
I will become beautiful!

It has been 3 weeks since Celestia been on the diet, the first week was hard especially for Marchioness Septihanus as she watches her youngest child and twins on a diet.

She had teary eyes and begged her dear husband to persuade her daughter to stop this silly request, even though she was the one that agreed however as a mother it hurts her to see her daughter suffer.

However Marquees Septihanus couldn't stop Celestia, she refused to listen to his persuasion.

"papa, I know mommy and you are worried about me, however, if I don't go on a diet you'll be more worried about my weight when I become older."

When Marquees heard his daughter say that he had no response. All he could do was sigh and nod his head, leaving Celestia to do what she wants to do.

Celestia is as stubborn as she is determined to get that perfect body. Her twin brothers Elliot and Lucas well they are just doing it thinking it's a game but also supporting their cute little sister for her grand result. Charlie and Luciel are just watching from the side supporting their younger siblings silliness.

"Big brother what do you think is going on in little Tia's head?" Charlie ask

The two boys stayed in the library after their magic training. Charlie sat near the window watching the twins and Celestia running around the training ground, as Luciel was reading a book about wars and strategies.

"I'm not sure, but I think this is just another one of her little tantrum however if this is what she wants as an older brother I'll let her do what she wants, and when she has enough then that's that."

Charlie, however, doesn't believe it, ever since the fever, she has changed. Even though Tia still has her bubbly personality, she's a lot more reserved and has matured, not only that she has requested for a research lab from Marquess Septihanus. This had made an uproar as she has never studied science let alone read a book other than picture storybooks or ask her brothers to read fairy tales to her.

However Charlie just believes that she may have wanted to change because of the announcement of her fiancè, but he will never approve of it, none of the brothers approves of this decision of their beloved sister getting engage to the shameless Dukes son.

They all knew Cepheus Dominic Whisterial, and they didn't like him even though he is smart and comes from the dukes household and is the only heir. However, all the brothers are the biggest sis-con and they will never allow anyone near her, not even her so-called fiancè. Luciel and Charlie met Cepheus once, he is a very cute boy and will grow up with beautiful features, black curly hair and deep blood-red eyes that sparkle like gems, straight nose, thin lips and porcelain skin.

Charlie knew the first time he met Cepheus, he knew that he'll cause many heartbreaks including his sister. that's why when he found out from Luciel that Cepheus was Celestia's fiancè candidate he will always make sure Celestia never meets him. Whenever they are at a social gathering Charlie will always take Celestia to an isolated area to play while Luciel distracts Cepheus, since they are the same age and it's his job as an heir to make connections with the other young heirs.

"Do you think she's doing it for him, I always thought my plan will work by fattening her up so no one will steal her away from us however she is the one that wants to stop my plan."

Luciel stops reading and looks at his younger brother than he looks out the window watching the twins and Celestia doing sit-ups.

"sometimes the cat that you raise will attack the owner, however, the cat will always come back and ask for affection. Don't worry, nothing will happen even when she becomes the most beautiful flower we will always protect her from the wolves. especially from him."

Charlie just nods his head quietly, as Luciel went back to read his book.

As Celestia's older brothers were discussing her odd behaviour and brainstorming ideas to keep her away from her fiancè. Our little MC has no clue what her future has plans out for her.

During the last three weeks, Celestia has found it easier and easier as she has been running around the training ground and doing sit-ups, squats, push-ups etc.

She didn't just focus on her weight but also her skin too, she requested to build a lab in the back garden so she can use it to create skincare products that she has used from the 21st Century. Celestia has been creating skincare products for her skin as well as shampoo and conditioner. Her family found it hard to believe that a three year old who has never touch a science book will know how to create all the products when she presented it to her family.

Celestia father asked her where she learnt and came up with all the ideas. Since this world has magic and supernatural stuff, she told her father that in her sleep the moon goddess Serenity spoke to her and gifted her the skill of knowledge and creation. In this world of Symphonia, there were a few gifted people and the crowned prince was one of them, he got a blessing from a unique fairy this also includes the heroine she will get the blessing from an element fairy which will be healing this will also help her since she has light magic. Which will be an important scenario in the game.

Although Celestia never got blessings from a fairy it was not common to meet goddess Serenity but those who dose could be only counted with one hand, for example, her mother was one of those lucky ones that met goddess Serenity in her dream when she was pregnant with Celestia, though no one knows why she visited her not even Marquess, however, this rumour somehow got spread from the maids in the castle and somehow it got spread to the whole capital.

Thus they concluded that Celestia is a blessed child, favourited by Goddess Serenity when Luciel and Charlie heard this they were proud however also worried that many wolves were going to steal their baby sister away. That was when Charlie came up with the idea of fattening her up. Their father also knew about this plan, and silently agree to the idea, as he observed the two boys behaviour. It was a plan to keep the wolves away from his treasure so as a doting husband and loving father, of course he will not stop the boys from overfeeding Celestia.

"Lucy, can you please gather more maids and throw out all my clothes. I don't like it, the clothes are too gaudy, flashy and has too many ribbons"

Celestia is currently in her massive closet taking out all her clothes and also reorganising her room. Such as her pink fluffy king size bed, pink curtains, everything was pink in her room, thus giving her a headache whenever she steps inside her room.

Celestia didn't mind pink however this was just too much for her. So today she has decided to get rid of it and started to change the theme to cool colours, to what she wants. Her bedroom theme will be like the same as her previous world, a pastel theme. White walls, champaign curtains, aqua couches with blush and grey square pillows, along with a pearl marble coffee table. Celestia changed her blankets to White, Blush, aqua and grey, overall she completely changed everything. during the renovation for the past three weeks, she was sleeping with her siblings changing to different rooms every night this also gave her a headache.

"Young miss, I gather a few maids here. Do you want us to leave a few clothes for you as you will have to wait for a few months until your new clothes are ready?" Celestia personal maid asks.

Lucy is still young only 16 years old who is also a noble. Lucy is the daughter of a viscount from Celestia's fief. Lucy has honey blonde hair and deep forest green eyes, long lashes, straight nose, plump lips and porcelain skin. Lucy was a beauty, although she wasn't a world-class beauty she was still beautiful and attracted many young men.

Lucy is a loyal Maid who stayed with Celestia until she died in the game and novel. Lucy was the only person who visited Celestia's grave in the end not even her parents visited her as they lost all hope on their youngest child. Celestia was a pitiful child, even though everyone says she was blessed.

"Yes please, Lucy can you pick simple dresses, hmm I remember grandma bought me a few dresses when she came and visit during the Stellar festival, leave her dresses, I remember it was simple and easy to move in," Celestia said in a calm gentle voice that sounds like little bells

"Yes, miss," Lucy responded, with a smile.

I wonder what they do with the clothes that we don't want anymore. Celestia turns towards Lucy who was standing beside her.

"Lucy, what do you do with the rest of the clothes?" Celestia asked curiously.

Lucy gently smiles at her young miss.

"We throw it out and burn it if we see some materials that are still in good condition we use it for something else. However most of the time we burn it."

Celestia almost chokes on air, finding out that they burn the clothes that are still all good and most of the gaudy dresses weren't even touched.

"Stop, please wait"

All the maids stopped their movements, as their young miss suddenly raised her voice thinking they must have done something wrong. Celestia turns to Lucy, with a smile plaster on her chubby face.

"Lucy is the seamstress busy today?" Celestia asked curiously yet mysteriously as well.

Lucy shook her head curiously, wanting to ask her young miss why however she held her tongue back as she is just a maid.

"Good, take all the dresses to the seamstress and ask them to use all the materials to make simple clothing that will be fit for young children from the orphanage, while I inform my mother that I would like to donate the clothes to all the churches and orphanages in our fief," Celestia said like as if she was talking about the weather.

While all the maids and Lucy had a shock expression. Listening to their little miss order about donating clothes with high quality was something new, especially as a noble they have never heard of this before. However, how could they go against their master's order? So with a nod, they did what she said.

While Lucy and her maid went to inform the seamstress Celestia made her way to her mother who was in the parlour drinking tea. As Celestia pops out from the corner and saw her beautiful enchanting mother sitting in her seat, her back facing the sun made her look like a fairy who has descended from the sky. Marchioness saw her youngest daughter and smiles at her.

"Tia, why are you here I thought you'll be in your room changing your clothes?" Marchioness asked curiously in her gentle sweet honey voice.

It's been three weeks now that Celestia mentioned that she wants to change and become beautiful, and when she mentioned she wants to throw out all her gaudy dresses Marchioness agreed. Marchioness Septihanus has been in the noble circle for very long, understanding that a dress is a women's weapon she agrees to this request, and money was not a problem for the Septihanus household. Celestia smiles as she walks up to her lovely mother.

"Mummy, I would like to ask you for a favour," Celestia said as she sat in front of her mother. Marchioness Septihanus raises her eyebrow however she still stayed quiet and waited for Celestia to continue.

"I want to donate all my clothes to the church that is looking after the young children and the orphanage, I have asked Lucy to tell the seamstress to use all my old dresses and turned them into clothes that are simple and easy to move in for the children. So I would like to ask mummy to help me donate it."

This request shock the Marchioness as she has never heard of this kind of idea reusing the materials let alone donate it to the orphanage. So with this new idea and boosting her household and her daughter's name to the society even before she has debuted Marchioness Septihanus happily agree to it.

Who wouldn't want to show off their daughter's genius ideas, when Celestia came up with shampoo and conditioner Marchioness Septihanus told the gossipy noble ladies and showed off her soft beautiful hair that shines in the sunlight. This made the nobles envy her when Celestia came up with the skincare products, Marchioness Septihanus told all her friends and showed off her beautiful glowing skin to all the nobles this attracted their interest and envy to the Marchioness. Now her little girl wants to donate clothes of course she'll agree as this will increase on the household reputation but also increase on Celestia's popularity.

What a shocking news realising that all this time it was her dear brothers and father that plan for her to become an ugly duckling to keep all the wolves away from her.

Do you think, Celestia will realise it was her brothers idea or will she contiune living without knowing about it.

kixicreators' thoughts