
Chapter 1

My name is Yoon Soo Rim. When I was kid, I used to believe that nothing is impossible in this world. But then I was wrong.

My parents used to argue. Just because my dad married my mom for gambling. Well now I know that money is everything in this world without money we're nothing.

But when I was kid, I love my dad more than my mother. Know why?? Because I think my dad means everything to me. My hero,father and my prince charming.

Just because my mom so busy with her work so we don't have time to spend together as a family.

But one day this is the saddest thing ever that happen in my life.

My parents were argue just because my mom didn't take me from school and My dad was so mad with my mom's attitude. So my mom asked for a divorce.

She said that she couldn't take it anymore. She's being stress and tired of everything.

When I heard that, I was quickly go to my room and slammed the door after that I was crying hardly.

Then they quickly go to my room and burst the door open revealing me crying between my knees.

They go to me and hugged me, try to sooth and calm me down.

They telling me that nothing is gonna happen in this family.

I knew that they have lied to me. Even I was still kid but I knew everything.

And finally I had to live with my mom cause she can afford me to school and college. One week after, they're officially get divorce.

Since that, I couldn't know where is Appa right now.

They are many people told me that my dad died because he didn't have any money anymore for paying his debt.

When I heard that I was only 11 years old but I choose not to believe what those people say but when I asked my mom, she answered me same as those people say.

I tried to dig any information about my dad. Even he's gone I want to visit him at his grave.

My life was completely different when my mom decided to get married.

Till I met the most annoying guy's in this world...

Byun Baekhyun.