

Sam's POV

Another boring day of school. I just hope I don't bump into Hazel today. Don't get me wrong, I love Hazel alot but everytime I see her, I always remember what happened and it kills me to avoid her. She may have forgotten but I can't just risk it.

I sluggishly drag myself to the shower playing back everything that happened that day...

~ Flashback ~

"Are you ready for the best payback ever?", my friend Ashton asked.

"Yeah!" we all said in unison. We were preparing to egg a girl who insulted the hell out of Jake. I didn't know the girl but we were waiting for her in the cafeteria since it's lunch time.

"Hey, guys! There she is" Jake pointed at a blonde girl wearing a white crop top with jeans. She looks familiar but I ignored the thought. We walked until we were behind her.

"Three... "

"Two... "

"One... Now"

We poured the 3 buckets of egg we were carrying on her. She turned around while cleaning her eyes to get rid of the eggs.

With shock written all over my face, I asked "Hazel?"

"Stay away from me" she yelled with anger and disgust through gritted teeth.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were the one, if i-"

"Just save it, Samuel Hunter " she replied cutting me off.

"Please just listen to me"

"No! I hate you. Don't ever talk to me again"

"Please, Hazel" I tried taking her hand but she removes it.

"Don't touch me, just stay away from me" she yelled and walked out of the cafeteria crying.

The next day, she didn't come to school, so I went to her house after school but found out they moved that same day.


It was hard for me when she left because I was planning to tell her how I felt and that I'll never do anything like that to her on purpose. The most painful thing is that, now that she's back, it's gonna be pretty hard to fulfill her wish.

I walk out of the shower and pick out a white V-neck and black jeans paired with my usual converse. Walking out of my room....

"Good morning mum"

"Good morning honey. How was your night?"

"Fine... I guess", grabbing a fruit bar, I head towards the door. "Bye mum"

"Have fun at school"

"I will try" I replied, shutting the door behind me.

I walk to my car and enter it, inserting the key into the ignition, I start the car and drive out of the garage. Driving to school, I see Hazel ahead, I really want to help her but I won't because I want to respect her wish. She may have forgotten but I haven't. So I sped pass her while keeping my eyes glue to the road. She doesn't seem to notice me because she doesn't know that I have a car. Well, that's a good thing, right?


I arrive at school to be greeted by the usual stares and my one and only friend ever since Hazel left, James Xander.

"Hey man, what's up? Why do you look like your balls are deflated?" Did I forget to tell you that he's a major pervert...

"What? NO!" I retorted.

"Then why does your face look like that?" he said, gesturing to my face.

"I've been ignoring her and it's killing me"

"Then go talk to her. She looks like she has forgiven you and has forgotten about it. So man up, and stop behaving like a freaking baby"

"But I haven't forgiven myself" I protested.

"Suit yourself, dude. Suit yourself" and he's gone. Sometimes I wonder how I even know him. Well, off to class, I'm just happy that I don't have any classes with her.


I walk into my English class to see that it's almost full. I seat at my usual spot waiting for the teacher to arrive. While staring at the door, she walked in. Hazel is in my English class? Why? This is going to be torture. I watched her scan the room for any familiar faces, then we made eye contact, she flashed me a breathtaking smile and walked towards me. She sits down beside me which makes me comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time.

"Hey Sam" she really has a beautiful voice but I'm not gonna reply.... I will not.

"Sam! Helloooo!"she said, waving to get my attention.

"What?" I snapped. I didn't want it to come out harsh but it did. After hearing my reply, she flinched and visibly tensed up.

"Um, sorry. I just wanted to ask why you have been avoiding me all week?"

"None of your business" what is wrong with me? I sound like a serial killer right now when she is only being nice and showing concern. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. After what seemed like hours of awkward silence, she moved to another seat far from me. Then the teacher walked in.... I didn't even bother to listen because I had this sharp pain in my chest after what I did to her..... What is wrong with me? Why did I act that way?