
The mission

A week later everything seemed fine. They were adjusting. She had made her daily schedule and pinned it to her board. She was staying at a room beside the kitchen near the open area. She made it as her own office. Liana couldn't understand him sometimes. He always change attitudes, from Cold to Warm, then immediately go back to being cold. What an amazing husband!

There was one time, at school when he walked straight to her but he just turnef and went back. When her friend Christian was with her, his gaze was like flames burning. After that tense day, he was ignoring her.

She was staying most of her free time either in the library or at her office because of him. He was avoiding her and he made that clear when they fought. She made a mistake at school because she called his name while Veronica was there and he immediately threw her a look where it made her cry. She didn't cry in front of the whole crowd but she bent her head down and walked away to the gate before dashing out to their house. Although her house was far, she stopped at the dairy shop and bought ice cream. She cried in the movie room, while eating the vanilla ice cream.

Not to forget their tutors. Both of them changes from time to time. Their attitudes towards each other made their tutors mad. How will they end up in live if they will be like this today and in the future?

One night, they receive a blissful teaching. Their tutors were in front of them standing holding to cards. The cards contain their missions. Since they're acting like that, they will receive a little punishment. Their mission was a must. They must finish it for 7 days and they must do at least some of these in the future.

Liana's missions were hectic for her.

First, she must be clingy to Jun if asking or just talking. Holding hands, pinching his cheeks or nose, hold his arm or even hug him. Simple as that. But it is not that simple for her.

Second, she must be with him 24/7. In the house or not, she will stick with him. Third, she must act sweet to him in public and in the house or everywhere. The last mission will be completed after her last breath. Her eyebrows twitch at the sentence. " Be a perfect wife and a mother to your children". How much she really wants to throw up. She can't do this. However, Jun was calm but in the inside, it was his great fear. They both have the same mission except for the last one. He must be a perfect husband to her and a good father to their children forever.

To start their mission, they have to go to other places. Since it was Christmas break, they have a lot of times to spend. At the back of the card, there are bold letters "KOREA". They are going there. Only a month left and then, these tutors will be out of their life. So, she thought, she will just endure a little bit more and then, she can kiss them goodbye.

" You couple must go to Korea, there is a house already prepared for the both of you. Everything is settled. As evidence that you are doing good, there is a paper pinned in the house there to make sure you do this. Just a reminder, we know every inch of your actions and when we know you both fighting, you'll see. Take pictures 3 times a day, go to park, any kind of park, go to famous places and restaurants. Take a video. And if you catch up to each other, remember to close the door," then they winked at them. Both of them zone out after hearing it. What is the meaning of " close the door if they will catch up?"

Startled by the whistle their tutors just blow, they hurry in actions. They couldn't believe they will receive sych punishment like that. All they could do is endure. Who will expect that there are cameras all around?

Liana was sad at her new life that she went to the kitchen and opened the top cabinet and then drank few glass of wine that she carried at the movie room.


They were sleeping separately but since lightning struck and thunder roars, Liana wailed. She walked directly to Jun's room without knocking. She then quickly ran to the bed only to touch Jun's bare six pack abs. The gasped and closed her mouth and eyes.

When she was about to open her eyes, Jun already placed his hands to cover it but strangely, Liana bit his fingers causing him to take back his hands. She then saw the thing she must not see. Jun was half naked. He only wore a boxer with no upper clothes and she looked her clothes only to find her wearing a soft crop top like bra that is until your ribs and short short. She gulped nervously when she saw him smirking.

"ugh, what's happening?" she asked, more like to herself. She blinked a few times but when she was about to speak up, thunder was heard followed by a lightning which made her scream that she pulled the covers and wrapped herself with him.
