
Struggling to move on

It is now two months since Charles was gone. Daryle managed to apply last minute for the Licensure Examination for Teachers. She originally did not want to take it but having been persuaded by her parents and Mrs. Marquez, she conceded and went to apply that Friday of the loneliest week of her life.

Having nothing else to do than self-review for the upcoming exams, she needed to distract her thoughts from Charles' memories. Even until this time, she can clearly recall every word Charles told her. How his voice sounded as he called her name and the way he spoke as he gently touched her. She can't help but close her eyes as her skin felt goosebumps whenever she imagines him holding her. His memories are still freshly etched in her system. It's hard to just ignore them.

Now, two months later, Daryle is still struggling to move on from her grief. She rode a taxi to go to the nearby city to buy herself more review materials. After she bought three books, she wandered around aimlessly just so she could entertain herself with her sorroundings even just for a while. She passed by the bus terminal of the most prestigious Transportation Company in the Region. There were many benches for waiting passengers. Some were empty maybe because some busses have already departed. She looked around. There were so many ticket booths in every corner. She sat down on the empty bench in front of the nearest booth near the entrance where she was standing. As she continued to look around, she spotted a sign ad which read:

: VinTranCo is in need of the following:

1) Three ticket tellers (willing to be assigned to any branch)

2) 1 Accountant (at least three years experience)

3) 6 Inspectors (willing to be assigned anywhere)

***Interested Applicants may submit their resume'/ portfolios at the first floor, room 301"

Daryle stared at the ad for sometime and something was formed in her mind. She recalled her dream to travel to different places and meet different people. How was it that she is now reviewing to become a teacher? This was not her choice after all. She may have graduated the top student but her passion for teaching was not there.

She made up her mind then stood up and strode towards the booth few meters from her. She smiled at the man inside the booth and said "I'd like to apply as a teller. Are these positions still available?" she inquired.

The middle-aged man lifted her face from focusing down his drawer and answred ,"Miss, that would not be there if it has no more use."

"Oh, okay." she just nodded. 'Why does this man looked annoyed at my inquiry. It was just a simple yes or no question!' she thought.

Without wasting much time, before she could change her mind, she found herself inside a internet shop near the bus station. Her hands were typing the words swiftly as her mind dictated every precise word. Within five minutes, her resume' was done and printed. She brought out her purse where she kept some of her pre-graduation shots. She borrowed a pair of scissor from the shop owner then sized her picture accordingly. She quickly grabbed the stapler on the counter before she could ask permission from its the owner.

"Thanks!" She said as she smiled at the young man who was amusedly staring at her quick and domineering ways.

"250 pesos" the young man said raising his eyebrows.

"What? " She jolted in shock. She just merely used the desktop for not less 10 minutes and just a single staple wire! Was that worth 250 pesos already?

"Are you deaf? " The man pretended to be annoyed.

"Did you say 25 pesos?" She tested.

"Only if I could ask your name and contact number." The young man said gently.

Without a word, she got 25 pesos from her jeans pocket then shoved it to the young man and jogged out quickly. She thought she heard the young man call her out. "Hey, sexy lady, you a schemer? Please come back!"

She was smiling ear to ear when she reached the bus station. She found the escalator going to the first floor and continued to jog her way up.

She found room 301 at the far left of the corridor. She knocked the opened glass door as she politely entered. There stood a man, about six feet tall meduim with his medium broad his back facing the door. The lady sitting at the opposite looked tiny and pale. She was looking up at the tall figure in front of her as she nodded continuously.

"Excuse me, sir/madam. Is this the office I am supposed to submit my resume' for job application?" She stood a little behind at the right side of this tall man.

The man turned to check where the voice was coming from. It was soft and gentle and very smooth to the ears. His eyes squinted as he saw a tall slender figure behind him.