
Fly-Catching Mouth Hole

She couldn't believe her eyes! Right here, at her now absolute lowest point, appeared Xi Lei Shun.

She swallowed the phlegm in her mouth but as it rolled down her throat, it reached her stomach as a heavy gulp of anxiety. What would be her punishment for blowing off this man? He couldn't possibly be so cruel as to watch her crumble in this moment of terror, right? No one—save her father—could be that wicked...right?

Trembling, she bravely brought her eyes to his face. Yun Lan studied every detail carefully.

His nose was perfectly straight and elegantly placed on his face. His lips were so unique; neither too full nor too thin, they arrived at a delicate balance between the two. She could see the V-marked shadow on his face from his high cheekbones and smooth jaw.

His honeyed skin was aglow beneath the tungsten light. Yun Lan wasn't sure if the shining aura she saw around him was an illusion from her brain (which already cried 'xi lei shun our savior!' without her consent) or if it was actually there. Brightest of all was his phoenix eyes. Though they were covered by a fan of thick lashes, his dark eyes burned with a volcanic warmth. Straight brows that were no darker than his deep brunette hair sat expressionlessly above his eyes. His pupils were obsidian stars within his visage. She hadn't been staring for long when Yun Lan felt herself beginning to sweat.

He wasn't stone cold at all, not how she expected him to be. He radiated a suffocating warmth from his body. The air became hot and sweat peaked on everyone's brow but his own. Head to toe, he was brimming with life.

Never in her life had she seen someone more perfectly alive than him.

She must download all of this to her brain. Yes, absolutely she must! Such good reference for later...

To say she 'hadn't been staring for long' was definitely...too easy of a dismissal on her part. Meanwhile, Xi Lei Shun grew increasingly frustrated.

Looking at the girl before him, he let her have her moment. She was stunned, it was natural. He wouldn't hark on her before allowing her to process the situation...but this silence! It was ridiculous! Ten minutes must've passed by now. Was she this way with every unfamiliar man she met for the first time?

Moreover, don't even get him started on how she ended up here!

He kept his mouth shut, trying not to vent his anger onto her. He couldn't blame her for her disbelief but he still had every right to his own feelings of frustration. His mouth ran dry as she continued to stare at him, mouth open, catching flies.

This woman...was she really going to let her mouth hang open? He pulled the mask from his pocket he used on the way here and hooked it around her ears.

Yun lan mumbled her protests and pulled the mask down.

He replied to her immediately, and with force.

"Don't open your mouth, please."

Yun Lan scoffed at the man, though her hair well hid her ears that filled with a blushing heat. She'd been caught and was rather embarrassed about it.

She pressed her lips into a thin line to prevent her jaw from hanging open. Millions of thoughts and questions were racing through her head. There was so much unexplained. Moreover, the way he spoke confused her.

It was obvious that his words were an order, yet, she almost felt like she was being teased. It was like they were already friends yet still scared her out of her wits. Who is this man really? How the heck was she supposed to act right now?

Yun Lan was not easily riled—alright, save for this morning and the fiasco at her studio. She'd let that one slip. She has been feeling the pressure recently, but right now? What was her excuse for right now? Yun Lan was humble enough not to consider herself a master, but she did think she was very capable at managing her emotions, especially towards strangers. She was someone to keep a collected composure, no matter the insult, disaster, or heartbreak. Years of living under her parent's roof and hiding her true self was proof enough. Even as a child, she was oft praised for her disposition.

However, looking at her now, it would be impossible to tell. It was if her body flooded with transparency in front of him. She couldn't hide, though she wanted so desperately to. It wasn't his aura that terrified her, it was this. The feeling of being trapped with no escape drove her witless. Yun Lan was left under the spotlight naked without any of her weapons to defend herself, and she couldn't understand why.

Yun Lan glanced back up at his eyes, hoping she might be able to get answers to her questions.

From the varying accusations that flashed through her eyes, Xi Lei Shun's face darkened like a coat of smoke.

She gulped audibly.

That volcanic magma from earlier? Descended into hellfire.

His brows were furrowed in frustration while his eyes shot daggers her way. This didn't seem like the time to ask questions. It could be safe to assume the world was about to blaze over.

Somewhere in the distance, ungraceful (and rather shameful sounding) scuffling caught her attention, breaking apart the heavy air that burnt her skin like sunburn. An interference came to part the flames.

Yun Lan looked to the back of the room where she heard noises. It was the investigator.

Detective Mo came out of the commander's office looking rather dejected. He couldn't look that woman in the eyes, especially not after the humiliation he's received.

To think of all the poor remarks he said of her inside his head...not to mention the additional preconceptions he had about her and Mr. Liu. Looks like he owed one to them both.

Not only was he on the track of falsely accusing her, but the Xi Empire! Luna Entertainment! Xi Lei Shun! He managed to offend all three of them at once! Detective Mo truly cared about his job and the work that he did. He must quickly diffuse the situation and let this woman be on her way, else, the Xi family will sue him for all he has! But more than that, he truly just felt bad. This woman—er, Wang Yun Lan and her connection to Xi Lei Shun was none of his business. He wasn't the type to meddle in that way. His self-punishment lied in how harshly he treated her without knowing the truth, or giving her any benefit of the doubt.

Detective Mo approached her slowly and thoughtlessly, just planning to apologize. He reached for her shoulder to grab her attention.

"Miss Wa—" Suddenly, he froze in his tracks. He didn't lay a single hand on her yet. All of his movements stopped abruptly when he felt his skin beginning to flay off his body, like chicken in a deep fryer. A searing heat flooded over his bones. The air he breathed scalded his throat. His hands began trembling. His eyes shifted to the side, catching Xi Lei Shun's gaze. Detective Mo screamed internally.

The Devil! This man was the Devil! He would incinerate him in this very spot!

Detective Mo swore he saw a red glint in the towering god's eyes as Xi Lei Shun reached into his suit jacket. They burned like two black suns.

"Contact this number for any legal proceedings regarding Miss Wang," he replied curtly. When the detective assumed a similar expression to the bewildered Yun Lan beside him, he scowled angrily. Lei Shun took the bag from Detective Mo's possession (he could clearly deduce the backpack to be Yun Lan's from the initials WYL embroidered on the front). The bag was handed to his men with care. Lei Shun was not the type to disrespect other's things. Still, he couldn't say the same for the rest of humanity. Take the Detective, for example.

Out of everything that happened since the minute Xi Lei Shun arrived, Yun Lan was startled the most by what he did next. He confidently took her by the hand. Her HAND, not her wrist, forearm, or shoulder...he took her by the hand. She was so taken aback that she forgot to breathe.

"I will be taking my leave with Miss Yang now, Detective," he declared. Not a single soul dared to protest. The only one who breathed comfortably was Xi Lei Shun himself.

Still holding her hand, he guided her out of the station and out to the street. With his free hand, he opened the passenger seat door to a black Maserati. He took her hand and gestured to the back seat with it.

"Get in," he said icily.

Without a second thought, Yun Lan did.

Ahh, our Xi Lei Shun did well. He succeeded in not blowing his top.

Btw, I'm in the states now everyone!

I want to update more frequently, but my chapters always end up being long...hmm.

If I split the chapters in half, I will be able to update more often.

I don't have many readers for this story but if any are here, let me know what you'd prefer! Longer chapters with long update wait or shorter chapters with frequent update?

dewyidropcreators' thoughts