
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


Dexta took a moment to ponder after hearing Mazel's question. "We won't touch the coffin again and will promptly return it to its chamber. The text clearly states that whatever is sealed inside should not surface."

As the leader, Dexta swiftly decided to return the coffin to its original place. His response reflected the wisdom of a committed leader who adheres to rules and makes the best decisions in managing the situation. His responsibility as a leader resulted in decisions that minimized risks and losses for the company.

"Are we really supposed to return this coffin?" Tuer asked with a curious expression. Tuer, being a researcher, felt displeased that her research object would be taken away.

"Yes, I will instruct the porters to carry this coffin back to its place," Dexta said firmly.

"You're right, it's only fair that we prevent potential problems," agreed Fanden, nodding in line with Dexta's decision.

"Huee, my object is taken again..." Tuer lamented with a dejected expression on the coffin, frustrated about letting go of her research object.

Although Tuer rebelled with a bit of complaint, with Dexta's order, the coffin was still lifted back to its original place, disregarding Tuer's reluctance.

The porters, having arrived as per Dexta's command, were ready to transport the coffin back. However, chaos ensued when Tuer, being stubborn, continued to tightly embrace the coffin.

Fanden, witnessing Tuer's defiant reaction, could only sigh.

Consciously, Dexta forcibly pulled Tuer away. "Stop acting like a child. This coffin is not your toy!" scolded Dexta.

Dexta held Tuer's collar tightly, making it difficult for her to break free. "Let go! Let go!" Tuer cried out, weeping, as if playing the role of a child whose toy was about to be taken away.

The porters, witnessing the situation, remained silent, unsure of how to act.

"Quick, take that coffin, bring it back to its room!" Dexta commanded the porters sharply.

Despite their confusion, the porters immediately lifted the coffin lying on the ground. They carefully carried the nearly 2.5-meter-long coffin, showing no signs of difficulty.

The coffin was then lifted slowly, continuing its journey back to its original place. The tense atmosphere began to ease after the coffin moved away.

After ensuring the coffin had truly left, Dexta released Tuer's collar.

Tuer, suddenly feeling her collar released, fell to the ground with her bottom reddened in pain. "Ouch," Tuer uttered, groaning in unavoidable pain.

"Now, stop acting like a child. You are an adult, and you also have a job that you must fully take responsibility for. I want to get back to work, so you better get back to work too!" Dexta shouted at Tuer, trying to advise her to understand the responsibilities she had to fulfill. After that, Dexta walked away, leaving Fanden and Tuer alone in the momentarily quiet room.

Tuer, still groaning in pain on the floor, glanced at Fanden, then jumped towards him, surprising Fanden as he was suddenly tightly hugged by the adult woman!

"Mazel! Please, entertain me! That devil always takes interesting things from me!" Tuer expressed her complaint to Mazel.

Tuer's warm body made Fanden lose his focus, and he started to panic. In his past life, he had never been hugged tightly by a beautiful woman!

Fanden resisted the temptation, and he slowly released Tuer's hug. "Maybe it's time for us to focus on our respective tasks," said Fanden wisely, trying to bring back concentration to their duties amid the tense situation.

"Ugh! Don't tell me you're influenced by that cruel devil's nature?! I can't accept it!" Tuer complained angrily while hitting Fanden's chest.

"Ouch! That hurts..." said Fanden, then held Tuer's hand, stopping her from hitting him.

Tuer, getting more annoyed, then brushed away Fanden's hand, releasing Fanden's grip on her. Tuer then sulked and sat on an empty chair. She crossed her arms over her chest, showing her frustration.

Fanden, confused by Tuer's work stoppage behavior, didn't know what to do. The feeling was as if suddenly all of Tuer's anger was redirected towards Fanden.

Why am I suddenly scolded? Wasn't she angry at Dexta earlier? Am I the one at fault now?

Fanden was puzzled, but he actually knew what to do now. He needed to calm Tuer's anger.

If I'm not mistaken, in Mazel's memory, when Tuer is angry, he always does this...

Fanden walked closer to Tuer. He then reached out his hand to her neck and then down to her shoulders. His hand began to gently touch Tuer's shoulders with slow and cautious movements. Fanden felt tense, trying to provide a soothing massage to Tuer.

"Calm down, Tuer. Anger will only make everything more difficult. Both of us have responsibilities here, and we have to fulfill those responsibilities together," Fanden said softly, hoping his words could calm Tuer's anger.

Fanden's gentle massage spread to Tuer's shoulders and neck, attempting to reduce the tension enveloping her. Remembering the movements he had seen Mazel do to calm Tuer, he applied them carefully.

Tuer, feeling familiar and comfortable with Fanden's touch, began to experience the calming effect of the massage. The previous pain haunting her started to subside, and the tension on her face gradually disappeared.

"Thank you, Mazel. I... I do need a moment to calm down," Tuer said in a calmer voice, acknowledging that she needed to let go of her anger.

Fanden continued his massage carefully, giving Tuer time to absorb the tranquility he was trying to provide. Although initially confused, Fanden now felt that he had found a way to help Tuer overcome her anger and refocus on their tasks.

However, unbeknownst to both of them, there was someone who unintentionally witnessed that moment from a distance and then felt a strong sense of jealousy!