
Getting home

The ride home was quiet for the twins. Peaceful, to say the least. Dipper stayed awake the whole ride listening to music.

Dipper looked up from his phone, noticing a similar bus station. He gently nudged his sister, waking her from her sleep.

Dipper hoped out of his seat and grabbed their bags, waiting for his sister to get her pig. The two left the bus, the familiar scent in the air. Fake hoes guess we are back.

The twin's mother ran up to them, embarrassing them harshly. They looked at each other, rolling their brown eyes trying, to escape their mother's hug.

The family went to the car, enjoying the rush of loud music and talking. Dipper put his headphones back in letting, calm, set the atmosphere. It felt like someone had their arms wrapped around him, holding him close. Dipper enjoyed it.


As the twins were unpacking, Dipper let out a loud noise of relief. Mable walked across their shared closet, looking over her brother carefully.

"You good?" She asked, her hair flowing softly.

"Hm? Yeah, fine, why?" Dipper looked up from his bag, a small smile present on his face.

"No reason," She lied, walking back to her side of the room.

Dipper pulled out journal three, scanning the cover. He rolled his eyes, placing it on the bed and continued unpacking. His eyes kept getting drawn back to the journal. He sighed and picked it up, flipping through the page, stoping on a random one. BILL CIPHER DANGEROUS!

'Even after gravity falls, you still seem to haunt me, huh?'

'You know it!!'

Dipper slammed the book closed, before standing up. He quickly walked through him and, his sisters shared closet.

"Hey, Mable, you wanna read. One more adventure?" He asks, shaking the book. "Before school starts?"

"Okay fine," she says, dropping some sweaters.

A sly smile crossed Mable's lips as she looked over her brother. She hummed cocking her eyebrows, letting her eyes run over the male in front of her. She quickly tosses her hair into a braid, throwing it over her shoulder.

"Do you want to see Bill or something?" She taunted.

Dipper rolled his eyes, holding his composure. He dug his nails into his hand, chewing his lip gently. 'Why would she bring that up? She knows I want to forget about it already.'

"Just because we kissed, doesn't mean we are a thing!" He exclaims, dragging his fingers through his hair.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Dipper, I was joking," she says apologetically.

"Sorry, Mable," he gently caresses the back of his neck.

"But no seriously, do you wanna summon him?" she asks.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

Dipper nodded his head, a blush crossing his face like wildfire. Mable could see her brothers destress and turned around, continuing to unpack. Dipper shyly turned around and ran back into his room. He closed the connected closet door before jumping on his bed, cradling the journal. He thought back to what happened.

Bill kissed him on his 14th birthday. Mable had her friends over at the shack, so Wendy took Dipper on a walk around town. But then, her friends wanted to hang and Dipper, let her go. He came to terms that he, was Bi and Wendy wasn't into him, that way.

He started his walk home and used a short cut. It guides out into the forest. Dipper eventually stumbled on a hill with an excellent view.

It was by the UFO cliff that his uncle Ford took him to a few years back.

He sat to watch the sunset. It was amazing he couldn't remember the last time he viewed one. He was lost in thought, as the sun crept further away from the sky in sight.

"Dipper," Bill whispered into Dipper's ear.

"Ahh," Dipper squeaked, holding his shirt as if it was helping him breathe.

Bill became a handsome sixteen-year-old. One side of his hair was an overly bleached-blond color and the other black. He was tall and slender but still built. Bill chuckled, and looked out at the sky, gently tossing some of the hair out of his face.

"Pinetree calm down... I just came to say, happy B-Day," He smiled softly, keeping his eyes on the shifting horizon.

"Oh, umm... Okay, than…"

While Dipper was processing the situation he was in, Bill leaned in, pressing his lips against Dippers.

'Bill's kissing me?!' Dipper didn't struggle nor pul away, he leaned into the kiss, feeling bold. He reached up and wrapped his arms around Bill's neck. Bill let his hands travel down to Dipper's waist, giving it a small squeeze, causing Dipper to gasp. Bill took the opportunity to allow his tongue to explore Dipper's mouth. The kiss was passionate and sweet but, Dipper pulled away and looked into Bill's eyes searching for conformation and well …

He couldn't find anything, there was no emotion. Dipper slowly pulled his arms off Bill's shoulders.

"Bill," he whispered, placing his head against Bill's chest.

Bill places his head on Dipper's shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Pinetree, I know this is confusing and, I know your emotions are hard to deal with right now but, I have to tell you… I think I'm in love with you."


Dipper grabbed some paper and started sketching Bill's zodiac.

"Hm?" Dipper exclaimed aloud, admiring his work. "Its time."

Dipper sat down in the center of the circle and started the chant. As he continued, he felt Bill entering his body. A familiar shiver was sent down Dipper's spine. He smiled as Bill came through.

"Bill?" He calls out, opening his eyes, noticing the black and white room. "Bill?"

Dipper slumped down, his back pressed against the wall. His knees pulled up to his chest.

"Hey, kid!" Bil greeted, popping up in front of Dipper.

"Bill," Dipper exclaims happily, as he jumps from the bed into Bill.

"I missed you, Pinetree," Bill says, holding Dipper tight to his chest.

The two stayed huddled together for a while, enjoying the presence of each other. Dipper took a deep breath, taking in Bill's scent before pulling away.

"Um... Bill?"


"Do you remember what you said?"

"Of course, Pinetree," he said, dropping his arms.

"Do you still mean it?"
