
Not a usual day

"Nabi!!! naaabi !!!! LEE NABI !!" suddenly a woman shouted.

"ARE U DEAF?!! " she yelled.

"yAh!! Soobin, why are u yelling at me, I know I sneaked into your room,but I can't help....I love you so damn much,why can't you accept my love for you, you are so bad" the girl was murmuring to herself.

"Lee Nabi, you are now getting on my nerves...I will have to call your parents....let them see what their daughter is doing the whole day" the woman exclaimed.

(Hearing her parent's name the drowsy girl suddenly came back to her senses and stood up and looked around and found no other than her Maths teacher Miss Sun Hee...who was glaring at her)

"Ma..Ma'am...I'm sorry actually i don't know how I fell asleep...I'm so sorry....please please don't tell Amma Apaa about this....I promise you this won't happen ever again"Nabi said

"Ok no problem but please Nabi focus on your studies, U can stalk and love these idols later on...not now, these are your crucial days...utilise them well" Miss Sun Hee said.

"Yes ma'am sure!! ( What the heck was I too loud)" Nabi said.

"Yah!! Nabi why were you sleeping haven't you slept well last night?!" Aera (Nabi's bff) said.

'I myself don't know why I am feeling so sleepy and lazy"Nabi said

"Are u sick?"Aera said.

"Nah!!"Nabi exclaimed

"Are u stressed about something?!"Aera questioned.

"Yes!! No!! I don't know myself!"Nabi said in a confusing manner.

"What do you mean by you don't know? Aish!! Is something bothering you?"she said while sighing.

"Let's talk about this later on or if she saw me talking again she will kill me" Nabi said.

The class went by and Nabi couldn't understand a word as her concentration was lost. She was in her thoughts the whole day. It's not like it's usual, this is the first time such things are happening to her. Today was very hectic for her as she felt very sad and disheartened.

* In the luch time*

Yah!! Nabi,come lets have lunch together" Aera said.

"Yes I'm coming...lemme get the lunch first..there's a long queue in the mess" Nabi said

"Yah!!! don't worry let's share my food I've already bought a lot" Aera said.

"Ok thats fine too" Nabi said.

They both started eating and Nabi was still looking sad and down so Aera thought of asking her.

"Can you tell me now what happened...why you look so pissed and down?!" Aera asked.

"Actually aera!! I think Amma appa are planning to marry me!" Nabi said lightly in a low tune.

"And how can you say that?" Aera said.

" Yesterday I overheard their conversation and they were talking about my marriage" Nabi said.

"Don't you wanna get married?" Aera asked.

" Yes of course I want to get married but I just don't know how can I marry someone whom I don't know, how can I spend my entire life with someone I'm not familiar with,I don't even know, the person they would choose for me,would he be My Mr Perfect or not!!!....just these things keep disturbing me!" Nabi said while sighing.

"Don't worry Nabi everything will be alright and trust your parents..I'm sure they would choose the best partner for you." Aera said.

"Yeah!!! Hoping for the best" Nabi said.

Now Nabi was somehow convinced by Aera's words she stopped thinking about the marriage thing and went to her house after the school.

* At Nabi's House"

Nabi opened the door and was walking inside suddenly her eyes fell on the door of her living room and she could see some people and her parents having a conversation.She was not able to figure out what was going on there so she preferred going to her room. She had now freshen up and changed her clothes and was playing with her phone while laying on her comfy bed. Everything was going smooth and good until suddenly her Mother knocked at the door.

"Nabi dear open the door" her mom said.

"Yes mom coming" she said while walking towards her door.

"Yes mom what do you want?" she asked her mother.

"Get ready in five minutes I want you to meet some people" her mom said.

"Emm...I'm looking fine even now I don't need to change and get ready" nabi said.

"Do as I say I'll come here after five minutes and you should be ready" her mother said in a commanding voice.

"What's with her today?! Nevermind I'll get ready" Nabi said with a confused look on her face.

*After 5 minutes*

"Nabi are u ready come down" Mrs Lee(Nabi's mom) shouted standing in the lauby.

"Yeah yeah coming!!!" Nabi said while coming down the stairs.

Nabi could see not only her mom but also her dad, a couple and a handsome young man. Nabi was so lost checking him out that she didn't realized that she missed a step in the stairs. She started to fall down when suddenly two strong arms caught her. For a second she couldn't understand what was happening but then her gaze met with that of the handsome man. She realized she had fallen on him. She suddenly removed his arms from her waist and stood straight. She was very embarrassed. She was not able to make an eye contact with anyone.Then suddenly the lady who was standing just beside her mom said.

"No worries,it happens dear" said Mrs Kim.

"Yeah!" her husband Mr Kim said.

"Let's have a seat Mr Kim" Mr Lee,Nabi's dad said as they all went towards the sofa set.

Nabi sat between her mom and dad and that young man did the same.Then Mr Lee started introducing all of them

"She is my beautiful and cute daughter Nabi" Mr Lee said.

Nabi chuckled at her father who was praising her looks.

"And Nabi he's Mr Kim,she's Mrs Kim and he's their son Mr Kim Byeong Hoo." Mr Lee said to her daughter.

"Ohh anneong ghaseyo I'm Nabi nice to meet u all" Nabi said with a smiling face.

"Must say Mr Lee your daughter is very gorgeous.I assure u we'll keep her very happy." Mr Kim said.

"Emm...am I going somewhere appa?!" Nabi said.

"Yes Nabi we are deciding to marry you with Byeong Hoo" Mrs Lee said.


Yes my sweet heart,don't worry he's a great guy he'll keep you very happy" Mr Lee said.

Nabi didn't said anything and preferred remaining silent until the whole room was surrounded by silence.Byeong Hoo realized the same and thought of breaking the silence.

"Aunty,Uncle if you don't mind can I talk to Nabi alone?!" Byeong Hoo said.

"Yeah sure dear!" Mr and Mrs Lee said together.

"Emm Nabi shall we?!" Byeong Hoo said.

"Ok let's go to my room then" Nabi said.
