
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter thirty-nine: Monster

After staying at home for a while, most students started to return to school as it was important if they wanted their lives as magicians to be easier.

Rick, May shouted in excitement as she saw him walking into the school premises. 

After staying away from him for so long, she had missed him terribly for some reasons unknown to her.

Rick smiled awkwardly on noticing her reaction. He never imagined the well-composed girl to jump into his arms the moment he showed up.

May, glad to see you after a long time, he let out as they separated. Anyway, where is Tom?

He should be here after a while besides, he can handle bullies on his own, May replied in a carefree manner.

Suddenly, Tom appeared with a swollen face as he approached the both of them.

A while ago, May and himself were attacked by bullies. In order to save May, he decided to fight back to give her enough time to escape but in the end, he got beaten up badly because he was outnumbered.

Here, have this, said Rick as he threw one of his low-level healing pills to him since the damage was not much.

Thanks, Tom let out as he took the pill. 


Later, the three of them attended all their classes and we're prepared to leave when Rick suddenly dragged them into the school training field.

What are we doing here? May asked looking a bit surprised. Since the school did not announce any battle between the students, why did Rick bring them here?

Tom, May fight me with everything you have including your trump cards, Rick told the both of them without answering their question.

Why do we have to fight you, is something wrong? Tom asked worriedly. Rick was not a fan of fighting his teammates so this sudden behavior was strange to him.

Nothing is wrong, I just want to test my new element, he replied with a grin.

On hearing this, both May and Tom gasped. Rick was the only first-year student to have two elements.

You're a monster, said Tom as he looked at the boy in front of him in shock.

Although Rick was not supposed to tell them he had two elements, he had to. At least it would be better if they found out from him rather than others.

Alright, Rick shouted. He was also eager to see how much they had progressed after a long time.

Fine, Tom replied. He wasn't going to let Rick beat him else, how would he prove he was worthy to be their leader?

Firestorm, Tom shouted as his magic circle formed a ring around his pistol. 

On seeing this, I began to take cover. If a person was able to channel their magic to the weapon, the efficiency of their weapons would increase posing a great threat to him.

Suddenly, a huge firestorm formed above me. Tom had used the bullet as a means of moving his attack on me faster.

Seems like I have to fight back, Rick sighed as he activated his magic circle. He thought he could last for a while without using any attack or defense move but, he was wrong.

Rain of swords, Time barrier, Rick shouted as blueish black energy surged out from his body. Suddenly, the entire surface was covered with several swords.

Shit, Tom mumbled to himself as he looked up. There was no way he could block that kind of attack so, he decided to quit.

Hey, Rick shouted angrily. He had used a lot of energy to cast those two spells but, his first opponent abruptly quitted.

It's my turn, May shouted as she walked towards him. She had already seen his most powerful move so all she had to do was prevent him from using them.

Fireball, May shouted. Although she only used a basic spell, the destructive power it contained was very huge.

Time barrier, Rick yelled as he dodged his attack.

Time freeze, Teleportation, Rick shouted as he used his teleportation to reduce the distance between them while his time freeze was active before piercing her arm with his katana.

On seeing this, Tom was bewildered. Rick should have already gotten to level twenty while he was still stuck in level seventeen.

If his parents heard about this, he would be called a failure for sure.


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