
My Anubis System

This is my first novel and I’m to lazy to put a description of it so just read it ***Cover owned by @ozadomi on Twitter https://t.co/DON5ypSY3b?amp=1 this is his Instagram https://t.co/QBCvO8p7M7?amp=1 ***

DeadKazuichi · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

2:The Tomb Of The Dead and Betrayal

Akel saw the tomb from not that long of a walk. He also noticed his owners watching as they walk towards it.

The squad consisted of different classes but no mages or system holders. The kids were apart of this raid which made Akel do his best to protect them. Akel was a dagger user even though he didn't like the weapon at all.

When the group was finally at the entrance Akel felt a chill down his spine. He felt this feeling before but his memories were very foggy so he couldn't recall it.

A big door slid open on its own which freaked out the group a bit. Akel on the other hand didn't even flinch since he did plenty of these in his life. He never had a safe life inside the tombs or even outside of them.

The group went in even though they felt a ghostly aura emitting from the place. Akel also was familiar with this aura but couldn't remember it still.

It was very quiet for a couple of minutes until a child asked Akel "Are you afraid ". Akel couldn't feel fear for as long as he could remember but he didn't talk a lot or show much emotion so you couldn't tell how he felt or what he was thinking.

"No," Akel said quietly. The boy looked at him with a bright smile that shined in the dark tomb. The others with us couldn't help but laugh at him.

Akel was considered the big brother of children in the raid. While the other men and women considered him as a son. He took all the beatings for the children and some adults. He also helped if they required help.

They made it to another door but had some wall markings around them. Akel was a translator to some tombs since he knows some of the languages in the tomb. Egyptian was his first language while English is his second.

"Beware of Dead," Akel said as he was reading. The group looked at each other and took a deep breath. One strong man opened the door to see a large open room with nothing in it Akel walked in first with the boy from earlier first.

As they walked in they both realized that the door was closed. Akel was confused he was questioning why the door out was closed. The boy pulled Anu shirt to signal him that Corpses were coming from the ground one by one.

Akel was furious as the thought of them betraying him came into his mind. All the stuff he did for them was all fake in their eyes. The boy was about to see the real Akel for the first time that he has known him.

A corpse was close enough to strike the boy but before it could Akel sliced it in two. Akel didn't stop there he walked towards the others with an aura like he killed, watched, and tortured millions.

The Undead couldn't feel fear but they could sense if someone was on a whole other level than them. One took a swing at Akel but he dodged and sliced at a speed that didn't make it seem like he has gotten hit. Akel has gotten impatient and started to massacre them.

The boy was terrified of how his brother was acting but this boy couldn't blame him for how he felt. He felt a little betrayed even though he didn't make an impact like Akel did.

Before the boy realized Akel was in-front of him lending him his hand. Without hesitation, the boy grabbed it and walked through the graveyard that Akel created.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked looking at Akel's cold face. Akel didn't ever want to show that side of him but when he's caught up in anger or grief it's bound to show.

For the first time, Akel smiled and said "Yes thank you for worrying". The boy was shocked in a good way that he finally got to see Akel smile.

As they continue they found a room with an Egyptian Coffin in the middle. The boy ran in and touched the coffin but something weird happened.