaki could see that he was carrying a plastic tray that emanated a divine smell, which made his stomach growl as if it were a mythical beast.

Mitai paused for a moment.

— Wow, it's a good thing we brought food, otherwise you could have devoured us on the spot!

— Don't be rude! You could end up embarrassing him — said the boy still standing in the doorway. — It's nice to meet you, Miyamoto-san, my name is Xia Jin. I hope we can get along. 

They seem friendly!, thought Michiaki, his gaze still fixed on the tray. Having approached, Mitai held out the tray to him, allowing him to see what was on it, a large bowl of tonkotsu ramen and a glass of juice, which by the color seemed to be orange. How long has it been since I've tasted real food?

- Is this really for me to eat? - he asked somewhat reluctantly.

- Of course! Don't you like ramen? - replied Mitai with a disappointed look.

Feeling his cheeks flush, Michiaki frantically shook his head in denial. 

- No, it's not that! I just... - he said, stumbling over his words - I just wanted to be sure!

So that's it for me! Wow, am I dreaming? If so, don't wake me up! It's an adult portion, just for me, and there's even juice! Better than that, only with cookies for dessert!

The thought made Michiaki's stomach rumble again, which woke him from his mouth-watering delirium as he heard Mitai's giggles. He picked up the tray by the sides and placed it on the bed as he prepared to start the slaughter. 

— Isn't it better to eat at the desk? — Mitai suggested.

— He's right, you shouldn't eat in bed — said Xia Jin, having already closed the door and standing next to Mitai.

Michiaki glared at Xia Jin, who picked up his tray and carried it to the desk. Without wasting any time, Michiaki followed him as if he were hypnotized and, before he knew it, he was sitting in front of the tray with hashis in hand. 

His hands trembled as he brought the broth-soaked noodles to his mouth, the delicious smell of pork and spices bewitching him and making his mouth salivate. When he tasted the noodles, he was startled by the hot temperature as he blew out the hot air and chewed quickly. Still, the taste immediately made him feel tears streaming down his face, he didn't know exactly what he was crying about, but he didn't care and kept eating.

He impatiently ate more noodles and more noodles between occasional sniffles, sometimes he ate the boiled eggs, sometimes he ate the meat, sometimes he mixed it all up. His lips glistened with oil, and he had finished drinking all the broth left in the bowl and the orange juice. 

He reclined on the chair feeling not full, but satisfied. This, together with the warm feeling coming from his stomach and the comfort of the chair, made him close his eyes feeling peace and quiet.

Coming to this school was the best choice I've ever made in my life!, he thought as he prepared to hibernate, or would have, if he hadn't felt a hand on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he looked over his right shoulder and saw Mita looking at him with her thumb up and a proud little smile.

— I know, tonkotsu ramen is the best! — He said extravagantly.

Hearing that, Michiaki couldn't help but nod. In fact, after cookies, tonkotsu ramen is the best, he thought as he took a moment to observe his two colleagues. 

Mitai was taller than Xia Jin, his skin was dark and his short, frizzy hair was dark blue, his eyes were purple and he had long eyelashes. He was also wearing a light blue tank top and purple shorts. 

He then looked at Xia Jin who was sitting in his own chair, facing him while occasionally taking his eyes off the book in his hands and watching him. 

Xia Jin gave Michiaki a slight feeling of being judged, something that made him feel embarrassed, but remembering that he still had to thank him for the food, he got up from his chair and bowed slightly.

— Thanks guys, you had no obligation to do anything for me, so I appreciate everything you did! — I said gratefully before raising my head in time to see Xia Jin nod. 

— Haha, come on, it's just room service, it's not that big a deal! — Mitai said while gesticulating extravagantly — But don't get used to it, next time we'll wake you up so you can go with us, Miyamoto-kun~!

Mitai had a friendly aura that impressed him, it was almost suffocating, but seeing all the effort he was making to get along with Michiaki, he decided he would spare no effort either. 

— You don't have to call me by my surname, you can call me by my name directly.

— Wow, really?

— But of course, we're roommates, aren't we?

— Humpf, we're more than that, from now on we're all friends! I don't have a surname, but you don't have to use honorifics with me — said Mitai. — Ah! But you can call Xia Jin Jin, also without honorifics!

Having heard this, it didn't even take two seconds before Michiaki witnessed Mitai's head being hit hard by a projectile that he identified as a rubber.

— Ouch-!

— And who are you to say what he can call me? Did I agree to this? I don't think so! — said Jin, looking only slightly annoyed.

 He then turned to Michiaki and, only after looking at him for a few moments, he spoke.

— I'll allow you to call me Jin, but keep the honorifics, please. Thank you — he said, almost reproachfully, as he turned his gaze back to the book, jotted something down, then closed it and put it on the table.

I don't know if I like him, to tell you the truth, I don't like authoritarian people in general. Nobody does. 

Having recovered from the attack, Mitai looked at Jin with an angry pout. 

— Oh, come on, you wanted to get along with Michiaki too, I was only doing it for you! 

— Well, that's for me to decide, not you — he said as he opened the book on three others and leafed through it. — Why don't you show Michiaki-san where the restrooms are, since he's so sweaty and hasn't even changed. Then we can give him sensei's instructions.

Bath? It had been a long time since he'd had a hot shower, and he couldn't wait to get rid of his sweat. Maybe eating ramen on a hot day isn't the best idea, he thought as he sniffed under the collar of his pajamas, smelling the odor. Well, I don't regret a thing!

— Oh, sure, come with me! — said Mitai as she grabbed Michiaki's right hand and dragged him to the door.

— You're forgetting the clothes — reminded Jin as Michiaki heard the sound of another page being turned.

— Oops, come with me, Michiaki, let's choose your outfit!

— I'm pretty sure I can do it myself, Mitai — said Michiaki.

— Oh, sorry, it's just that you're so small that I said it without thinking.

Michiaki chose to ignore the last part and look for the clothes, there was just one little problem. I don't have any clothes...

— Listen, guys, I've only just arrived, and I still don't have any clothes — he said a little embarrassed.

We're from different worlds, after all.

Jin didn't seem surprised and Mitai walked over to his own bed before crouching down and pulling out a drawer at the bottom. From there he took out a white short-sleeved shirt and blue shorts. Closing the drawer, he stood up and offered them to Michiaki.

— Here, they've probably already prepared some clothes for you, but we'll still need to buy some more for you later.

Mitai's gesture, simple as it was, was still more than Michiaki had received in a long time. If before he wanted to be Mitai's friend out of convenience and a good life at the academy, now he wanted to be his friend because he couldn't think of anyone better. It's not like he's a ninja or poses any danger to me.

Hearing the word buy, Jin couldn't help but pry.

— I know some stores we can visit, we'll need to buy at least two sets for each season — he said in his usual haughty tone.

— Heh, and then you're going to buy something for yourself, I imagine! — Mitai accused him.

— Of course, we have to make the tour count, after all — said Jin as he turned another page, not even paying half his attention to Mitai.

Rolling his eyes, Mitai gestured to Michiaki and led him down the corridor, pulling a card from his desk on the way, which he had to take out from under an apparently dirty coat. In the hallway, he could see that his room was the last in the dormitory, with the wall to the left being closed off with a few potted plants and a little table with a bonsai for decoration.

— Come on, we don't have classes today, but I still need to practice and stop by the library — said Mitai after closing the door, and he stared at him for a second before smiling mischievously. — Come on, Kouhai~!

Joining in, Michiaki smiled.

— Of course senpai, right behind you! — he said with exaggerated enthusiasm.

What can I say? I fell kinda ashamed. I said that I would update at least every week, but here I am. I had to deal with the military recruitment these days and other things, even now I still have to do some things.

The truth is that I wasn't even going to post today, I had part of the chapter ready, it was going to be much longer actually, but I couldn't focus on it. So, instead of doing something half-assed, I preferred to cut it in half and post a shorter chapter, to prevent you from forgetting me.

If you liked the chapter, them let a comment or something. Actually, I'd like to ask, what are your expectations to the story? What do you think it is going to be? I really like when you guys talk down here, so I am expecting to hear some good stuff, to be honest.

Librarian_Heroencreators' thoughts