
Chapter 1: Infinity

"In the field of physics we deal with various subjects that, on the surface level seem simple, but once observed in more depth, are clearly more complex than meets the eye." Ian's professor said as he picked up a piece of chalk.

"You see, when Newton observed the phenomenon of gravity, he didn't simply look at the, that is how it works, he asked, 'why does that work?' You may be thinking, 'that doesn't change the level of complexity whatsoever,' but you'd be wrong." He continued.

"It's simple on the surface level, remember what I said?" He asked as he began to draw on the chalkboard. "Newton saw something average and had a profound thought, 'there must be a reason,' after all, there is a reason for everything, no?" He said as he drew two simple circles.

"Where everyone saw an object falling, he saw numbers and founded the study of physics." He explained as he wrote a simple gravitational equation for an apple of about one hundred eighty grams. "Now, does anyone want to solve this?" The professor asked as he turned to his students.

"No one?" He asked as he looked at the group of twenty-something-year-olds. "What about you, Mr. Baker?" He asked as he looked at Ian. Ian stood up and walked down to the board.

The equation presents two planets. One planet weighs two hundred eighty imperial tons. The distance of their centers is sixty meters and the gravitational force is a newton. In this situation, Ian must solve for the mass of the other planet.

He began writing out the equation and quickly came to the answer, one hundred eighty-six thousand six hundred. Once finished, he went back to his seat and his professor continued with his lecture.

Ian always had a way with numbers. They came easily and equations just stayed with him. He had chosen a major in physics because he thought it would be a good way to challenge himself, however, reality had disappointed him as it often does.

The only good thing in his current situation is the fact that he has a date set up for the evening. After his college classes had ended for the day, he went to his date. A nice restaurant, he clearly knew he would be paying.

Having recently won the lottery it didn't really bother him, though he still wished that he didn't have to pay on every date. He entered the restaurant and quickly found his date at the reserved table.

He walked over to the table and took a seat, briefly introducing himself. "My name is Ian, nice to meet you." He said as he held out his hand.

"Lily, nice to meet you as well." She said as she shook his hand. "Feels a bit like a business meeting with such a formal greeting." The black-haired girl said.

"Sorry, it's a bit of a habit to introduce myself that way." Ian said as he observed the girl. She is rather attractive with short black hair and blue eyes. Her lips seem to lightly reflect her surroundings and her rounded features seem to complement her thin figure.

Overall, a beauty in the eyes of many. "Oh, it's fine, just been a while since I've had such a formal introduction." She said as she adjusted her seat forward a bit. Liam nodded.

A waitress quickly came over to their table to take their order. "Are you two ready to order? And might I recommend today's special, potatoes with gravy made from the broth of steak, steamed vegetables, and the steak of which the broth originates?" She asked.

"I'll take that, yes." Ian said.

"Right, and you, miss?" She asked as she wrote down Ian's order.

"I'll take the steak with fries." She said. The waitress wrote down the order.

"Okay, and what would you two like to drink?" She asked as she looked at the two of them.

"I'll have some water, thank you." Ian said.

"And I will be getting some apple cider, non-alcoholic, of course." Lily said.

"Right, right, your order will be here shortly!" The waitress said excitably as she left.

"She seems to enjoy her work." Lily said. Liam nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I envy those who truly enjoy the work they do." Ian said with a gentle smile as he gazed off into the restaurant. "Ah, speaking of work, what is it that you do?" Ian asked as he brought his attention to his date.

"I'm mostly a freelance programmer, though I do have a part-time job as an accountant." She said with a warm smile. "Oh, but that's not to say I don't do anything else either, on my days off, I keep busy with pet projects, crafts, experiments, and things of the sort." She added.

'I don't dislike people like her. They're hardworking. I just can't read them.' Ian thought. 'To me, they seem like emotionless husks. People who can't be trusted. Even if they have an expression, I can't tell what they are feeling. They disturb me.' Ian added.

"What do you do?" She asked. Ian brought his attention back to the present moment.

"Currently, I'm studying as a physics major. Though, since I won the lottery, money isn't really an issue." Ian said

"Ah, physics is something I used to be really interested in. It's great how you can describe every little thing in expanded forms to allow for greater understanding." Lily said.

"Indeed." Ian said as he zoned out. 'It really is uncomfortable. I don't mind when someone hides how they truly feel to comfort others or lie. That's just the world and people. But when I can't tell... It's just uncomfortable.' He thought.

"And that's when Jenny said that she couldn't continue running." Lily said with a light smile. Ian lightly nodded. He had not been paying attention until the last part, but just acted as if he had listened to the whole thing.

He finished the last few bites of his food as Lily looked at her watch and checked the time. "Shoot, I've gotta go, I have to get a program done by five tomorrow. It was fun. It's been a while since a guy has actually caught my attention." Lily said as she stood up, giving a gentle smile.

Ian nodded. "I should get going here soon as well, I have classes tomorrow." Ian said as he waved a waitress over. "I'll pay." He said. Lily nodded.

"Thanks. And really, I had a great time." She said as she left.

"Hiya~!" The waitress from earlier said happily as she approached Ian's table. "Ready for your check?" She asked. Ian nodded. "Sir, do you want me to bring anything else to you before you leave?" She asked.

"No. I'll be going straight to bed when I get home." Ian said.

"I'm not asking as a waitress, Ian." She said with a worried expression. "I'm asking as a friend." She said as she moved a bit closer to Ian.

"I'm fine, Zoey. I just couldn't read her is all." Ian said. Zoey sighed as she moved back to her original posture.

"You don't need to be able to read everybody, most people can't even read others all that well." Zoey said.

"It's just hard to get used to people you can't read when you are used to being able to read everyone." Ian said.

"Yeah, I know. Also, why do you keep choosing this venue as your date spot?" She asked.

"I own a majority of the shares, gives me a good discount." Ian said.

"Ah, I see." Zoey said. "Anyway, here's your check." She said as she placed the receipt on his table. He took the receipt and stood up.

"See you later, Zoey." He said as he walked to the front counter. he paid then left and went back to his house.

He parked his car and exited. As he approached his porch, he noticed a package in front of his door with a note on it. He picked up the note.

'I found this in your room. I remember you would spend hours just talking to him. Figured you would rather have him than have me throw it out.' The note said.

He looked at the sender's address and noticed it was from his family's home. He brought the package inside and placed it on the table, then went and changed into his pajamas.

After changing, he went back to the box and opened it. Inside the box is a small construct made of various pieces of plastic, yarn, and other miscellaneous household objects.

He picked up the construct that he made in his early years. 'I suppose she really did wait... Unfortunately, I didn't. While she waited, I ran off and left her behind.' Ian thought to himself.

Ian placed her in the entertainment center in his living room. 'I'll place her here, I guess. I can't seem to remember her name.' He thought as he went to his room. 'I'm sure it'll come back to me at some point.' He thought as he entered his bed and went to sleep.
