I was floating in a place wich was full of darkness and notingnes i was just floating.
I din't have a body as i was dead,
Later i heard a sound and a beam of white yellow light decended and it said
???: hello child i am here to give you a second chance because you died of our mistake.
As it said that my first question was
Shin: where?
???:oh youre not gonna ask why it is pur mistake and why we give you a second chance ?
Shin: no as i am already dead i dont care and i dont care wat your motive is because i bet my option is or be reborn or float here forever correct?
The mysterious beign was schocked and didnt reply for some time
???: hahaha i can see why you dindt belong to earth anyway i am god as you probably already knew i think anyway i am going to allow you to be reborn and you have 10 wishes because it was our fault you died and suffer for most of your life
Shin: alright
Wish 1- i want a system
Wish2- i want to be able to be reborn in different anime manga novel
Wish 3- i want 100 billion system point from start
Wish 4- i want to have the looks of raizel from noblesse
Wish 5- i want to have the mystic eye of death
Wish 6- i want to have the ability to think multiple times and extremley fast
Wish 7- i want monthly sytem point wich is 50 million
Wish 8-i want to be able to have the law of death and life well i guess you cant give me the full capabilitys but jus give me them and il take my time learning them
Wish 9- to be able to wish every 3 year
And i want my wish 10 to be able to be granted in 3 years
Shin: that is all
God: Wtf this kid anyway huhh i wil grant all your wishes asbi didnt give you a reastriction on your wishes and you took quit good advantages of that didnt you?
Shin: yes
Sais shin with a indifferent tone
God: alright are your ready
This is your journey to god hood
Shin: what???
God: oops it slipped anyway bye