
My Buddy-My Lover

MrSeme · อื่นๆ
7 Chs

Chapter 002 Day Of Inuzuka's Departure

Appreciate the people there for you so thay you will not regret it later.

Inuzuka applied as company worker, His co-worker always oppressed him, he was the one who made the documents that his co-worker asked him to do after president's assistant asked who made the document, His co-worker said they were the ones who made that document He just let it go so that he would not be fired from his job, his co-worker would always step on him but instead of telling the president company he just let it go just like what he did to his buddy Tsunade



Tsunade woke up without Inuzuka because Tsunade is used to always being cooked by Inuzuka he went to the kitchen but Inuzuka was not there he went to the room where Inuzuka was sleeping but he was not there time passed but Tsunade still could not find his friend Inuzuka, Tsunade return to Inuzuka's room and it was only then that he realized that Inuka has left and He was so angry that Tsunade cried because of Inuzuka Did

Tsunade's mother committed suicide in a room full of her favorite roses his mother committed suicide because his mother could not stand the beating of his father, the day Inuzuka left, Tsunade should have said everything happend but Inuzuka has already left Tsunade can't handle all of that so he lean on alcohol and cigarettes..