
My lover is the first target

Hey, I'm Aurelia. it's about love and work story. I work as a secret agent....well till the day I met him. Dominic is his name... the most wanted mafia boss in Europe. I was working undercover in his building as an assistant. It was simple work...get to know him. Make him fall for you and catch him. But I did not expect that I would fall for him. Wanna know more? Let me know.

Wiki_Ozzy2616 · ไซไฟ
65 Chs

The injury

Dominic POV

After i was done in looked up and i saw my princess looking at me smiling. I was about to walk to her but someone shot her from behind. I ran to her screaming her name. I shot the attacker but then i saw the face of the attacker. It was her own brother Dixon. Her own brother shot her in the back. I kneeled down near her and picked her up in my arms and i can see she haves trouble to stay awake or stay focused. She soonly passed out in my arms. I carried her to the car and laid her down in the car. I strapped her in safely and started driving to the private hospital fast. The ones that survived followed us in thier cars. On the way there, i kept checking her pulse every 10 minutes or so. Her breathing is ragged and laboured but she is still alive. When we arrived at the hospital, i placed her down carefully and checked her pulse again. She still has a pulse and a strong beating heart which meant she will survive. They checked her and took her away. As they moved her to the operating room i stayed outside waiting for them to call me. Few hours later is when they called me they told me to sit down by her side and wait as long as needed. I sighed loudly and i sat down right beside her. I held onto her hand tightly waiting for news. Finally the surgeon came out to talk with me. 'Sir her vitals are good. She has lost alot of blood due to the bullet and some of her ribs have been broken. We managed to heal those injuries. But she in coma....' He explained. 

I looked at him shocked. Trying to process what he just said before asking 'How long will she be in coma?' He said : 'It depends on her recovery and if she gets well enough she should wake up sometime today or tomorrow maybe the other day or in few days.' 'But she might not wake up? What happens if she doesn't get better??' I said starting to panic. 'Calm down sir. She will recover. I promise.' He said reassuringly. I looked down at the floor and nodded trying to calm down. I felt my eyes getting heavy so i laid myself next to her and fell asleep in seconds. Hours later is when i woke up. She was laying in the same position as before. She is still unconscious. I caressed her cheek lightly hoping she would wake up. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. 'Wake up baby i miss you.' I whispered. I got softly up of the bed. I have decided to eat something. I went out of her room and went into the cafeteria. When i walked in i saw many people having breakfast with thier love ones. I went up to the food grabbed some food and drink before paying and walking back to my sleeping beauty. I went in her room and closed the door behind me and sat next to her bed eating my breakfast. When im finished I placed my plate on the bed stand next to mine. I leaned back and put my arms behind my head resting my head on my hands. I turned my gaze to the wall opposite of me. Then i closed my eyes trying to rest some more. A nurse walked in to check up on her before walking out of the room and closing the door behind herself. I felt myself slowly slipping back into the slumbber. I woke up few hours later. I checked the time and it was 17:45. 'I guess i will get some dinner...' I told to myself before getting up and walking to the cafeteria getting dinner. When i got it i went back to her room and ate alone hoping she will wake up soon. When i was done i placed the empty plate away. I took her hand in mine and i kissed her hand softly. 'Come back to me baby' I whispered before laying down next to her and falling asleep. 2 days after she was shot, she hasn't woken up yet. I mostly didn't leave her side. Not even to go home and shower or change in diffrent clothes. The only times i went out is when i needed to use the bathroom or go get some food. I went out to go to the bathroom. When i came back few minutes later i saw her sitting up and looking around. 'Oh thank god you're awake! How are you feeling?' I asked her worriedly rushing over to her and pulling her into a hug. I kissed her head and stroked her hair. Im holding her tightly and placing kisses on her forehead. She smiled at me and i smiled back. 'Do you remember what happend??' I asked her in a soft voice. She nodded while i called the doctor. The doctor soonly arrived and checked up on her before spoke up 'She looks fine as her wounds. She can go home tomorrow.' I smiled at him. I hugged her tighter. 'Thank you doc.' The doctor chuckled before leaving the room. I sat down on the side of the bed and held her hand. 'Im going to take you home tomorrow. You can sleep in our bed tomorrow night.' I told her. She nodded and fell back fast asleep. I chuckled and lied next to her.