
My Lust Booster System

Morgan Berry, a.k.a. the ugliest person to ever exist, finds himself transmigrated into a body of a handsome king—Brunos Pegrinan—in a world of succubus beauties. However, his joy lasts for seconds. This brand-new body had been locked for 200 years. His reputation and throne, stained and taken. Old enemies are now stronger than he is. Rules have changed. Many things have changed. Will a weakling like him survive this lustful demon world? Thankfully, Ding! [Lust Booster System loading] Does he really need to be lustful to survive? 'What a strange world!' Join this journey, and through love and support, help our brave and cunning Morgan become the emperor and return to earth to make those who wronged him pay. Wait! He wants revenge? To who? Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you what a miserable death he died. Actually, he was an author and his books had been rejected by publishers for 10 years. Also, his mother, the only person who loved him, was dead. But he never gave up. Who would have thought that after hustling and becoming famous, the very people he promoted would try to kill him? EXCERPT: ———————————————————————————— "Aren't I dead?" "I'm the former king of the Grinan Realm in the Succubi Realms?" "Among the remaining few males?" "Wait! Are you kidding me?" ————————————————————————————

7inkz_etls · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Tie Him!

Brunos had always liked the idea of creating characters with telepathic abilities for his novels, but now that it was being used to summon his greatest enemy, he felt like crying.

The white dressed goddess stared at Lania for seconds before closing her eyes.

An eerie silence followed, Brunos staring at the goddess with bitter expression on his now handsome face.

Before anything could happen, Peony, whose breasts were still a torturing sight, winked at Brunos. A seductive smile was plastered on her enchanted face, her eyes dancing a lust booster dance.

'What is she doing?'

Minutes ago, when Lania told them how Brunos had slaughtered their sisters, Peony scowled and wrinkled her face. She was sad. At least that's how Brunos had interpreted it.

'Why was she smiling at him then?'

The look on her face back then had convinced Brunos that if she could get a chance to get near him, revenge would be the first thing she would do.

But now... now she was looking at him longingly, teasing coldness out of him.

Was she just pretending to be sad back then? If so, it meant one thing. Who ever died, she didn't care. It was like saying, unless it's me, you are free to die. After all, those who died were just mare servants except...


Why did Lania say he had killed Amellia? If he remembered correct, he had left her alive.

Uh... Morrin's sword.

'OK! Now I understand. There's no way she could still be alive considering how bloodthirsty Morrin is.'

Back on Peony, on top of her alluring moves, her lips were murmuring something to Brunos. He narrowed his gaze, only to be shocked by what she was telling him.

"I. Want. Your..."

After reading those three words from her cherry damp lips, he didn't need to read any other word to know what she meant. He hurriedly shifted his gaze from her to the silent white dressed goddess.

... Meggie to be exact.

A few seconds passed. Then, the white dressed goddess opened her eyes again.

"He wants to talk to you," she told Lania.

"Summon the Speaking Drum!"

As soon as Lania finished saying those words, the white dressed goddess...

'Why am I calling her a goddess. Though she is as beautiful as a goddess, she's talking to my worst enemy and telling him to come and kill me. I can't believe I'm calling her a goddess.'

Meggie raised her right hand in front of her. A soft blue light envoleped that tiny hand of hers and, as the light disappeared, a tiny drum was seen standing on her palm.

Lania took a step forward and placed her hand on that translucent drum.


At her voice, the tiny drum glowed blue before the voice Brunos hated the most vibrated inside that tiny drum.

"Do you really have Brunos with you?"

Though Brunos was not looking at Fellene's face, he could tell what kind of expression was there. Anticipation.

Lania sighed, seemingly disappointed in Fellene. She was right thou. Fellene was acting as if Brunos was some kind of an omnipotent creature.

"Why would I lie about such a thing?"

When Fellene heard Lania's irritated voice, he cleared his throat and said, "Sorry! It's hard to believe I'm finally becoming a king."

Lania raised an eyebrow as if Fellene was standing right in front of her.

"What about Valeria? Are you no longer interested in her feelings?"

Brunos also wanted that question answered. Fellene loved Valeria. As far as he knew him, he always wanted to be on her good side. If he was going to openly fight for the throne, it meant going against her. Did his love for her die?

That would be bad news to Brunos. With Fellene still trying to hide his bad intentions from Valeria, Brunos would be having a chance to manipulate him using it. Like he did before.

What was he going to do it Fellene no longer loved Valeria?

'I hope he still loves her.'

Luckily, Fellene's answer was on the way to answer all his questions.

"Ha ha! Who would be my Queen then? I still love her."

Brunos let out a sigh of relief.

'Thank you Lord! Thank you for...'

Fellene was not done talking. "Don't misunderstand me!"

This time, it was Brunos' turn to raise an eyebrow.

"I still love her, but it's a bit twisted this time," he explained. "Whether she agree or not, she has to be my queen. Not tomorrow. Today."

In this case, Brunos was doomed.

His eyes scanned the room was again in I-better-be-out-of-here-now!

Instead of a way out, his eyes landed on Lania. The expression on her face wasn't something Brunos could read. It was kinda relief or some kind of jealousy.


So she loved Fellene? That made sense and no sense at all. How could she be so eager to taste on his treasure bird if she had someone else in mind?

'Don't be stupid! These are Succubi Realms. If incest is something normal, why would cheating be a big deal?'

Brunos was asking himself all of these questions to make himself absentminded. He didn't want to continue hearing to Fellene because his words contained truth that tasted bitter on his tongue.

If they had him as a hostage, he was sure Valeria would listen to them for the sake of Brunos's life. When...

...when they were going to kill him in end.

'This is not good! I better be out of here soon. Uh... how?'

The conversation through the tiny drum was still ongoing. This time, Fellene was asking a question.

"Where is Brunos?"

Lania glanced at Brunos as if saying,

"With us!"

Actually, that's what she answered.

The tiny drum emenated another short lived blue light. Soon, Fellene's voice vibrated inside.

"I mean, in which part of the cave?"

When Lania told him that they were standing near the bathtub, though Brunos had been calling it a swimming pool, Fellene panicked.

"Are you crazy? Take him inside. I don't want him to escape before I come. Understood?"

"And don't try anything stupid before I arrive," he added.

Lania looked disappointed again.

"We will be cautious," she said.

This time, Fellene's voice was angry.

"There's no being cautious. If you're dying to have him on bed, he will be yours after he gives me the triangle. As for now, tie him as tight as you can. I'm arriving the in a few minutes, okay?"

'So, even Fellene knows they're sex addicts?'

'This is bad. I'm doomed!'

Before the tiny drum could disappear, Fellene's voice vibrated inside again. This time, the message was for Brunos.

"Brunos," he said in a mocking tone. "Mom says it's been long. Before your die, she was thinking of paying you a visit if you don't mind of course."

'Ha ha! These guys knows how to be sarcastic.'

In his memories, Fellene's mother was someone who hated Brunos more than anyone. She had tried to get him killed many times when he was still young. Maybe because Brunos was a threat to her son's future. Or simply because he was his step-son.

She even went as far as to sleep with Brunos's bodyguard which got her expelled from the palace when Brunos's father knew about it. A grudge she kept obviously until now.

Why would he not mind her presence? Unfortunately, he was in no position to mind or don't? However, they were messing with a literature genious. There's no way he could let them play with his mind.

"I would like if she stayed out of my way...

...if she doesn't mind," Brunos replied.

He could hear Fellene's sigh echoing inside the tiny drum.

"OK! I'll have to bring my brother then. Maybe you don't want them too, but trust me. You're our little brother. Since you're dying soon, we deserve some goodbye. Don't you think?"

Brunos couldn't help but harrumph at Fellene's words. This time, he had no way to refute him. The bastard had won.

"Lania, don't try anything stupid before I come, okay?"

"We won't!" she replied through gritted teeth.

Just like that, the tiny drum disappeared and, Lania harrumphed.

"Who said we won't. It's not like he won't be tied. Can he break Meggie's enchanted chains?"

She then stared at Brunos with some kind of determination. If she was determined to tie him and try something stupid before Fellene could arrive, Brunos didn't know. All he could see was the message in her bronze eyes. I'm Lustful.

Behind her, Peony was still provoking him with her stripping sessions. Not to mention how arousing other succubi beside her looked. Intoxicating.

If it was any other man, he would be jumping at the opportunity. But Brunos was only thinking about his life.

There was a clock counting toward his death and a few minutes to wait for his arrogant enemies to come and torture him.

Stubbornly, his mind was in:

'I better leave this place now. I have to go kill a Pergus. My life matters.'

And just like that, he found himself being dragged by the archers in that labyrinth of their cave. The white dressed goddess was in front of him. Behind him, the naked succubi's eyes were threatening to pierce holes in his back, Lania and her illusions walking a few tenths of metres behind them.

There was no room for escape.

If only could teleport.

'I should have chosen teleportation ability.'

'You don't have to regret,' he comforted himself. 'Super Speed is also a great ability. In fact, without it, you could not have been able to defeat Amellia.'


'Why do I smell depression?'