
My First & Last

A boy who falls in love at first sight with a girl who has just transferred to their school. Which turned out to be the girl's sister from a group of friends.

4 Chs

Chapter 3

Then you and Chan walk to downstairs to eat breakfast. You and Chan was eat breakfast but you keep felt someone staring at you, you look up and saw Chan staring at you

Chan mind: 너무 예뻐.. (So pretty..)

You: What's wrong? Is there something on my face? 

Chan: 응? Nothing… 

You: So why are you staring at me? 

Chan look away to hide his red face 

Chan: Nothing… 

You: Ok…? 

"Weird" you said on your mind 

*After Breakfast*

Chan: I will back to my dorm, wanna come? 

You: 응? Sure why not? //smiles//

Chan mind: Her smile…  Gosh don't do this to me Y/N…  //blush//

You saw Chan become red, you got worried, so you approach him and put your palm on both of his cheeks

You: Chris, you okay? Are you sick? Do you have a fever? 

Chan backs away from you and say

Chan: I- I'm not… I'm o- okay.. //looks away//

You: //worried// You sure? I think you need-

Chan: I'm Okay! 

You: Ok...? 

Chan mind: That's embarrassing…  

*Time Skip Stray Kids Dorm*

*Author POV*

They were playing around and fooling each other until they didn't notice that Y/N and Chan already there watching them in confused. Chan fake cough to get their attention and that's successfully got their attention 

Jeongin: Chan hyung? 

Han: Oh? 

Minho: You're back? 

Hyunjin: I thought you stay there longer? 

Chan: I feel I am not needed here. 

Then Chan left without saying any words, Y/N look at them with "Seriously guys?" face

SKZ: We're sorry… 

You: //deep sigh// Look. He is dissapointed. Gosh! 

Then Y/N went out to looking for Chan, Y/N just hope he wouldn't be mad at them

You: Where's he? 

Y/N search everywhere and finally found him at the park alone. Chan was wearing earphone and didn't notice Y/N were there, after a moment he took off his earphone and sigh deeply. 

You: Are you done? //not looking at him//

Chan: //startled// W- what are y- you doing? Here...? //looking at you//

You: //look at him back// Isn't obviously Chris? I'm looking for you.. Look. They're didn't mean to say that to you, they just joking by saying that to you. They do need you there, they just didn't expect you were coming today and they think we still practice. they just thought that you're gonna coming home late or maybe they thought you come back tomorrow. Can you understand that…? For me…? 

Chan only look at you without saying anything 

You: //sigh and look away// I'll leave you alone and take your time to thinking what am I saying to you… 

Then Y/N left him alone there and go back home

*End of Author POV*

*Chan POV*

Y/N is right… What are you thinking Chan? They must be thinking I still with her to practice since I didn't told them that I come home today.. Stupid! Really stupid! 

Chan: I need to apology… //stood up//

*End of Chan POV*

Chan open the door and saw they still at living room, as soon they heard the door closed they run to Chan and hug him

SKZ: We're sorry hyung!!! 

Chan: I'm sorry too guys… 

Seungmin: You didn't mad anymore? 

Chan: Nope. I'm not mad anymore //smile//

Stray Kids jump up and down in excited 

Han: I think we should eat our breakfast now.. 

Chan: They didn't breakfast yet? 

Minho: Not yet… But I cooked already 5 minutes ago, before you come home 

Chan: Why are you didn't take your breakfast? 

SKZ: We didn't hungry yet… 

Chan: Go eat your breakfast now. //talk like a father to them//

SKZ: 네!!!! //run to dining room//

Minho: I don't know why I feel we like a parents to them //clucking//

Chan: //laugh// Right! 

*Time Skip At Night* 

You: It's so fresh after showering //giggling//

Suddenly your phone vibrated

You: 응? 찬은 왜 나에게 메시지를 보냈는가? (Why did Chan message me?) //open the message//

Chan message:

"고마워…. "

Your reply:

"For what?"

Chan reply:

"For the conversation at the park"

Your reply:

"That's ok… You can always come to me for talking… "

Chan reply:

"Thankyou… I appreciate that. Shouldn't you sleep right now?"

Your reply:

"Well… Yeah, but I will later"

Chan reply:

"Should I make you sleep?"

Your reply:

"무슨 소리 야?! (What are you talking about?!)"

Chan reply:

"뭐? 왜…? I can make you sleep if you want.."

Your reply: 

"Nope. Sorry sir.. Goodbye!"

You turn off your phone without wait for his reply

You: What's wrong with his brain?! 찬이 바보! (Chan is stupid!) 

With that you falls asleep 

*Chan POV*

Chan: Offline already? //giggling// She's cute.. I love teasing her like this.. //smile to himself//

???: Who are you talking with Hyung? 

Chan: Oh? Felix.. No one, just message Y/N

Felix: And for what? //raised one his eyebrow//

Chan: Don't thinking stupid Felix. I just want to say thanks to her nothing more. 

Felix: Ok ok.. Whatever you say hyung //roll his eyes//

Chan: Why are you here? 

Felix: Nothing, just want to come here, I can't sleep

Chan: Hmm… Sleep there //pointed empty bed beside him//

Felix: Thanks hyung! //throw his body on the bed//

I just roll my eyes at him

*Time Skip Next Day*

Minho: Where's Y/N? 

Felix: I don't know.. 

Changbin: There she is 

SKZ: Goodmorning Y/N ssi!! //smiles//

You: Morning boys… //smile//

Chan mind: Doesn't she know that her sweet smile can kill me?

Then you and Stray Kids went to your own class

*Time Skip At Canteen*

You and Stray Kids eat in silence none of you all wants to speak. And you caught Chan staring at you without blinking, you nudge his feet from under the table, luckily Chan sat right next to you. 

Chan: //back to reality and look at you// 

You: //raised one eyebrow and give him "What's wrong?" face//

Chan just shake his head as "No" but still looking at you

You: //titling head and look at him with "Are you serious?" face//

Chan: //nodded his head//

*Time Skip Dance Class*

D. Teacher: Now can Y/N and Chan dance for us? 

You: Sure… 

You both got up and get ready to dance

*After Dance*

*School Over*

SKZ (Without Chan): Our Couple Is Here!!!!!!! //excited//

You and Chan look at each other

Chan: We are not! //blush//

SKZ keep arguing to each other 

You: Guys- 

They didn't hear you so you just shout

You: 여러분! 그만! (Guys! Stop that!) We should go home now! 

SKZ: Yes Boss!!! 

Then you all go to your house to sleep over. 

*At Night*

*Author POV*

After breakfast you all went to your own room to sleep. But Y/N still didn't sleep, she play her phone until she heard knock, she open the door and saw Chan

Chan: Hi.. 

You: Yes? Why are you here? 

Chan: I can't sleep, can I sleep with you? 

You: Ok…? 

Then Y/N and Chan lay on Y/N's bed in silence

Chan: Can I tell you something? 

You: Yeah..?

Chan: Actually… I like you… 

You: You what? Chris are you kidding me? //schock//

Chan: I'm not… I love you Y/N

You: //blush hard// 

Chan: I know you like me too, I can see it from your pretty eyes //smiles//

Y/N face was red because she was blushing hard

Chan: Will you be my girl? *english*

Y/N nodded at him, then Chan got on top of Y/N and kiss Y/N softly of course Y/N kiss him back

Chan: //broke the kiss// I love you Y/N

You: Love you too Chris

Then they both sleep while Chan hugging Y/N from behind

*Meanwhile Outside the Room*

Changbin: Are they dating already? 

Minho: Of course!

Han: Our leader got a girlfriend 

Felix: Let's just sleep

Hyunjin: I got an idea

Seungmin: What is it? 

Hyunjin: Should we teasing them both?

Jeongin: Why? 

Han: You mean teasing them because they're dating already? 

Hyunjin: Right! We already know that Chan hyung like Y/N from the first he saw her, am I right? 

Minho: Yeah you're right 

Felix: Just don't make Chan hyung mad, he is scary when mad

Changbin: I know right

Then they all went back to their own room to sleep