
Bloodline Power

"Woah, that feels weird."

The blood was being sucked into Vance's palm. It started slowly, but began happening faster until all the blood in the bucket had been absorbed. Once it was all gone, Vance began to feel some changes. He felt a natural understanding of the Draconic language and felt that at will he could grow an outer layer of scales, grow claws, or even breath out an elemental breath.

"Wait a fucking minute. You mean to tell me that dragons learn language through blood? That is pretty wild. As for scales and claws... pretty cool. Maybe I'll figure out some ways of materializing wings."

Vance sat there and tried to comprehend the different parts of this newfound bloodline power. He realized that it would take him a while to find out each individual part, and even longer to figure out all of them since he would absorb more.

"Well, I guess I'll play with some of the bloodline stuff while they're knocked out."

Saying this, Vance experimented with his new powers. He tested the durability of his scales. He checked the sharpness of his claws. He tested the power of his elemental breaths.

"So the scales can take a cut from most things it seems. Although the weapons I create for me and the girls can cut through it easily. The claws can scratch the scales, and can cut through a boulder like a hot knife through butter. And the elemental breaths, depending on the element, can easily destroy walls and boulders. Now that, is pretty fucking cool."

In all the time that Vance took testing out his newly absorbed bloodline, the dragon had silently woken up, and watched him test out his power. It realized that it had absolutely no chance against him, and that continuing to fight would only lead to its death. Noticing that the dragon had woken up, Vance turned to it and spoke.

"Yo. Looks like you woke up."

Hearing Vance speak, the dragon was shocked. Why? Because Vance was speaking in the Draconic language that few other creatures could speak or understand.

"You speak the racial tongue of us dragons. Who exactly are you?"

"Me? My name is Vance. I'm... well let's just say that I am a special existence. And you are?"

"Who I am? That is a question that has not been asked in many years. I am the only daughter of the king of dragons. My name is Ryoko."

"Wait... You're a girl?"
