

"It all started with a guy in zebra stripes print t shirt at the airport that made me lose my phone and now I fell in love!" travelling to LA for the summer Break had been Faye's dream for quite a long time and when she thought she finally had a chance she is forced to go New York, and to make things worse she had to stay with her aunt, when she finally thought of making her stay good she encounters her next door neighbor whom she fell in love with at first sight, hiding her feelings she tries to be friends with him but things got harder as he didn't seem to harbour any kind of friendly feelings towards her, would she achieve her goal in this one month summer Break?, or would she end up regretting her stay in New york

Joycepen · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

Chapter 2 (❁'◡'❁)

I rolled over and over on the bed all night, and sleep seemed to be far away from me as i couldn't bring myself to think of all the things that went lost on my phone, this was a lesson to me, to never mock someone based on their appearance, or maybe that wasn't what it taught me, maybe the real lesson was....the back view of a zebra print t shirt guy, could ruin you...

O⋆r⋆ s⋆o⋆.i⋆.t⋆h⋆o⋆u⋆g⋆h⋆t⋆....b⋆u⋆t⋆.....

H⋆o⋆w⋆ d⋆i⋆d⋆ i⋆...

f⋆a⋆l⋆l⋆ i⋆n⋆ l♥o♥v♥e♥.

(And the truth was, my phone didn't keep me up, it was the curiosity of how zebra prints looked like).




New york.

Heavy rain

POV (Faye),

I sat up on the bed and stared out the window, as the sound of falling rain played a beautiful melody in my ear, and then I realized how beautiful the rain looked like if I looked closely, then I saw a guy in a zebra prints t shirt holding an umbrella and walking in the rain, and wierdly, it was the same guy.

I grabbed my coat and ran into the living room and rushed to the door, "Faye!, Good morning Is everything okay?", "You've totally gone crazy going out like that, Faye!", my aunt called as I ran into the rain, looking all around, then I spotted him from a distance.

I wanted to call him but I didn't know his name, so I stood there in the rain, "hey!!", I said and funny how he heard from a distance, "Faye!!, Wake up!", He turned slowly and I gulped down my saliva as he made a slight turn, and just as I was about to see his face"Faye wake up, bitch!"...[z][z][z...I woke up...


"Faye are you okay?!", Aunt Jane said as my eyes flickered open!, And the fact that it was a dream annoyed me, why would I dream about him?.

"Faye can you hear me?!", "Yeah...yeah sure", I stammered with my eyes darting all around the room, I stared at the window and it wasn't raining but water trickled down the window like it just rained, "was it was all a dream?", I said absent minded a

Gazing at the window, "what?, What did you say?, Did you have a dream?", Aunt Jane said and I nodded staring at the window.

"Was it a good dream?", "No...it wasn't", I said with my eyes fixated on the window, the memories of the dream flashed through my head and I couldn't help but think why I felt that way, "then was it a bad dream?", My aunt asked and I fell silent not knowing what answer to give, it wasn't a good dream since I didn't get to see his face, and it wasn't a bad dream since it didn't scare me, "no..it wasn't...", I replied running my eyes back to my aunt who seemed really worried, "it's going to be fine", she said trying to console me for whatever dream I had.

But the question was....why did his appearance seem to mean a lot to me?.


Later that day...


We were all seated around the dining table, aunt Jane,Nancy and Kate, "Sorry about the late breakfast Faye, I just wanted to make things perfect since it was your first morning", aunt Jane said and I nodded, "you should be apologizing to us! Mom!", Nancy said and my aunt seemed angry and I was trying my best not to make my stay bad, so I kept silent.

"Don't be so rude Nancy", Kate said and Nancy glared at me, "she obviously just slept in her room while we made breakfast, we are not her maids", "Nancy stop it!", "I don't understand why you let her stay with us, I don't like her, we all don't, so let's stop with the pretense", Nancy said hoping to piss me off but little did she know what was going through my tiny head.

"Go to your room now!", Aunt Jane yelled and Nancy stood up giving me a last glare before she stormed into her room, "I hate you all!", Nancy yelled from the room and I couldn't hide the fact of how rude Aunt Jane's kids were and the fact that I was going to live with them for a month gave me the chills.

"Fucking control your kids mum!, She just ruined my live!, They are so fucking loud", the twins elder sis Coral who was my age mate yelled coming to the dining table, "I'm sorry about that Faye", my aunt said and I just gave a slight nod, "we love you", Kate said and held my hand, funny how a kid's word could be so comforting.

"What's up Faye, and what is up with the emotional atmosphere?", Coral said and took a seat beside me, "hi Coral, it's been a while", I said pretending to be nice when we had a bad past together, we didn't have any good memories too.

"I know right, is it like a year or two?, Since your mom passed away, that was the last time we met remember?", Coral said and the flashes of those sad memories played through my mind over and over again, I let out a slick sigh as a sigh escaped my lips again but this time it was louder.

"Coral stop it!", My aunt said and stood up slamming the table, "chill mum, I was just messing with your neice", Coral said and I slowly stood up, "uhmm, I want to buy some fruits down the street I'll be right back", I lied and slowly Walked to the door, "do you even know where to get those?, Take your umbrella it might rain, and don't catch a cold", Aunt Jane said and I just went out without slamming the door.

On getting out, it started to rain, I rested my back on the door and sighed, "you guys are so much grounded!", I heard aunt Jane say from inside and I just wanted to be alone, I didn't know anywhere so I just walked down the street getting my self drenched in the rain.

To some people I seemed like a sad girl walking in the rain, but to me this was a way of comforting myself, this time the street was empty and there was no one in sight so I just kept walking and walking fully drenched, my brand new sneakers I got from alibaba.com was now fully soaked in water with my socks wet, my hair fell right on my back soaked, the rain wasn't stopping anytime soon, and that was good for me.

I stared at my waterproof wristwatch from alibaba.com and smiled, it was worth it though.


I looked straight ahead and I saw a guy in zebra print hoodie coming straight at me, funny how he still had the same cloth on, water was in my eyes and I cleaned it with my soaked sleeves to get a better view, he wasn't far from me and every step he took.....counted my heartbeat.

He looked like a fictional character, "ocean blue eyes, button nose shape, a deep magenta colored heart shaped lips, blonde hair,...and those eyes, were staring at me, coming towards me...my heartbeat raced faster as he took every step....and damnnnn.....z̴e̴b̴r̴a̴ s̴t̴r̴i̴p̴e̴s̴ p̴r̴i̴n̴t̴ t̴ s̴h̴i̴r̴t̴.....i̴s̴....h̷o̷t̷!!!🌙☀️⛅...

Thanks for reading!!!!




"Uhmm.....I came to return your umbrella...", I said and he just stared with his left eyebrows up, "uhmm I..... you gave it to me earlier in the rain", I said and he stretched his hands and opened his palm, I gave it to him and he inspected it and stared, "if you ever need anything from me I live next..... door", he slammed the door before I completed my sentence.

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