
My Hero Academia: One With Nature

Mizuki Hitsuchi was born blind into a rich family. She felt looked down on because of her blindness, every person paying special attention to her disability, and she hated it. When her quirk awakens, she finally finds away to stop others from looking down on her just because she's blind. She will take nothing from no one, especially not her parents. Cover made by me, because I am sick af.

AeonCDG · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Entrance Exam

The bus arrived quickly to battle centre A, where Mizuki would be taking her exam.

She hopped out of the bus, and wandered toward the giant gate, 'Woah, this place is massive!' She thought. Her senses couldn't even reach any ends of the city, save for the one right in front of her.

"Move out of the way, you damn extra's!" A loud, rough voice echoed from behind her, "I'm gonna win this whole thing anyway, so how about you all screw off!" The boy taunted, from his hands Mizuki could hear crackles and sparks of something.

"Ah? You wanna bet on that, Sparky?" Mizuki smirked.

"The hell did you call me, shorty?" The boy with spiky hair flicked his head to her.

Mizuki's face felt hot at the comment, not with embarrassment, but unbridled rage. Her height has always been a sore spot for her, and she never liked to be made fun of for it.

"You wanna go Sparky? Because I can personally introduce your face to the ground!"

"Huh!? You wanna die!?" The boy said.

"All bark and no bite. Sparky." She emphasised the p enough to spit a little on the boy's face.

"And START!" Their argument was cut short by the call of Present Mic on the tower overlooking all the testing area's.

"Tch. We will settle this later, Sparky." Mizuki ran ahead toward the large gate.

"What's wrong? The test's started! Run! Run!! The die is cast!" Present Mic urged everyone else along.

Sparky angrily shot himself forward with what sounded like explosions. Mizuki couldn't get a decent read on him since he was flying now, and whatever was exploding was disturbing the air current too much for her to tell what was exploding.

Mizuki was currently cruising forward on a wave of earth toward what she felt were probably the robots. They were a much different shape than she imagined they would be, but that would be with about anything she hadn't 'seen' before.

One of the robots that she was approaching was balanced on one large wheel and had two arms as large as the rest of its body. She was pretty sure it had weapons on it, but she couldn't tell how they would work.

"Target locked. Prepare for termination!" The robot helpfully reminded her it was supposed to be beaten.

Mizuki threw a punch forward, and the earth next to her exploded outward from under the concrete sidewalk, the force of which crumpled the robot. It didn't move afterwards, so she assumed that it was busted.

'Wait, how many points was that?' Mizuki realised she didn't actually know what the robots were worth.

'Ah who cares, just gotta beat as many as possible.'

Sparky suddenly flew by with explosions powering his flight, she realised she could sense the heat coming from his palms. As it turns out, the explosions were from Sparky's own body. She wasn't sure how it worked, but who was she to question how other quirks worked when her own was such an enigma, even to herself.

Mizuki headed in a different direction than Sparky, as she was pretty sure that despite her taunting, he was actually quite strong.

'Alright, one that looks like it has a tail, and a bigger one with an additional wheel compared to the first one I beat.' Mizuki identified each.

They were both bigger than the first one, but she was unsure if that meant they were worth more, or less. She didn't exactly have a decent read on these bots, since they all came off as rather brittle despite being made of a metal.

She created an earth hand underneath the bigger bot and squeezed. The metal crumpled and cut into its own electrical.

'What are these things made of, aluminium?' Mizuki felt it was harder to crush rock than these things.

She charged forward, ripping through bots until she approached the centre of the city, where she found many other examinee's fighting the bots in what looked like an all-out war.

"Six minutes, two seconds remaining." Present Mic's voice echoed throughout the city.

'That's an awfully specific time.' Mizuki thought before continuing on, spying on the other examinees to try and get an idea of where they were at.

"27..." She heard a mutter.

"62, fuckers!" She heard a yell.

'That wasn't very helpful.' Mizuki realised. She had no idea how many points she even had, so she had nothing to compare to.

She focused on her surroundings to try and snag any bots that weren't taken out yet. She found some, surprisingly, inside of a building.

'That fits I suppose.' Mizuki remembered a fun fact that she learned that most villainous activities took place indoors.

As she was about to head toward the building, she noticed that, somehow, one of the examinees was surrounded by a few robots and was having a hard time even destroying the smaller one.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to beat all the bots before the boy was injured, she quickly raised an earth wall around the boy. Following that, she summoned earth spikes from the walls and pierced all the bots in spots she figured out were weak spots.

She let the earth wall fall over and saw the boy on his knees.

"Move it or lose it buddy, not exactly a party here!" Mizuki called out to the boy.

She left before the boy could say anything. She didn't want to risk others finding out that there were some in the buildings.

'Ah screw it, no one's in the building anyways.' Mizuki stopped outside of the building, and ripped her hands out to the sides like she was opening a particularly heavy set of doors. Suddenly, the building crumbled as its foundations were ripped out from the ground.

Safe to say, the bots were flattened from the weight of the building.

"2 minutes remaining!" Present Mic called out again.

'Wow minutes are shorter than I remember.' Mizuki shook her arms to try and wake them up. Ripping out the foundations like that took a lot more out of her than she thought.

Suddenly, a giant robot rose up from out of nowhere. It's body loomed over her. How she didn't sense such a thing right under her beforehand, she wasn't sure.

The pure size of it was astonishing, but the fact that it crumbled the buildings next to it with just its weight was more than a sign that she needed to run.

"Some fuckin' gimmick!" Mizuki growled as she ran in the opposite direction.

Its fist smashed the ground behind her, the shockwave of which blew her up into the air. She absolutely hated being disconnected from the ground, because she was so used to seeing everything through the ground. So much so that losing her ability to see through the earth was like someone who could actually see losing their glasses.

"Who the hell thought this was a good idea!?" As Mizuki felt herself blitz toward the ground, her safe haven, she forced the air around her to cushion her fall the best she could.

'Thank god I practised emergency falls.' She only felt a slight pain in her legs when she landed, having misjudged the distance slightly, but it was easy enough to just keep going.

"AAAAAHHHH!" A scream came from above her, and she realised that she wasn't the only one sent flying into the air.

She hurriedly cushioned the boy's(?) fall with air, like she had with herself, but with little experience helping others with it, she also cushioned the fall with her body.

She toppled over, unprepared for the amount of weight the boy held despite his small size. Well, he was still taller than her, but for a boy he was small.

"One minute and five seconds remaining!" Mizuki didn't even acknowledge the strangely specific call-out.

"Get off me, and get outta here! I don't want to have to protect dead weight right now!" Mizuki pushed the boy off in the opposite direction that the 'zero pointer' was.

The boy nodded and ran off, without realising that, for whatever reason, Mizuki was staying.

'This thing looks like it has no balance. Must be why it's holding onto the buildings.' Mizuki thought.

"So I'll trip it and run away! Tactical retreat!"

Mizuki stomped one foot forward and punched the air with both hands. To large bursts of air fired from her hands while a large wall of earth popped up behind the giant robots feet.

Unlike her plan, however, the wind only barely pushed the head of the robot back, thus making the earth wall fairly useless.

"Ya that's the last time I try to come up with tactics." Mizuki said in monotone, before promptly...

Running for her life.

"Why didn't I just start with running!?" Mizuki voiced her regret very openly.

The robot smashed into the ground again and knocked her into the air.

"Stop doing that!" The wind blew extremely quickly as she tried to make sense of where she was, and she barely avoided smashing against the ground.

As soon as she landed and got her 'glasses' back on she saw that the giant bot was already winding up another punch.

'Ah shoot, I can't run from this, so I guess I'll go all out!' Mizuki's muscles tensed as she wound her arm back, rock, asphalt and concrete swerved together behind her in a giant fist, the strain was clear on her face.

The robot punched, and so she did as well, "ORAAAAA!" She screamed to try to release some of the tenseness she felt on her body.

The two fists collided and as soon as they clashed, it was clear that the giant metal robot was winning, as chunks of rock were shaved off of the rock fist.

'I put too much training into control! I don't have enough power!' Mizuki tried to force the robot arm back by pushing more rock forward, but that only served to create more debris.

"It's all over!!" Present Mic announced the end of the test. The pressure from the robot's arm stopped along with that announcement, and the rock arm crumbled. Somehow that short clash felt longer than the entire test to Mizuki.

Mizuki's arm felt stiff, like it itself was made of rock. Every movement she made with it was sluggish, and she wasn't even sure she could use any of her quirk with that arm until it recovered.

"Woah, did you see that?" She heard a voice from a distance away as they talked to another person.

Everyone was on their way over toward the zero pointer to get a better look at it, and she could hear that a lot of them were impressed.

"Can't believe she held out against that massive robot."

"Her quirk is so strong! I wish I had a quirk like that!"

"Hey, extra's! My quirk is way stronger!" She could also hear Sparky, but no one really paid him any mind.

After the exam ended, Mizuki met back up with Toga outside.

"Hey Himiko! How'd your test go?" Mizuki waved.

"Not sure. I wasn't paying attention to how many points I had, I was too busy killing robots. Ooh, but there was this one guy who beat a gigantic robot with one punch! Though he broke his arm and leg doing it. I didn't know that arms could be purple, it was so pretty!" Toga went off into her own little world as she remembered her area of the exam.

"Wow, he beat that giant robot in one punch? No wonder he broke his arm. I broke mine too just by punching it." Mizuki wondered what kind of quirk the guy had.

"Are you okay!?" Toga shook Mizuki around, clearly ignorant to the fact that her arm was not purple.

"Not my arm, my rock arm!" Mizuki explained quickly. She immediately understood how that was misinterpreted.

"Oh good. They said we should get our letters in a week, right?" Toga changed the topic with little to no grace with a confused tone.

"Hm? Yeah." Mizuki was trying to figure out why she sounded confused.

"How are we going to get our letters? It's not like we have an address." Toga brought up a surprisingly good point.

"Shoot. I didn't think of that." Mizuki frowned.

"Now that I think about it, how did you even register us, don't we need to be registered by an adult?"

"Ah, I suppose I didn't tell you. I stole- borrowed the information from that orphanage all those heroes tried to send us to. Technically, we're in their system still, so it wasn't hard to make it convincing enough."

"Wouldn't they have run a background check on us?" Toga frowned. She didn't exactly regret what she'd done, but she knew that it was wrong. If she was bad, then she couldn't be a hero, right?

"I suppose, but we were both disowned, so the documents hold strong enough at least."

"Good enough! That doesn't really tell us where the letters will be sent to though."

"Probably the orphanage? It's the information I put on the registration at least."

"Okay, who do I gotta kill?"

"Nobody if you wanna actually get into U.A"

Toga giggled and frowned for a moment, "Can I at least get some blood?"

"From me. If I can help it you're not getting it from anywhere else. Unless it's a blood bank."

"Are you flirting again? So risqué." Toga squirmed.

"Whatever, we just need to figure out where they even get their mail first."

"I'm really good at that! If I hold my breath really hard I can turn invisible!" Toga excitedly said.

A week passed quickly, and somehow, Toga had figured out where they got their mail. It 'wasn't that hard' apparently. The two camped out at the mailbox on the day it was supposed to get there and quickly realised that the letters were probably already in the mailbox.

Much like her strange information finding skills, Toga also picked the lock on the mailbox. Mizuki wanted to just break it, but Toga insisted on doing this part for them as Mizuki had registered them both.

They went back to their improvised home and Mizuki ripped open her letter first. A small device popped out of the envelope instead of a letter like they thought.

The device turned on, creating a holographic projection above it.

"I AM HERE, AS A PROJECTION!" All Might's voice echoed from the holo-screen.

"Huh? All Might?" Mizuki asked out loud.

Across the room, Mizuki could vaguely hear Toga's own projector with All Might's voice.


Mizuki was still unsure if that meant she'd passed. Sure she got high on the practical, but U.A was just as much a normal high school as it was a hero high school.

"Wait, all you measured?" Mizuki realised.


"Tied? With who?" Mizuki, being as full of herself as she is, was upset that

"Who knows..." Toga said.

"WOAH!? Where did you come from?" Mizuki explained.

"I was done, so I walked over here. I got in, did you?"


Before it suddenly turned harsh, "And, young Hitsuchi. We know." And the projector turned off.

"Ya he said the same thing at the end for mine too." Toga said carelessly.

"Know? Know, what? Know that you killed a villain? That we registered illegally? I-it will be fine, right? We got in?" Mizuki's confidence had dropped from 100 to about 7.

"Hm? I'm sure it'll be fine." Toga's comfortable smile soothed Mizuki almost instantly. Toga had a strange way of knowing how things would turn out, whether that be bad or good.

CONFIDENCE 100! "Yeah, they can't take it back now that they've said it! We'll show up whether we're invited or not!"

"I'm pretty sure that would get us arrested."

"Stop being smarter than me!"

This chapter felt super off, and I don't know why. I read it over and thought it was fine, but my instinct is tellin' me I fucked up somewhere. Where!? What did I forget!? Input would be very much appreciated!

Anyway, they made it into U.A, if only for some strange reason. What does U.A know? How did they figure it out? Find out next time, on dragon ball- wrong anime!

Also, I would just like to point out that the fanfic I was inspired by was written much better than my own. It's a shame it was only 7 chapters, barely getting past the quirk apprehension.

Maybe I should have planned this fanfic out more...

AeonCDGcreators' thoughts