
The Goblin King!

Aruna wanted to run away, but her legs refused to move. Her feet had frozen in place, and she couldn't find the courage to even lift a finger.

The village guards couldn't believe what they were seeing. They tried to scream, but their voices died inside their throats. With their hearts thumping inside their chests, they stood as still as stone statues.

Even the cold-blooded assassin felt shivers run down his spine. Spider was renowned for his skills with the blade and his exemplary hunting prowess, but even he knew that he was nothing but a pebble in front of the hulking brute standing before them.

"The Goblins want to raid the village. If we run now, we can make it back to the walls of Zarenki," Spider suggested as a last resort.

Aruna nodded in agreement. "I am with you. We were sent to scout the area and gather intelligence, not take on an entire Goblin Horde by ourselves. We should let the soldiers deal with them."
