1 Genesis

It was a warm August day in the state of New York. The Sun was beaming down towards everyone and raised a smile on a young teen's face. He was of moderate height, standing at a solid 5' 9". He had lustrous short silver hair with a handsome face that would make girls swoon if he wasn't covered in grime. His stone cold silver eyes gave off a menacing aura if you stared too long. His clothes looked as if they were his size long ago.

This young man's name is Adam. At a young age, his father had died while DUI, and had left him with his mother. She worked hard everyday to support the both of them, yet stress caught up to her and she worked herself to death. Then there was one. Adam was left with nothing but a house paid by the government and the clothes on his back. It wasn't a bad deal, but he had no way of making money. All known relatives had died and so that left him to stealing. It was a miracle he survived to the age of seventeen.

Shaking his head, Adam jumped off the the bin he was leaning on and walked into a busy street with a bunch of office drones and company officials. His hands sneaky slid into the pockets of the fattest wallets in the crowd and snatched them and casually walked away. After five minutes, he planned on snatching five more wallets to pay for some new clothes. Suddenly, a blue screen appears in front of his face and scared Adam so bad he fell backward.

*Quest Initiated*

Steal 5 wallets and get some new clothes!

Reward: 10 XP

Failure: Jail

Do you accept?

"What the Hell?!" Adam's sudden shout surprised the passerbys, making them curious to know why he shouted, and knowing this Adam quickly ran into an alley. Once he was sure no one was looking, Adam accepted the quest. He figured it was all in his head since nobody reacted when it popped up out of nowhere except him. "If this is a game, then I should have stats and skills right? Alright, so I guess I just think it?" Adam wondered. 'Status', Adam thought. Suddenly another blue screen appears.

*Name: Adam*

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Title: None

Level: 1

XP: 0/10

Strength: 8

Endurance: 8

Vitality: 5

Speed: 8

Intelligence: 10

*Wisdom: 15*

Why the hell is my vitality so low?!
