
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter twenty: Bermuda

Miss Tasha, why are we in some area close to the Bermuda Triangle? I asked.

The Saudi Arabia mission has been sorted out already so, in other to prepare the students and teach them about the outside world, we decided to bring you here, she replied.

But if you change the area of the mission to the Bermuda triangle, it means that our mission is going to be harder since it is closer to the star gate.

[Nb: star gates are the portals that the monster use to invade the earth.]

Exactly, Miss Tasha answered without feeling remorse for setting up the innocent students.

Lots of students are going to die, most especially the year one. Even some year three manic won't be able to guarantee his survival when staying close to a star gate, I shot back.

If it was someone I could easily beat up, I won't mind venting my anger on her but, after fighting with her for a while, I realized she could beat me even if I had ten life's.

I know you are currently irritated because of the school decision but, you have to be rational. The school is only trying to disqualify the students that are not worthy of being a magician, Miss Tasha said while avoiding my cold gaze.

You could have thought of some other way to disqualify them but not like this.

Although, I hated most of my classmates because of their rude behavior and attitude towards me, I still care about their parents. If a father suddenly finds out that his only son got killed by monsters when the school sent him on a mission, it could lead to his death.

I thought you were a nice person. But, you weren't you are just a green snake under the green grass, I continued shouting at the top of my lungs.

You will never be able to understand. Anyway, I will like to tell you something. You are one of the reason why your mission was changed to the area around Bermuda Triangle.

Me, I mutter in disbelief.

Did you think we won't find out you that you were attacked by a time magician and ice magician at the park? Miss Tasha asked.

How did you know? I didn't tell anyone about it not even my parents.

As long as you remain in the city, your life will be in danger so, general Zach and the school authorities decided to assign a mew mission to  the school, she replied.

So, you changed the mission because the person that is after me won't be able to do anything as long as I am close to the star gates?

Yes, Miss Tasha nodded in agreement.

That means you have been protecting me the whole time? I am sorry I raised my voice at you, I said feeling disappointed in myself.

Never mind, young kids are meant to throw tantrums all the time. So, I am quite used to it.

Also, you can collect a lot of core stones. After your mission, you can sell it directly to the government or general Zach.

I will rather sell it to the government rather than general Zach, I replied her.

Anyway, have your system level reached level ten? She asked.

Yes, I replied her. 

Then congratulation, you can unlock a new element.

What do you mean by new element? I asked Miss Tasha with a surprised look on my face.

Although, a new element would be useful for a person like me, I still found it hard to believe I could get a new element.

Noticing the surprised look on my face, she began to laugh before explaining. Most students who join the military from their year one would be given this once in a life time opportunity. That is why I insisted you become a soldier.

I see. No wonder you were able to use two elements.

But, there is a disadvantage. You will end up getting a new kind of weird element. Just like it's a good one and you can't tell anyone else about this, she said.

How about my parents? You know I can't keep important things like this from them for too long.

General Zach will inform them on your behalf so try to survive this mission because you can only get the new magic after the completion of this mission.

Hmm, I nodded before leaving her room.

I just hope this kid is capable. So far, he hasn't disappointed me so he should be able to look after himself. 



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