
My Heart .

The story of two people trying their best, both longing for companionship and love. Trigger Warning!! This story will include sensitive topics such as depression, anxiety and PTSD

RaihLakay1704 · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs


Hello and thank you for your interest in my book to be honest this is just a bit of information that I'd like to share with you about the book.

Firstly, all of the characters in this book are from my imagination they are not based on any real-life person.

My characters have Korean names and reside in Seoul, South Korea however I am not Korean or from South Korea, so if there are any inaccuracies about South Korea, Koreans or the Korean culture I apologize and ask that you DM me to educate me on my mistake.

Also, I realized that I haven't been adding honorifics in the book and to be completely honest it will be staying that way, I mean no disrespect as I understand that it is important in Korean culture but I'm more than likely going to use them incorrectly so I decided to leave them out.

⚠️Topics such as:




-Abandonment/commitment issues

Will be dealt with in this book.

If you see any error in this book, please let me know by commenting or sending me a DM so that I can adjust accordingly

As my female lead is an idol by profession there will be chapters that will include songs and covers that I will be stating are hers please do not feel offended I do not claim any artist, composer, lyricist or producers hard work .

Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day 💖