
Mutants Vs Aliens

In the distant future, two millennia after a devastating alien invasion nearly wiped out humanity, Earth's surviving inhabitants find themselves on the brink of extinction. Desperate to ensure their survival, humans embark on a daring experiment, willingly subjecting themselves to genetic mutations that grant them abilities comparable to the formidable alien invaders. As the centuries pass, these mutations become hereditary, and a new generation of humans is born with extraordinary powers. These gifted individuals, now known as mutants, must navigate a world where the ongoing conflict with the aliens has become a way of life. In the midst of the ever-escalating war, alliances are forged, betrayals run deep, and the lines between good and evil blur. In the heart of this chaos, our protagonist emerges. Sky, an extraordinary mutant with a unique power capable of tilting the balance of the struggle. As they strive to understand their purpose and navigate the complexities of this new world, the fate of both humanity and the alien invaders hang in the balance. "Mutants Vs. Aliens" is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit, as mutants and aliens clash in an epic battle for control of a planet on the edge of oblivion. Will the mutants' powers be enough to save humanity from extinction, or will the alien invaders reign supreme and reshape Earth in their image? Only time will tell as the relentless conflict unfolds, revealing shocking truths and testing the limits of power and sacrifice.

AlexisKing · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Brown and Lily

Before humanity sought refuge in their underground and underwater havens, the world above was a living testament to their astonishing technological prowess. With advancements that surpassed even the wildest imaginations of the past, humans had harnessed the forces of science and ingenuity to create a marvel that defied belief.The once fantastical concept of teleportation had become a seamless reality, revolutionizing transportation and connectivity across vast distances. People moved effortlessly from one corner of the world to another, eradicating the boundaries of time and space. Hoverboards, a symbol of cutting-edge innovation, glided gracefully through bustling streets, a blend of art and engineering that inspired awe among onlookers. While the skies were adorned with flying cars, soaring with the grace of birds, weaving a tapestry of elegance across the horizon. Renewable energy, particularly solar power, had become the cornerstone of their technological achievements. Solar-powered machinery and infrastructure hummed with eco-friendly energy, offering a sustainable and responsible approach to progress.

Yet, the pinnacle of their achievements lay in their audacious endeavor to live underground and beneath the ocean depths. Conquering what was once deemed impossible, humans had created self-sufficient habitats where life flourished beneath the Earth's surface and thrived in the enigmatic depths of the oceans.

Their underground cities were a true marvel, a seamless fusion of ancient wisdom and futuristic brilliance. Here, humans embraced the challenge of existence below ground, surrounded by architectural wonders that whispered tales of their resilience and unwavering determination.

These subterranean havens were born from a prophetic vision of the future. Humans had predicted their own potential demise, fearing a worldwide disease or pandemic that could sweep across the globe and bring about their extinction. In preparation for this ominous eventuality, the underground and underwater cities were built as sanctuaries, where a chosen few would survive and carry on the legacy of humanity, preserving knowledge, culture, and hope. Little did they know that their greatest threat was far more insidious and formidable than a mere global pandemic. The alien invasion, shattering the tranquility of their world, would put their resilience and survival instincts to the ultimate test.

During the invasion, the governments of various countries implemented a desperate plan to save as many lives as possible. They hurriedly started using the teleportation device, designed to transport their people to the safety of underground sanctuaries. However, they faced a critical challenge: time. The looming threat of the alien invasion left no room for cautious development, and in their haste, they formulated a serum that they believed would unlock latent genetic potentials in humans, transforming them into mutants with extraordinary abilities.

The intent behind the serum was to grant these drafted individuals a fighting chance against the alien invaders. They hoped that, with time, the mutants would develop powers that could rival the advanced capabilities of their adversaries. The decision to administer the serum to those chosen for sanctuary was a necessary one, as it ensured that they could endure the rigors of the teleportation process and stand a chance in the face of the relentless invaders. However, the hastily developed serum proved to be a double-edged sword. While some individuals did indeed develop powers, others suffered grave consequences. The unrefined nature of the serum led to unforeseen side effects, and tragically, many lost their lives due to its unpredictable impact on their bodies.

Families were separated as their loved ones were drafted and sent through the teleportation devices, embarking on a journey with an uncertain outcome. For many, it was a sacrifice made with the hope of survival, clinging to the belief that the sanctuary beneath the earth would offer a chance for their species to persevere. The rush to execute the plan resulted in immense loss, as countless lives were claimed not only by the brutal invasion but also by the unintended consequences of the serum. Amidst the chaos and heartbreak, the mutants found themselves in a unique position. Their new abilities would require training and guidance to wield effectively, and they faced the challenge of understanding their powers in the midst of a crisis.


"Stop, thieves!" The urgent cry pierced the air as a determined police officer chased after two agile criminals through the bustling underground city. Deep within this subterranean haven, humans had meticulously preserved their rich cultural heritage, ensuring that life below mirrored the vibrancy and essence of the world above. Their advanced technology seamlessly recreated the ebb and flow of day and night, while artificial weather patterns gifted the city with natural beauty and diversity. The architectural marvels of this hidden sanctuary, adorned with shimmering crystals and sparkling diamonds lining the walls, were a testament to the ingenuity and elegance of human design.

As the criminals deftly maneuvered through the throngs of pedestrians, the police force seemed to multiply, each officer joining the relentless pursuit. The chase had drawn the curious gazes of onlookers, momentarily disrupting the otherwise peaceful rhythm of the city's residents. The two fugitives, driven by desperation and a thirst for freedom, were resolute in their attempt to elude the clutches of the law. A sudden twist of fate brought the criminals face-to-face with an impassable obstacle - a wall of uniformed officers, led by a confident policeman clutching his taser. This device, specifically designed to neutralize mutant powers, had been the nemesis of these agile individuals before. They had been subjected to its effects, enduring its incapacitating impact, all the while biding their time for the moment to strike back.

With a knowing glance and a shared smile, the fugitives acknowledged their clever ploy. By leading the police on a chase, they had successfully bided their time, allowing the taser's effects to dissipate. Unfazed by the taser's threat, they stood their ground, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The policemen, unaware of the fugitives' cunning strategy, continued their pursuit, firing tasers in a desperate attempt to apprehend them. Yet, to the bewilderment of the officers, the energy from the tasers seemed to pass through the criminals as if they were mere apparitions. Their powers, which had been intrinsic to their identities as mutants, allowed them to manipulate time and space at will. The policemen's attempts to capture them proved futile as the fugitives effortlessly slipped away, leaving no trace of their movements.

The baffled officers struggled to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before them. The criminals' mastery over their powers had granted them the unique ability to teleport to any location within their line of sight, a gift they had always possessed. As the policemen recalibrated their approach, the fugitives' evasive tactics left them one step ahead in the high-stakes game of pursuit and escape.

The two criminals found themselves in a dimly lit alley within the bustling underground city, their bodies weary and backs resting against the cool building wall. Removing their masks, they revealed identical faces, belonging to twins named Lily and Brown.

"Are we going to keep living like this?" Lily asked, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon, lost in contemplation. "We don't have much of a choice. It's either we fuck or get fucked" Brown replied.

"I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of stealing for XYZ," Lily confessed, shifting her gaze to her brother. Listen, Lily," Brown began, his voice tinged with a mix of sympathy and resolve, "I know it's tough, but we can't simply walk away. XYZ won't let us go that easily. And remember what happened to those who tried to leave before." They had witnessed firsthand the consequences of disobedience - lives torn apart, families shattered, and hope extinguished.

"But staying here feels like a never-ending nightmare," Lily whispered, her voice wavering with emotion. "We don't have much of a choice, the world didn't give us much remember, so we have to take all the help we can gather even if it means dropping our conscience" He replied coldly.

Lily nodded, her heart torn between longing for freedom and the fear of the unknown. They had been raised by XYZ, shaped into formidable thieves and given purpose in a world turned upside down by the alien invasion. Yet, with every artifact they stole and every life they disrupted, the weight of their actions grew.

"We need to leave now" Brown said. He brought out a teleportation device from his pocket and activated it. A portal open before them.

"Are you coming or what" He asked Lily who snapped out of her daze.

"Let's go" she said and they both went in the portal and appeared in XYZ organization.

Hi, how's the novel doing so far.

AlexisKingcreators' thoughts