This is a work i just randomly started when i was bored. Its about a pair of twins that are bored of there life until they gets a visit from truck-kun and get sent into a new world of exitment and adventure. Only one of the brothers are going to be the official MC the other one is going to be having a "support" role "hint, hint". WARNING: English is not my main language. I will be using my phone so expect typos. Releases will be random as i am only doing this for kicks. If i turnout too be good at it i may start writing more frequently. Disclamer: This is a none profit work of fiction. All characters are fictional and have no assosiaton to any real life people with the same names or characteristics.
Adrian was an average man with an average life. He lived in a middleclass home with a mother, father and two siblings. If there was anything of note in his life that would have been that he had a twin brother. Adrian's twin brothers name was James and as young they were inseparable.
Adrian and James where always together in everything they did. They had fun together and they got bored together. As they grew up they quickly lost interest in the world and took an intrested in fantasy as they provided them with an infinity of possibility.
With the years the brothers grew more and more asocial and became what was called otaku. Although they became otaku they still went to school and finished with descent grades.
As they finished school and were going to make a career choice they, for the first time took their separate ways. James wanted to become a Professor while Adrian wanted to be a teacher.
(A/N: The difference is who they teach. Teachers is for children and youths 7-18 while Professors is for students 18+ and the difficulty of becoming a professor is alot higher)
After separating from each other the brothers quickly understood that they relied on the other quite alot. As time passes their life's became grayer and grayer until they finished their higher education and moved back home to find work.
James quickly got a job as a history professor in a local college and was doing a great job as he was always the smarter and meticulous one of the two. Adrian unfortunately did not find it as easy to find work.
One day as Adrian was walking home after another unsuccessful job interview he saw an old man about to fall over, seeing this he went to help only to be tackled into the road by that very old man.
As his luck would have it a truck was currently speeding down that very road. As this happened to fast the driver did not have any time to react and Adran as he was currently still mid stumble could only watch as his life flashes before his eyes.
Adrian was in panic but could do nothing as he was watching the truck slowly inching closer to him. Because of the dire situation his brain, much to his dismay, was working in overdrive making him capable of thinking faster and see everything much clearer.
As death was getting closer Adrian was constantly cursing his luck, destiny and even the gods. As he was losing his mind in confusion and fear he did not notice that his own brother was behind him trying to push him out of the way.
As the truck was about to hit them Adrian finally noticed his brother, seeing the consern in his brothers eyes Adrian suddenly relaxed. His mind that was in chaos stilled, with only tranquillity left.
He took one last look at his brother and the surroundings, as he did he could see the old man collapsed on the sidewalk and did not know if he should laugh or cry. Apparently the old man that had landed him in his current predicament was already dead when he tackled him.
As Adrian was looking around the truck finally collided with the two brother sending them a good distance before braking.
The two brothers layd on the ground bones broken, organs shattered. They knew this was it, this was their time. Strangely enough neither of them had any fear on their faces, on their faces was just some amusement and even a hint of relief.
As the last of the brothers consciousness was about to dissipate they locked eyes and had the same thought. "Its has been a boring life" after that thought there was only darkness and quiet.