
My lover is a Vampire

"It was only a matter of fact until I found out who I really was" What happens when you have a Vampire for a husband? Could princess Amaia of the Greek Empire adjust to his never ending hunger for life energy? Or maybe there was a hidden secret about her past which she knew absolutely nothing about. Taking a drastic step when it came to spending the rest of her world with Sebastian... She put her royal life in the hands of a Mysterious vampire! But he was drawn to her--and she was drawn to him. In a somewhat bloodbound way. author: Aphrodite_11

Aphrodite_11 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Intoxicating dance; Amaia's pov

"Sure", I said to him in the most mature way as I placed my hand into his much larger one. I flinched because His hand felt pretty cold. "Your hand is cold", I whispered to him as he suddenly pulled me towards his chest. "I get that a lot", he said while staring deep into his eyes. Which now appeared sort of brown. My thoughts froze in realization. "Uh. Weren't your eyes colored grey minutes ago?", he then slowly moved his left hand onto my waist and his right hand on mine. "I get that a lot too", he said stubbornly with the same annoying answer. We started dancing to the basic British dance in a ballroom. Making sure to follow all the steps. He moved me skillfully across the room and during that period, he kept his eyes fixated on mine. I was lost in his burning and intoxicating gaze as the crowd only silently watched the two of us. His eyes penatrated through my thoughts--i think. "He's so-", I thought to myself. "You think I'm handsome?", he asked as though responding to my thoughts. My face immediately flushed red. I was emberrased and I turned my gaze somewhere else. "I d-dont", I whispered shyly.

He let out a soft chuckle. "My lady...hold on", he said to me. And before I could ask any questions, he pushed my arm and twirled me around. I was caught of guard and thought I was going to fall, but his hard grip didn't let that happen. Then, I was back in his arms again. Our chests were so close to each other. I felt intoxicated by his gaze.. I couldn't stop looking. His soft touch sent chills running down my back and his soft breathe caressed my neck. We danced swiftly the whole night, leaving the ballroom only in astonishment. Sebastian's gaze started feeling lustful and blank. I failed to read what his eyes said. It was a gift I had. I could read what people felt by looking deep into their eyes. Only I had that gift and it made me feel like I was also some sort of God. But I failed to read his emotions. Why? I thought to myself. I decided to say something since the silence was getting way too awkward.

"To be honest, I've never heard about your family in all my royal years", I said to him in realization. He looked at me with a grin on his face and said," That's cause I'm from the Roman empire. You wouldn't expect to see me here". His pure, white teeth complimented his smile and his breath smelled sweet, his jawline was uniquely sculptureed as well. The whole time, I didn't stop looking him in the eyes. I was so captivated by his Aura.

But soon enough, the dance had come to an end. Sebastian slowly let go, pulling me away. And we were standing feet away from each other again. We were out of our little world now and we were back to facing the whole ballroom again. Applauses were heard as people were astonished by the two.

I never liked applauses, but this felt quite nice. I felt like I was the center of attention, and Sebastian too of course. He stood still next to me as we soaked in the goodness of the crowd. The dances I had with the other suitors were not as effective as this one. Everyone was happy and bewildered. Then, Sebastian walked away from me and headed towards one of the royal bars that we had in the ball room. They served Champaign, wine and various cocktails. "How rude. He just walked away from me. He didn't even bow at least!", I said as spoiled as I was as I followed after him. I greeted every guest in a haste as I tried catching up with him. He was holding a glass of wine with one hand and the other hand in his pocket. He stood back leaning on the long table. When he noticed I was there, he looked at me and turned his gaze towards the crowd again. He shrugged it off like I wasn't even there. "Pardon me Mr. But is this simply any way to behave with the princess of the Greek empire", I said annoyingly. "What do you mean my lady?", Sebastian replied in a childish way with his eyebrows raised. "I'm just having a drink. Do you want one?", he added. I felt like I was about to blow. He showed so much disrespect and I didn't think he knew that one wrong move and he'd end up being my ex suitor. He stood so casually like he didn't even care. Even though he was, quite charming and handsome. "Snap out of it Amaia", I yelled in disgust at myself.

I folded my arms and looked at him with a cunning face. "Yes please. I would like a drink indeed".

Sebastian nodded and asked the bartender for a drink that was much similar to his. He then passed it onto me,"My lady". After handing it over to me, he continued on with what he had started. He watched the people as they conversed with each other. That shocked me in a way.

I decided that maybe if I get to know him better then he'll stop being such a pain in the behind. "Well, are you interested in marrying me?", I proceeded to ask curiously. It took him quite the short amount of time to reply, but he turned to me and brought his face so close to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my face. But if his breath was so warm, then why are his hands so cold? I thought. "Tha-dump", my heart sounded. "It depends My lady", he says before quickly moving his face away from mine. How long it took for me to get annoyed after my stomach came from fluttering with butterflies was quite a short time.

"Well to me, it looks like you aren't even interested in this courtship. Let alone the relationship", I added in confusion and thinking. "Hm...I'm not. My parents forced me to attend. that's all. Not sure why they kept saying I needed to marry you, and you only", he said before taking a sip from his glass.

"I was miffed. Why would someone attend a courtship ceremony if they don't even want to get married. What if I end up choosing him?", I said to myself.

"Would you want to choose me?", he asked me as his gray eyes sparkled with anticipation. How had he even known that I was thinking about that. Is he some psychic or something? "I don't know about that. We'll see. But with that attitude, I don't think I'll waste my time any further", I said placing my empty wine glass onto the table.

I was simply astonished by Prince Sebastian Dark wood. But as much as I was, I wasn't ready to spend all my life, with such a stubborn and narcissistic man, Over my dead body!

Then, I remembered that there were more suitors which I could simply pick from. Even though none of them had the same chemistry that I felt with Sebastian. "But...why did you come here? Other than your parents convincing you to attend the event. Why are you here?"

Sebastian looked at me and his eyes widened with surprise. Surprisingly his eye color was back to gray again. He placed his wine glass on the table and responded, "Because it was your wish to be married of to a vampire".