
Chapter 20

I slammed her back into the wall with my hands on either side of her "Don't EVER say her name again or even mention her" I looked up and down at her with a disgusted look "Not unless you deserve to" I let go "Now go before I tear you to shreds" I heard her leave and took deep breaths to calm myself. Now was not the time to get mad, I needed to see Lily.

I walked to the living room and saw everyone gathered around the couch. I walked to it and everyone automatically made a way for me. I saw Lily on the couch with the pack doctor wrapping her injury.

"how is she?" I asked standing next to a very tense looking Xavier.

"He'll tell us when he's done" he answered me coldly "The girl?"

"She won't dare do anything like that again" I told him, he snorted

"Should've killed her" he said

"She's the daughter of my dad's best friend" I explained "believe me I wanted nothing more than to kill her"