
Something is fishy

While Lilly glares at Ben, he comes out of the car and greets her


Lilly doesn't even care about his greetings and questions very arrogantly

" Where is Riya? Why are you both in the car?"

Ben understand Lilly's concern about Riya and answers

"Lilly, please be calm, let me explain you everything".

Lilly tries to calm herself and listens to Ben

10 Minutes Before

" When I was about to cut your call, there came a shout. It was from a dog inside the gate barking loudly which made Riya wake up who was sleeping, she immediately ran inside with all her belongings, she went to the dog, pampers him.

I was trying to call her from behind but Riya took the dog along with her and shut the door.

And we didn't understand what to do so we are staying in the car just to make sure she's ok."

"Should I trust with whatever you said"?asks Lilly with a doubtful face.

Ben was so honest that she could see in his eyes

" Yes, of course, if you are doubtful you can check Riya in her home".

Lilly felt pleased with the answer then she asked

"If you are keeping an eye on her home for her safety then why did you sleep?".

Ben went blank with the question but calmly said

"I am really sorry. I tried but couldn't control my sleep".

"Ok, You can leave now, If Riya tells me that something went wrong I won't spare you".

Ben leaves his number with her but doesn't

mention name and identity.

Lilly replies " see you." and makes a move.

Meanwhile Ben stops Lilly, she looks at him precisely, Ben with an innocent face hand over Riya's phone to Lilly remembering how Riya ran away into the house without even caring about Ben who tried to return her phone.

Ben sits in the car and Jack starts immediately.

Lilly watches the car until it vanishes in the fog.

Lilly goes into Riya's home she rings the bell multiple times but there is no response.

She understands that Riya might be sleeping and leaves home.

Lilly is quite anxious to know about the stranger who helped Riya in her unconscious state, she was sure that the person had something with Riya's past as she always hesitated to tell anything about herself.

Curiosity increases so rapidly that Lilly couldn't sleep pleasantly that night, it was almost 5 in the morning, she calls Riya's Landline number, there was no response. she doesn't understand what to do.

Lilly goes to workout but her concentration was disturbed as she was thinking about Riya. she couldn't help herself and calls Riya again. It is almost 7 in the morning, This time Riya picks up the call.

Lilly was happy and also relieved after listening to Riya's voice

" Hi, Lilly is there something wrong?"

Riya wasn't aware of anything happening last night.

Lilly wanted to discuss many things with Riya asks her to get ready quickly so that they can leave college early and hangs the phone.