
My Journey in ASIOAF world

After dying from Corona Virus I woke up in my 14 year old body in Kingswood without gifts how would can I survive here

hornics · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
47 Chs

Chapter 17

294 AC Seastar Manse

Serena has made me cough up the way to create chocolate. I felt like a slave again making it and after a tasting party. all merchants saw the potential for this we never told them about the ingredients and decided to sell chocolate as a luxury good 5 Gold Dragons per box.

Serena took care all of the details and told me she started a factory and made deals with the summer island merchants we are about to earn 100 thousand gold dragons a month based from this she said.

Serena POV

Based from the demands and using my merchant fleet we are expected to earn a million gold dragons a month. This is good we can expand our other businesses due to the capital we are earning from this.

I wonder why Carlos wants to make contact with the wildings up north. he told me if I can rent him private ships to go there. good thing he still thought we only have sufficient money to support us and the orphans. I wonder what will happen if he knew our real finances.

Carlos POV

I plan to go True North If I am able save atleast a few them of those freefolk. I am worried if the Others exist I must ensure they would not cross the wall atleast. I also sent a delegation to Stannis for Dragon Glass trade.

Grenn POV

Master and I will be going beyond the wall. we found a Tyroshi Ship who always go there to go guide us beyond the wall. master also bought a lot of grain and mountain goats from ibben as a gift to those Men. it seems Milady has provided 3 ships for Master. she just told him that it was on a loan from the Iron Bank and Master being gulliable believed her.

Moharre Adanis POV Tyroshi Slaver Ship Captain

I did not know which fool hired us to go beyond the wall but this trip will allow us to earn money by capturing slave and getting paid for the passage of this fool. he seems to have brought a lot things we can steal as well.

Serena POV

So Carlos still left without me he took 3 of my merchant ships it is a good thing that my Galleon is already complete. I have planned to follow him just to ensure he is safe.