

In an underground path where rocks are scattered and rocky-plants are illuminating the way.

Where the calm voice of the lake reign beautifully and reflect the light giving the place an incredible charm yet a frightening feeling.

A petit silhouette of fifty-seventy cm, with a jet black eyes and hair, a delicate white snow skin with little scars and a tattered clothes stood there, stunned, giving a unique contrast to the picture.

[ skill < Analysis > had been acquired ]

'Am I daydreaming?'

Rey heard a gentle and womanly voice announcing the acquirement of a skill in his mind.

'Well, I didn't think that this world was something like a game... Analysis, it seems like a skill to help you know and understand things, anyway let's test it out'

Rey then looked at the mushroom and tried to concentrate on it, he then felt like his power was burning and that he will awaken to something... not.

He didn't feel any thing.

'Perhaps the way I tried was the wrong one?'

He then looked at the mushroom and pried inside his head 'Analysis'.

'Ding Ding'


- Name : Blueroom

- Effect : spicy but edible


Rey was speechless by the icon that appeared in his mind.

'That's it !!!?? Just two words and stop !!'

He had a lot of expectations for the skill from its name and end up with something like that

'Well, at least I know that this is eatable... '

Rey started collecting the bluerooms that he found nearby the rocks and headed back to the lake.

'I wonder what will happen if I used the skill upon my self, I doubt that it will revel something interesting... what hell !!!'

While eating the blueroom, Rey had for the first time in his life, understood the true meaning of spiting the fire from one's mouth.

'Water water water water water.'

He drunk the water like a traveler who was in desert for months but he calmed down after minutes of forced breath.

'Luckily I come back before eating It otherwise, god know in what situation i would be.'

He couldn't help but imagine a bad scenario happening, a really bad one.

'Damn skill, you call that spicy, do you wish to kill me... forget it, let's find another edible plants.'

Letting the blueroom beside the lake, he looked for other plants, not long after, he found some other species and used his skill on them :


- Name : four Leafs

- Effect : edible and good for health



- Name : one eye

- Effect : poisonous



- Name : lilant

- Effect : illumination


Rey truly hated his luck

'In other word, besides that damn mushroom, the only thing I can eat is *four leaf*... sigh, well at least l found something to eat in this underground cave, let's start collecting those leafs.'

he got up, took a bunch of the *lilant*, mix them and transform them in a boll like shape to try and maximize the output of the light, after all, he can't see in the darkness.

After that, he began his hunt for the plant, he looked for them between the rocks, the wall and the other plants.

'Let's see, I have now quiet the number of them, I hope they taste good.'

While praying in his mind for a good taste, he started eating it.

'???... damn what is this feeling, it seems like my tiredness is gone, my head feel clearer and the scratches on my body began to close up!! I see, that what it means by 'good for the health'... he he, time to dig in'

He then took the finger sized leafs, put one above the other and eat it, repeating the process six to seven times.

'That was refreshing... what's next? Oh right... let's see what will happen if I use the skill on myself, even though I doubt that I will be off any help'

He concentrated on himself and activated his skill

'Ding Ding'

[ skill < Analysis > had level up ]


- Name : Rey

- Race : Human

- Age : 2 years

Hp : 13/13

Mp : 5/6

Str : 2

Agi : 2

Dex : 2

Vit : 2

Int : 2

- Skill :

• Analysts lv2

• overlord &&

• Miklay's language 1/3


'WTF... my skill lvl up and what is this, doesn't this seems like a Screen status for a RPG game... I really transmigrated in a game like world, it's not like it makes any difference but what is this < Overlord > skill ?

Can't you be more considerate and give me some explanation ?

Let's try it out'

He tried using 'overlord' in the same way but nothing happened.

'Yea... I thought so, it won't be so easy...

I think hp, Mp and the others are basically like the games so no need to think too much about them for now, but it seems like my Mp went down by one unit, could it be...'

He then took the * four leafs * and activated his skill.


- Name : four Leafs

- Effect : slightly restore the health and the magical power.


' I tough so, it seems that the clearness I felt in my mind was du to the restoration of my Mp...

In other words, to use a skill I must consume Mp, to lvl up a skill I must use it continuously and the * four leafs * can restore my Hp/Mp and fully my hunger...

Last thing, 'Miklay's language' , I think that's the language used in this world but what is the meaning of 1/3 ?

Could it be something like the degree of understanding ?

Oh right, since my skill lvl up the description also became clearer... that same nice stuff'

"Tchui tchui"

While Rey was thinking of something along the way, he heard a sound coming from the darkness.

It was then that he remembered where was he.