
My First & Last

A boy who falls in love at first sight with a girl who has just transferred to their school. Which turned out to be the girl's sister from a group of friends.

4 Chs

Chapter 2

Mom: Hey kids… It's getting late didn't you should sleep? *walk toward them*

Y/N: I'm not sleepy *still play phone*

Mom: You have school tomorrow, you should sleep no matter what. You too boys..

Felix: Do we should sleep here mom?

Mom: . . . .

Y/N: Guest room. I go to my room byee!!! *left*

Mom: Aishh! This girl… *shake her head* Since it's getting late you and your friend can sleep here for a night

Felix: Thanks mom!!!

Then they go to guest room

*End of Author POV*

*Next Day*

You got up and do your morning routine like usual then you go downstairs to dining room

Y/N: *hug her from behind* Morning my beautiful mom //english//

Mom: Morning sweetie…. *smiles* Go take your breakfast

Y/N: Okay

Mom: *saw Stray Kids coming* You're here… Take your breakfast…

Stray Kids sit down and start to eat their breakfast

Felix: Yes mom…

Y/N: *stood up* I'm done. Gotta go… //english//

Felix: No. You're going with us today. //english//

Y/N: I don't want to be with you boys. I'm gonna be a girl alone //english//

Mom: Y/N… He is your brother, just go with him and his friends…. //english//

Y/N: *sigh* Hurry up.

*Time Skip*

???: Waaaa that's Stray Kids!!!



???: OMG Y/N with them!!!

???: OMG!!!!

(A/N: Lol too much OMG… )

???: Y/N looks good with Stray Kids, what do you think?

???: Hey I ship Y/N with Hyunjin

???: I ship Chan with Y/N..

???: Yeah… Chan and Y/N will be cute couple…

???: Right!

???: Chan and Y/N looks cute together

*Your POV*

I heard that they talk about me… They ship me with Hyunjin and Chan? OMG… I don't like they both, and why the hell they ship me with them both? Ugh! It's annoying.

*End of Your POV*

*Author POV*

Y/N and Stray Kids ignore them and go to their own class

*Time Skip To Dance Class*

D. Teacher: Now I want to make a dance couple..

???: Can we choose our partner?

D. Teacher: No. I already choose for your partner

Students: Whyyyyy *whined*

D. Teacher: Be quiet! Now… I want to pick your partner.

The teacher pick the partner and it's time to Y/N's name

D. Teacher: The last name is Y/N. Y/N you will be with Chan. Now do your project and be ready to perform next week.

Students: Yes ma'am!

*End of Author POV*


What? Why? Why him? That's annoying. I don't want it. But… Aish! This teacher! I hate you!

*End of Y/N POV*

*Chan POV*

Wait what? Y/N? Me and Y/N? Wow… I didn't expect will be with her… Wait! Why am I so happy? Am I like her? No no no no… It can't be… Aish!

*End of Chan POV*

Felix: Hey… Goodluck with Chan *smirk*

Y/N: ….. Lee. Felix. *close her eyes*

Felix: Yes? *look at her confused*

Y/N: *mad* Run. Before I kill-

Felix: *run away*

While Felix run away SKZ laugh hard

Y/N: Felix!!!! Come back!!!! *run after him*

Chan: *look at her* Y/N…

Y/N: Hm..?

Hyunjin: Hyung… we will left you first…

The rest of Stray Kids left Y/N and Chan alone on the dance room

Chan: Um… *nervous*

Y/N: What is it?

Chan: Umm… Where we gonna do our dance project?

Y/N: Up to you… I'm ok with it…

Chan: Oh- Um…

When you was about to answer him suddenly…..

Felix: Y/N!!!!!! *come out nowhere*

Y/N: *startled* What?! *look at him*

Felix: Nothing… *left*

Y/N: *deep sigh* I want to kill him

Chan: *giggling* Ignoring him…

Y/N: *roll your eyes* Let's do our project at my house…

Chan: I'm ok with that… I'll come to your house later….

Y/N: Ok… I have to go now, bye Chris… *about to leave*

Chan: How did you know my english name?

Y/N: *turn back* Felix..?

Then you leave him alone there with confuse face

*Time Skip At Home*

Y/N: I'm home!!

Mom: Welcome home darling… Where's your brother?

Y/N: Of course with his friends… *roll her eyes*

Mom: Oh… I already make your dinner, go take a bath and change your clothes…

Y/N: Yeah okay… *left*


I do my routine after done, I go to downstairs to take my dinner, when I eat suddenly the doorbell rang

Mom: Mom will opened it


Mom: *open the door* Oh.. You are Felix friend, Bang Chan right?

Chan: Yes ma'am, I'm Chan… Felix friend *bow*

Mom: Don't call me ma'am, just call me mom *smile* Come in…

Chan: *come inside* Thankyou ma'am- Um.. Mom.. *smile shyly*

Mom: *smile* I heard from Felix that you are from Australia too..

Chan: *shy* Yes ma'am oh- um… Mom

Mom: *giggling* Anyways you want to meet Y/N?

Chan: Um yes... *look down shyly*

Mom mind: I think Chan like her *smile* Finally my girl will be having a boyfriend soon.. *smile sweetly*

Mom: Come… You can wait her on the living room *smile*

Chan: *bow* Thankyou mom…

*End of Mom POV*

*Back to Y/N POV*

Mom: *walk to dining room* Chan is here…

Y/N: *shock* Chan?

Mom: Yeah… Go meet him at the living room

Y/N: ...… I'm done with my dinner

Then I stood up and walk to living room, I got there and saw Chan playing his phone so I call him

Y/N: Chris…

Y/N mind: I don't know why suddenly I like to call him by his english name…

Chan: *look up* Oh hi..

Y/N: What are you doing here? *confused*

Chan: *look at her* Did you forgot that we have a dance project?

Y/N: ...Really? *remember* Oh yeah… Let's go to dance room now to practice

Chan: Oh ok…

*End of Y/N POV*

Then you and Chan go to your dance room

Chan: Um… What song we gonna play?

Y/N: Hm…. Let me think…

Chan: What is it?

Y/N: Oh! I know!

Chan look at her with curiosity

Chan: What is it?

Y/N: Not gonna tell you… *giggling*

Chan mind: Her smile… Even her giggling is so cute *smile to himself*

Y/N: Let's practice..

Chan: Um… Okay…?

After that you and Chan start to practice

*Few Hours Later*

*Author POV*

You and Chan finish practice and still panting because of tired suddenly….

Mom: *come inside the dance room* Y/N… Chan…

Y/N: Yes mom?

Mom: It's already late…

Y/N: Oh really? *look at the clock* Oh you're right mom, but tomorrow is free right? I mean no school…

Mom: I know.. But it's late for Chan…

Y/N: *look at Chan* Just call Felix to pick him up

Mom: Up to you.. Just don't sleep at midnight *left*

Chan: Um.. I have my car here… So no need to call Felix…

Y/N: ...

She ignore Chan and call Felix

On the call:

Felix: What?

Y/N: Can you go home to pick Chan?

Felix: Why?

Y/N: It's too late for him to go back to your dorm silly. Hurry up!

Felix: Just tell him to sleep at my room, I'm lazy to go out this night

Y/N: He don't bring clothes...

Felix: Used mine. Mom told me that she bring some if my clothes when you come to Korea

Y/N: ... You- *cut off by Felix hung up the call*

Y/N: *deep sigh* Come with me.

Chan: Where?

She ignoring him and walk away while he following her

Chan: This is-

Y/N: Yes. Felix room

Chan: What are we doing here?

Y/N: Sleep here. Felix don't want to pick you up. Used his clothes. *left*

Then she left him alone at Felix room

Chan: *chuckle* Cute.... but tsundere....

Chan mind: What- What am I saying? Ugh! What's wrong with me? *sigh*

*End of Author POV*

*Chan POV*

What is this feelings? I never felt this feelings before. I feel different when I'm with her… What is this? Why my heart keep beating faster when I'm with her? Is this love?

Chan mind: *lay on the bed* Y/N….

*End of Chan POV*


This is weird… I never felt kind of this feelings.. My heart.. Why my heart beating faster when I'm with him? What's wrong with me? Am I in love?

Y/N mind: This is crazy… It can't be…

*End of Y/N POV*


Hyunjin: Lix.. Who's that?

Felix: Oh that's Y/N..

Changbin: Oh. Chan hyung is with her right?

Han: They couple for dance project

Jeongin: They must be-

Minho: *shout from kitchen* Dinner is ready!!!

SKZ: Yeyy!!!! *run to dining room*

Jeongin: Wah… Lee Know hyung you are the best!

Minho: I know I know... Let's eat…

They start to eat their dinner

Seungmin: Um… Chan hyung still don't comeback?

Han: Yeah…

Felix: Oh he is at my house… I told him to sleep at my room, Y/N wants me to pick him up but I'm too lazy..

Jeongin: Hahaha seriously hyung?

Felix: Yeah…

Changbin: I heard that all students at our school shipping Chan hyung and Y/N

Han: Wahh yeah I heard it too

Minho: But I heard to they shipping Hyunjin and Y/N too, but they mostly shipping Chan hyung with Y/N

Hyunjin: What? They shipping me and Y/N? Lol me and her not even close to each other, how can they shipping me and her?

Minho: I don't know. Don't ask me.

*Next Day*

You woke up and do your morning routine like usual, then you go to dining room but you didn't find your mom, then your mom text you and say that she needs to go back to Australia because of work…

Y/N mind: *sigh* Why mom didn't told me before leaving?

Y/N: Oh.. I'm hungry… Let see what we have here… *open the refrigerator* Aha! I found something… Then let's cooking!

Then you started to cut the ingredients after that you start to cooking, while cooking you remember something

Y/N: Oh? He still sleeping? *roll your eyes*

*2 Hours Later*

You finish cooking and places your food at the dining room, after that you go to Felix room to Chan up

Y/N: *walk inside the room* Chris…? Oh? Where's he?

Suddenly the bathroom door opened revealing Chan only with a towel

Y/N: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *close your eyes with both of your hand*

Chan: AHHHHHH!!!!!! *scream as well*

Y/N: Yah!!!! Wear your clothes!!!!

Then Chan wears his clothes quickly

Chan: Done.. Open your eyes…

You slowly open your eyes and saw Chan already get dressed

Y/N mind: Wow… He is so handsome, and his wet hair making him more hot *blushing*

Chan mind: Huh? Why her face is so red?

Chan: Y/N…? *touch her forehead* Y/N are you ok?

Y/N back to reality

Y/N: Huh? Oh- Um.. Yeah.. I'm ok *blush*

Chan mind: She is cute when blushing *clucked*

Y/N: What? What's funny?

Chan: Nothing… Why are you here?

Y/N: Oh- um… Breakfast is ready…

Chan: Oh ok, let's go take our breakfast *smile*

Then you and Chan walk to downstairs to eat breakfast