
My Hero Academia: One With Nature

Mizuki Hitsuchi was born blind into a rich family. She felt looked down on because of her blindness, every person paying special attention to her disability, and she hated it. When her quirk awakens, she finally finds away to stop others from looking down on her just because she's blind. She will take nothing from no one, especially not her parents. Cover made by me, because I am sick af.

AeonCDG · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

U.A High

"U.A is the school we're going to." Mizuki declared.

"Why that one?" Toga found herself asking.

"Because it's the best one, and we're the best!" Mizuki's nose turned to the sky.

"That makes sense." Toga nodded sagely with her focus on something else.

"And since you got kicked out of your old school, we have to study." Mizuki frowned at the thought. She hadn't studied in nearly a year, it would be hard to scrounge all that back up.

"What, why!? I thought it was a hero school?" Toga found herself shocked at the revelation that she'd have to... study. The horror.

"Well, it is a school. But you wouldn't have to if you didn't attack that guy!" Mizuki suddenly called out.

"But he was bleeding, and... and he looked so good!" Toga tried to make an excuse for herself in the worst way possible.

"So!? At least learn their damn name first! You just tackled him in the middle of the hallway and started licking him!"

"I know his name! It's... it's uh... S-Saito..." Toga quickly realised she was caught in a word trap.

"Uh huh, and what's his given name?"

"S-Saito..." Toga couldn't think of anything better.

"So his name is Saito Saito? Dumbass. Make sure they let you take their blood first. You may have even been able to stay in the school if you didn't bite into his shoulder as well!" Mizuki was remembering what a mess that day was.

Toga had come running to their secret hideout, which was on top of a small building between 2 larger ones that Mizuki had made into a shelter by taking some dirt from underneath the alleyway next to it.

"What's up Himiko? Aren't you usually at school during this time?" Mizuki hopped up off of a discarded mattress that they repurposed.

"Uh, I may have made an oopsies..." Toga said in a childlike way.

"Ugh, who did you kill?" Mizuki asked. Toga had killed before, but it was a villain that was trying to kill both of them, so Mizuki didn't mind it too much. Nobody found Toga as the murderer as well, so that helped. That was the first and most recent "oopsies" that Toga had made.

"Um, well, I got expelled from my school, and my family threw me out."

"Not like you weren't already thrown out." Mizuki rolled her eyes.

Toga threw her arms up in complaint, "Well you didn't sound like you cared at the time!" Toga said, having also remembered the same day.

"Well, that's because I didn't. Doesn't mean you can't just not study, there is a written exam before the practical exam, and I can't have you failing that part." Mizuki scolded. Being with Toga was like trying to control a vampire bat. Especially so because Toga was a lot more acrobatic than herself, and it was hard to keep up with Toga unless Mizuki used her quirk.

"Ugh, fine, but I get blood as a snack while I am studying." Toga agreed.

"You would have taken it whether I let you or not at this point, so whatever."

"Yay!" Toga bit into her shoulder, as per routine at this point. Mizuki had gotten used to the pain from being bitten so often.

"Ugh, I assumed that meant when we actually started studying but whatever."

Toga simply sucked up all the blood she could before Mizuki got fed up.

From then on, Mizuki forced Toga to study what she could remember about each subject. Toga would try to escape studying whenever she found the chance to, which would usually lead to a chase around the city. Mizuki didn't mind it all too much, as she counted it as training, but would quickly forget the training idea after she chased Toga for only as long as 20 minutes.

It was very annoying for Mizuki to track her, as Toga tended to stay in the air for as long as possible, but this had inadvertently trained her wind sensing abilities to keep track of her.

The two were known in the area of the city they lived in due to how often Toga would end up running in a public area to try and lose Mizuki in the crowd, who would then angrily start using her quirk in public.

Also, the police had straight up stopped chasing her when they saw her. Well, unless she was using her quirk in public. Anyway, Mizuki didn't know what happened for them to stop initially, but eventually she found that her family had ended up publicly disowning her. If they couldn't control her, they wouldn't have her at all it seemed.

Well, some heroes did attempt to take her and Toga to orphanages on several occasions, but they always just left the orphanages if they ever did end up at one. Mizuki would not be locked indoors, no matter the reason.

Another year flashed by as the U.A entrance exams approached ever so quickly. They were just a week away, and Mizuki was making sure to drill every little detail into Toga's head.

"Himiko, you can't run away today." Mizuki blocked the entryway with a wall of earth.

"But Mrs. Hitsuchi..."

"No buts. We only have a week, and I barely got a hold of this government approved history textbook. Though I'm not entirely sure that's what this is." Mizuki held up the book to Toga's face.

"History sucks." Toga sat down begrudgingly, the answer which helpfully confirmed that it was indeed a history textbook.

"It does, but we gotta learn it because people in history are morons, and we can't be morons too. Like that idiot who tried to take over the world because he had a strong quirk. That lasted all of a week." Mizuki sneered.

"What was his quirk?" Toga's head tilted.

"He could freeze time for like... ten seconds. He was thwarted by a hero who could erase quirks in like a week." Mizuki remembered. It was a fairly recent part of history compared to say... the dynasty era, but a lot of things are pretty recent compared to all the way back then.

"I wonder what his blood tasted like..." Toga's head was looking upward, it was clear that she was daydreaming about it.

"Probably stale, just like his quirk." Mizuki snickered seeing Toga's shock.

"W-what would that be like?" Toga seemed horrified at the thought of blood being stale.

"Kind of like what it's like when you leave milk out in the sun."

Toga's body shook at the thought, before she suddenly smiled, "Like blood cheese?"

"Aw, dammit Himiko, now I am thinking of blood cheese." Mizuki put her hands over her face.

Mizuki could feel Toga trying to escape out their window, which was swiftly blocked just like the door.

"So close!" Toga exclaimed.

"This week is cram week, you'll have your fun during the practical exam." Mizuki grabbed Toga from the back of her collar and dragged her back to the table.

Toga groaned loudly but read the textbook out loud, mostly to check if Mizuki wanted her to actually learn certain parts.

The week felt much longer than the entire year beforehand to Toga. While each day before ended with their chase, this week she was forced to study. Mizuki hated doing this, as it is exactly what happened with her, but she wanted her friend to pass. She didn't want to leave her best friend behind.

"There. We're done studying." Mizuki shot up while Toga was in the middle of reading.

Toga gasped, "Really!?" She stood up just as fast as Mizuki had.

"Indeed. Now, we rest. My head hurts." Mizuki said in a matter-of-fact tone. She hadn't done so much thinking in so long. It was a lot easier for her to just blissfully ignore studying for so long that when she actually sat down to do it again, it hurt.

"The entrance exam is tomorrow morning." Mizuki said. She was worried about passing. It was said to be the hardest hero school to get into in the whole world. Only 1 in every 300 examinees get in, and even less into the hero course that she wanted to get into with Toga.

"Indeed. Well, the written exam is tomorrow. How well do you think we'll do?"

"Ha, I'd be surprised if anyone else there could even stand up to us!" Mizuki said with full confidence.

'Ya. What am I worrying about? I've been studying for so long, and my quirk is super strong!' Mizuki laughed.

The written exam came the next morning, as she and Toga were "homeschooled," they were allowed to do the written exam at U.A itself. She was led to a separate room than the one Toga was in to have the questions read out for her. Only so much she could do as a blind person, she wasn't really able to learn how to write, especially with how complicated Japanese is, so they had to write her answers down for her.

She came out of the written exam literally sweating. She would get rid of the sweat on her, but the first time she did that, it left a puddle, and that wasn't exactly flattering.

She met Toga outside, and she looked just as shattered as she was. Or, that's what Mizuki gathered from how she was shaking.

"H-how did you do?" Mizuki asked first.

"I did great! I think." Toga tilted her head.

"Th-that's great! We'll get in for sure then." Mizuki's voice was completely robotic as even her voice froze up in dread.

Mizuki and Toga headed home, both eager to take the practical exam in just a week's time. Mizuki just hoped that she'd pass the written part of the exam at least.

A week passed with Mizuki experimenting with her quirk, eager to find something super strong with her quirk to give herself an edge, but found nothing super unique that would help her. She ended up just learning a few new moves with her quirk.

Mizuki and Toga arrived at U.A once again for the practical exam. Mizuki could feel the excitement pouring off of Toga, 'I wonder why they're all avoiding us?' Mizuki looked around, seeing everyone give her and Toga at least 10 feet of space between them.

'They must be intimidated. Seems this will be easier than I thought!'

She and Toga marched toward the school, following the tidal wave of students pouring into the school. Neither really knew where they were supposed to go, because Mizuki hadn't realised the pamphlet she got was a map, and Toga didn't even know that Mizuki had gotten it.

Mizuki and Toga sat near the back right next to each other, their seats as indicated by the id's they were given before they entered.

They watched as the seats slowly filled, and eventually, the lights dimmed. Not that it was any different to Mizuki.

Mizuki waited patiently for the examination briefing to start, but hadn't expected that it would start immediately, "Welcome to today's LIVE performance!!" A loud voice yelled from where the stage was.

Pushing her quirk a bit further than usual, she found the form of a tall lanky man, with an impressive swept back hairstyle. Strangely, it was also swept up. Using her sense of air, she found that he was wearing some kind of radio or recorder around his neck.

"Everybody say "HEY!"" The man tried to hype up the crowd.

Not one to back down from a challenge, Mizuki stood up and yelled, "HEY!"

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" The lanky man pointed toward where Mizuki was in the back.

Mizuki felt every head in the room turn toward her, and she sat back down with a proud smile. She wasn't one to shy away from attention after all.

"I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical!! Are you ready?" The lanky man barely gave any time to respond as he yelled, "YEAH!!"

"YEAH!" Mizuki yelled a beat after, not expecting the quick time event.

"A bit late but we can work on it, Examinee 1201!"

Mizuki could hear a rather loud muttering from below her, "It's the voice hero, Present Mic. Wow...! I listen to his..." Mizuki tuned it out as she returned her attention back to the man she now knew as Present Mic. She didn't know much about heroes, but it's pleasant to know that the examiner knew what he was doing at the very least.

"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten-minute long "Mock Cityscape Manoeuvres." Bring along whatever you want. After this presentation, you'll head to your assigned testing location. OKAY!?" Present mic explained.

Mizuki didn't respond to this callout as she was asking Toga, "When did we get assigned a location?"

"It's on the ID." Toga waved hers around.

"Where is mine?" Mizuki showed her ID to Toga.

"Battle Center A? Aw... I got Battle Center B..." Toga frowned.

"Oh, I guess they probably did that on purpose to keep friends from helping each other."

Toga pouted as Present Mic continued with his explanation, "Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains, that means fake for any of you listeners having trouble! Points are awarded for defeating each, according to their respective difficulty levels. Your goal, my listeners, is to use your quirks to disable these faux villains, and earn points! Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees or any other unheroic actions is completely prohibited!"

"Excuse me! May I ask a question!?" A loud, stern voice echoed throughout the hall.

The voice was very familiar to Mizuki, "Tenya Iida." Her tone was harsh and challenging.

"There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villain on this handout! Such a blatant error..." Mizuki completely ignored the rest of her fellow student's rant, turning to Toga instead.

"There was a handout?" She asked.

Toga, being brought out of staring at the rough and stern, tall boy, replied, "No idea." She shrugged.

"Alright, alright." The call of Present Mic brought her attention back to the stage, "Examinee 7111, nice catch, thanks!" Present Mic expertly diffused the situation.

"The fourth faux villain variety gets you zero points! It's more of an obstacle to avoid. There is only one at each site! A gimmick that'll rampage around in close quarters."

"Oh, so it's just to add a bit of a variable into the testing." Mizuki nodded.

Not getting a response from Toga, she turned to her, "Toga, did you pay attention to any of that?" At this point, Mizuki could tell if she wasn't.

"Hm? No, not a thing."

Mizuki sighed before briefly summarising it for Toga, "Kill robots, not people. If you hurt people, you fail automatically, okay?"

"Aw, but hero-in-training blood would probably be really good."

"You already have me, stop trying to take from everybody else." Mizuki facepalmed.

Toga felt her heart skip a beat after, "Are you flirting?" She said shocked.

"Sure, whatever." Mizuki waved it off.

"That's all from me! I'll leave you all, my listeners, with our school motto. The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life" PLUS ULTRA!! Break a leg, everyone!" Present Mic wrapped up the presentation.

"Well, I guess we'll go to our assigned battle centre now."

"I'll miss you!" Toga hugged Mizuki tightly.

"It'll be like 20 minutes, Himiko."

"That's too long!"

I have to constantly remind myself about their personality's it seems I am much too inexperienced to be dealing with writing a friendly psychopath and a tough girl with all the confidence in the world.

Anyway, thanks for all your support on such a new fanfic! I am not very confident in my writing ability, but I suppose this goes to show how just making your fanfic coherent to read will attract attention on this godforsaken app/site.

Don't get too bored now!

AeonCDGcreators' thoughts